On Monday Burger King begins their promotion for the new Star Trek movie, which includes 4 great new collectible glasses, 16 cool toys and more. TrekMovie was given an exclusive sneak peek at the promotional items and we have all the delicious details below with images and video of the toys and glasses. We also have an exclusive image from the first Burger King commercial.
Star Trek is King
Burger King has a multi-faceted campaign to promote the new Star Trek movie and TrekMovie breaks it all down in our exclusive preview.
The Glasses
It is a surprise, really. But arguably one of the best Star Trek collectibles based on the new feature film, and perhaps one of the more intriguing Trek items of all time, could just be the Burger King collector’s glasses that are available starting May 4th at local restaurants. It has been about 25 years since a fast food restaurant produced Star Trek glasses. The wait was worth it. Burger King has four Star Trek collectible glasses, one available for purchase each week. Each glass comes in a ultra cool box that features a ship and a checklist on the back. The glasses are Kirk/Enterprise, Uhura/Enterprise, Nero/Narada, and Spock/Original Spock with Jellfish Ship. These are probably the best restaurant glass premiums since the 1977 Star Wars glasses and certainly the best Star Trek glasses ever made. Next to each of the characters is a clear delta insignia that allows for you to see the image on the back of the glass framed and almost as if third dimensional. All around the glass are frosted etchings of the ships and the Star Trek logo. The glasses are real glass and classy, looking great as a display and certainly worth getting more than one for use and safe keeping.
Front and back of new Burger King glasses
Burger King tends to get the license for more adult oriented feature films, such as Superman Returns and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. What that often means is that there are promotional items for both younger and older fans. This is certainly true of the BK Star Trek line as these glasses are detailed and designed so nicely that they are a great everyday use item for adults. A side note is that it is nice that Uhura is being recognized and included in many of the lines, including Burger King’s collector glasses.
Kirk glass (front, back & box)
Nero glass (front, back & box)
Spock glass (front, back & box)
Uhura glass (front, back & box)
Burger King glasses box side and top and glass detail
The Toys
Each week, available with a BK Kid’s Meal, is a Star Trek toy. There are going to be four toys offered each week for four weeks (although sometimes restaurants with more costumers tend to go through their premium items faster).
8 of the 16 toys are “super deformed” versions of the characters, a very popular style that is reminiscent of the 2005 Star Wars BK toys. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Original Spock, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov, and Sulu are included. However, the Trek toys are better because the likenesses are very good despite being stylized and each includes voice effects.
Kirk, Spock, Spock Prime, McCoy
There are also 8 toys. Two of the toys are Trektech with sound or voice effects, the communicator and the tricorder. Six of the toys are vehicles, the USS Kelvin, Spock’s Ship (Jellyfish), the Warbird, the Hoover Bike, the Shuttle, and of course, the USS Enterprise. Each features either sound effects or voices from the feature film (see video below). The vehicles and the tricorder include stickers to decorate the toy and all of the toys have a booklet with a toy checklist included. Besides being very fun (our six year old Nicky, despite being sick with the flu, was begging to play with these all day!) one of the great features is that Burger King has selected very appropriate lines or sound effects from the film to include. These are the lines that the characters have always been known for and it is great that these iconic phrases are included in both the BK line and the feature film.
Each toy and figure comes in a bag, and each contains a small booklet covering the full toy line.
Here is a video showing off the sound effects for the toys
The Meal
While fans could order any Kids Meal to get the toys, there is a special meal designed for Star Trek. The star and bolt meal includes futuristic shaped chicken tenders, apple fries or other side, a drink, and a Star Trek toy. Last year, Indiana Jones got a sandwich named after him, so it is neat that Star Trek is getting the same treatment.
Burger King Kids meal
The Adventures Magazine
Inside most Burger King stores near are free Star Trek Adventures Magazines that include games and puzzles to challenge fans young and older. Be sure to get your early in the promotion as these tend to be there usually during the first week.
The Decorations
Burger King stores will feature Star Trek window cling on (Klingon?) decorations and banners, as well as Trekified bags and other food containers to provide a total Trek experience. This is a smart promotional idea because even if people aren’t there for Star Trek, it will be difficult not to notice that there is a new Star Trek feature film in theaters.
The Website and the Commercials
Beginning Monday, Burger King’s Club BK website will feature Star Trek content and games. The toys all feature secret codes located near a delta insignia which could be utilized on the website for more online fun. Also Monday is the BK commercial featuring scenes filmed on the real USS Enterprise set.
TrekMovie was given an early preview of one of the Burger King commercials.
More to come
TrekMovie will have more Star Trek BK fun coming up, including giving away a full set of glasses and full set of toys.
haha love the burger king klingons!
Burger Klingons are not canon.
New klingon ship design anyone?
These kinds of promos are always fun. Though I can’t imagine trying to collect all 16 toys without actually working at a BK. That’s why I’ll probably focus on the crew and 2 sets of the collector glasses – one to keep, one to use.
LOVE the Klingon Burger King! LOVE HIM!
I’ve got them all! Our Burger King in Wuppertal sells them directly without waiting four weeks xD
ok, I was goofin’ there. Those glasses will be a nice addition to my other sets. Very nice indeed! Thanks BK for thinking of those who don’t want toys!
Those toys are cute.
Do you get them whenf you order a chicken sandwich and coffee? Or just with the Kids’ Meal?
Very Nice!
So one glass a week?
Bummer wanted to buy all four at once
haha… great toys. Figures there’s no Narada kids toy.
Nice! I’ll definitely be getting the glasses. Don’t know about the toys, though. Will we be able to get them separate of the actual meal? Also, is there no info on how much the glasses and toys will cost?
Good write up John! thanks.
Is there any news regarding Verizon’s “Massive TV and Print Ad Campaign” regarding the new film? I’ve seen banner ads left and right, just wondering about the other thing.
5 – how much did the glasses cost?
Not a fan of toys, but the glasses look amazing! And I’m usually the one who smacks people for saying it:
But anyone else notice the color of the nacelle tips?
Burger Klingons?
Burger Klingons are funny. Too bad the Klingons in this movie ended up on the cutting room floor. What’s with this “Warbird” toy? Is there a Romulan/Kingon D-7 in the movie I wonder? Or again, on the cutting room florr?
I noticed the nacelles too. I’m pretty sure they changed them to blue for the new movie, but whatever, I’ll still probably get the glasses anyway.
14 – I also noticed the nacelle’s.
Well I’m on my way to BK to see if they are indeed selling early – Wish me luck!
Bussards seem to keep going back and forth between red and blue…maybe they change back and forth in the movie?
Ohmigod, the chibi-Spock is DOING THE VULCAN SALUTE.
Scottys hair colour is wrong, its black in the traliers,, but its red on the toy
i’m lovin’ it … oh sorry!
It’s Burger King, man! C’mon! You can’t have it your way.
Ok. That Enterprise is just not! CANON!!!!!!. Ok!. Lol. kiool stuff and im looking forward to the BK Commerical. Should be fun. Yes ill eat at a BK. Should be good as well. But the toys are not canon.Ha Ha.
Hey. The Kirk they have on the toy looks like Kirk Prime or Shat Kirk. But that could be just me.
The Scotty toy is absolutely hilarious, and the likeness to Simon Pegg is definitely the best of the bunch.
This makes me wish I could stomach even the smell of fast food. Alas, never gonna happen.
Maybe I’ll beg my parents or friends to go in for me XD
When it comes to lunch, I tend to go with Wendy’s or White Castle…but now, BK is back! Can’t wait to get the glasses…I wonder if they’ll do that typical merchandise ploy of making one of the heads extremely difficult to get. The hunt begins!
26 It is not just you. I also think that it is a Shatner – Kirk :-) Finaly, we got a figure, that looks like The Shat. LOL
Anybody notice that the Pennant on the Kelvin toy is the original TOS version?
The Scotty & Dr McCoy bobbleheads are fantastic.
Qa’Pla! Flame broiled burgers with honor!
The Klingon is KING!!!
@ 8: I award you 100 quatloos for the “Trouble With Troubles” reference! :)
Does one get to choose between fries, onion rings and gagh with these meals?
5 more days.hehehehehhehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheh
#8: Hopefully tribbles haven’t infested Burger King’s “food processors” yet.
I like the glasses, but don’t want to eat BK food. I wonder if you can purchase them without a meal…
John Tenuto, what is that HIDEOUS clicking sound in all your videos?
Its the sound of nitpicking Star Trek fans.
anybody know which glasses are which week? i really only want the Spock one….
I always suspected the burger king of being a klingon.
The BK near me here in Tucson is selling the toys without you having to buy the meal. They had the first 4 in stock, which cost me just a buck each. Not bad! The hard part is going to be having a BK part with their promotional items (posters, etc).
Gotta get ’em all.
and yeah how much are the glasses?
How much are the glasses going to cost BTW?
In the Playmates Enterprise toy update, a few people posted comments stating and lamenting (myself included) that the bussards were blue in the film. However, on these BK glasses they appear red.
So, which is it?
I suspect many BK employees not “in the know” are going to be mighty confused (or amused) when a bunch of adults suddenly start ordering kids meals. Especially the bolts and stars one lol.
Those glasses are awesome!
Yeah, hopefully you can just buy the toys without getting a meal. I know I’ll ask next time I’m in BK. Also might pick up those glasses, too.
Hey I just got all the glasses – Charleston, SC – BK. I was very surprised. All four were available for $6 for the whole pack. They said they were on sale ?! I DID have to get a value meal – but I can eat a whopper meal anytime.
I shall now proudly display them in my office cube.