TrekMovie has previously reported that the animated Fox comedy Family Guy has an upcoming episode (“Not All Dogs Go to Heaven") with the stars of The Next Generation playing themselves, and today more info on this episode has been released, see below for details.
TNG goes to Quahog
THR’s The Feed has the official FOX description for the TNG reunion on Family Guy.
In the episode titled “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven,” the "Next Gen" crew (Patrick Stewart, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Michael Dorn, Wil Wheaton, Denise Crosby, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner and Jonathan Frakes) will provide guest voices as the Griffin family heads to the annual Quahog “Trek” convention.
"Stewie blows a fuse when he doesn’t get a chance to ask his favorite ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ cast members any questions," reads the logline. "He devises a plan, builds a transporter and beams the entire cast to his bedroom so they can spend a fun-filled day together in Quahog."
In his recent interview with TrekMovie, Wil Wheaton talked about doing the voice work for this episode: Speaking of Trek reunions, I understand last year that you along with the entire TNG cast did voice work for an upcoming episode of Family Guy. What was that like and did you do your work solo or with any of your TNG co-stars?
Wil Wheaton: I didn’t work with anyone except [Family Guy exec producer] Seth MacFarlane, which was still awesome. I got to see the entire script and it is really funny. I am sort of poking fun at myself, the way the role is written. But working on the Star Trek episode of Family Guy, started a relationship with Seth and since then he has asked me to Cavalcade and another episode of Family Guy
Family Guy’s “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven” airs Sunday March 29th on FOX.
Trek a FG tradition
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane is a huge Trek fan, and even appeared (as Ens. Rivers) in a couple of episodes of Star Trek Enterprise. Family Guy is rife with pop culture references, with quite a few Trek ones. A while back Rick Kelvington put together a compilation of Trek references for us, check it out:
In fact last summer MacFarlane stated he wanted to do a Family Guy version of The Wrath of Khan (like he did with the original Star Wars). TrekMovie even gave him a hand by recommending how he should cast it.
TrekMovie will have more about Family Guy’s “Not All Dogs Go to Heaven” as the air date approaches.
Must see!!!
Thanks Seth, for all the parenting tips!
Victory will be mine!!!
Resistance is Futile!!!
Another one who will make trek cool again in the public’s eye!
Funny :)
Thanks for the montage. YouTube has pretty much nixed all of this…
As unoriginal as Family Guy can be, I have to hand it to them for making SO many Star Trek references!
Sulu: “Hellooooooooooooo”
hey. Ill be watching that Ep. Looks fantastic. Not the snd of for Tng like I would like it but hey. it is the Tng cast. Kool. Long live the Quahog Empire!
I honestly think sometimes Family Guy does a better job of making Star Trek look cool to the masses than this new movie will. Seriously, a ton of people love Family Guy, and they watch it, and there’s something Star Trek on. And even better is all the hidden Star Trek stuff, like on the Stewie Kills Lois episode, the end of part 1 made me laugh till I cried, but nobody else got it cause they werent Trekkies. I’ll be watching this for sure, and hopefully laughing till I cry again.
Love Family Guy! Can’t wait for the TNG reunion episode. And thanks for the montage of Trek momenst from the show. Hilarious.
Thanks Anthony – laughed until the tears smeared my mascara (Picard’s fantasies about Troi were INSANE!!).
What about a TOS episode. Not just references. A whole show.
I would jump on a Family Guy version of Star Trek in an instant!
…Gee, maybe Stewie can have a transporter accident and merge @wilw with the Old Pervert’s bed.
Unoriginal? Please….
#14 – The Futurama TOS episode would be hard to beat.
#17 – C’mon, FG is pretty funny (although not as funny as it used to be) but it is hardly original.
Hey — geeks are geeks. We’re gonna watch this and we’re gonna love this… unless they get Stuart Baird to guest direct it.
That tribute to Rupert actually brought a tear to my eye.
The original scene in STII was probably one of the most moving funeral scenes ever filmed, bar none.
HAHAHA! So true…
This new episode has the same plot as the Futurama episode only with Next Generation characters instead.
Just keep Baired and Berman away and the show will be fantastic.But if they do a Tos then have J.J and Orci and Alex in the show to with the orignal Kirk and Spock and Sulu and uhurah and Checkov and have them along with Stuie get into with it for not having them in the New Movie. Would be fun to Watch.
@21: Truer words…
Is this show still on?
“oh yeah… that’s the good stuff….”
Stewie singing Rocket Man cracks me up every time, love it!
and of course:
“you can all suck my ridges!”
you gotta love Family Guy.
Forgive me if this has been covered anywhere here before but did anyone notice the Starfleet shield logo in the Genesis planet clouds? Nice placement Seth!
Then again, it could just be like an ink blot test for trekkies. ;-()
It’s not a real thread until Enterprise has chimed in with derision for whatever subject is at hand.
‘Wait, that’s not lemonade!’
Stewie also said this in the S3 Christmas episode, where he plays in a nativity scene:
“Good evening. I am playing the role of Jesus, a man once portrayed on the big screen by Jeffrey Hunter. You may remember him as the actor who was replaced by William Shatner on Star Trek. Apparently Mr. Hunter was good enough to die for our sins, but not quite up to the task of seducing green women.”
11: Yes! “Stewie Kills Lois!”
Ron Jones scored BOBW 1, and they gave him the chance to emulate it at the end of the ep. Full TNG treatment “TO BE CONTINUED” with the end credits in TNG font. Priceless.
Oh, and Ricardo Montalban as a cow in a slaughterhouse…”including my beloved wife…”
So they’ve stopped stealing plot lines from South Park and Simpson’s and have moved up to Futurama?
Quagmire to Kirk on the Bridge: “Dude…You gotta introduce me to the black chick…”
I like how Quahog gets an annual convention but Chicago and the Midwest dont. lol. Now I know where to go. Favorite show meets favorite show…I love it!
Giggity Giggity
35 – HA!
Not that I’m defending Family Guy, but as South Park aptly pointed out, The Simpsons has done EVERYTHING.
The bits with Sulu made me laugh the most
I understand that respected news anchorperson Kent Brockman once reported that Family Guy was called “distasteful” and “puerile” by a panel of hillbillies.
And now The Simpsons does Family Guy-type things.
Sorry for the double post, but Family Guy is far more like The Critic than The Simpsons.
So now Klingons have ridges like Ruffles
I like that – the Quahog Empire. Quahog Bird of Prey Followed by The Quahog Empire Strikes Back!
30 So true, so true.
Kind of amusing….but…..
References aren’t jokes.
How many TV shows/movies have been built on the “geek culture reference = joke”-premise? Lesse….Free Enterprise, every Kevin Smith movie, Fanboys, Venture Bros., Spaced, Family Guy…that’s all I can think of off the top of my head (there’s no doubt lots more), but it’s more than enough isn’t it?
This type of thing has run its course, hasn’t it?
“This type of thing has run its course, hasn’t it?”
nephron: As soon as I get off the floor from laughing my a** off, I’ll let you know.
I’m glad somebody gets a kick out of it.