After the success of the "Star Trek Countdown" comic, IDW is planning a follow-up with more Spock backstory leading up to the Star Trek movie with "Spock Reflections" coming in July. Today they have released more details and provided us with more exclusive preview art. Plus we previews of the June Star Trek comics, including an exclusive preview of a page from the Wrath of Khan adaptation.
(from IDW release)
Following the smash hit, Star Trek: Countdown, currently third on The New York Times Best Seller List, IDW is proud to announce its latest must-read Trek series, Spock: Reflections. The series sheds light on Spock’s life leading up to the new feature film, and offers key insights on this iconic character, as well as a startling revelation.
“The new movie offers so much new material for Star Trek fans that we knew we had to do more than just Countdown to help create as complete an experience as possible,” said Scott Dunbier, IDW’s Star Trek editor. “This series offers a candid and occasionally poignant look at Spock.”
In Spock: Reflections, writers Scott Tipton and David Tipton delve into the choices that led Spock to live on Romulus, where Countdown begins. Artist David Messina beautifully illustrates the flashbacks that shed light on Spock’s path. The four-issue miniseries will be available monthly, beginning in July.
“With a character as complex and well-known as Mr. Spock, there are the famous dramatic moments everyone remembers, and there’s still so much that lies undiscovered,” said Scott Tipton, the series’ co-writer. “In Reflections, we’re getting the opportunity here to take a look at some of the key moments between the famous moments, and really see what makes Spock’s character so – dare I say it – fascinating.”
"Spock Reflections" comes out in July. IDW has sent us exclusive previews of the dealer incentive cover for Issue 1 and also page 9 (w/o dialog).
A number of Star Trek comics are coming our way in the month of June
June 3 – Star Trek: Crew #4
(written & art by John Byrne)
IDW blurb:
It’s a war that has raged for decades… but who are the combatants, and what is their unexpected connection to the Earth of centuries past? The crew of the U.S.S. Hood will have only hours to find out, or die trying!
Crew #4 regular and dealer incentive covers (click to enlarge)
June 10 – Star Trek II Wrath of Khan adaptation #1 (& #2, June 17th)
(written by Andy Schmidt with art by Chee Yang Ong)
IDW blurb:
Somebody goofed up 25 years ago, and IDW is going to make it right! The one Star Trek movie that never got a proper comic book adaptation is the best one! Kirk, Spock and crew will battle it out with Khan for the last time!
ST:II adaptation comic covers for Issues 1 & 2 (click to enlarge)
IDW has also provided us with an exclusive look at page 12 from Issue 1 of TWOK
Issue 2 comes out a week later on June 17th.
June 24 – Mission’s End #4
(written by Ty Templeton with art by Steve Molnar)
IDW blurb:
With McCoy missing, Kirk unconscious, and the Enterprise badly damaged, Spock and Scotty must protect the Archernarian ‘Heart of God’-the most powerful weapon in the universe-from being stolen by Orion Pirates all while civil war rages inside Archernar-IV
Mission’s End #4 cover (click to enlarge)
Pre-order upcoming Star Trek comics at TFAW
Crew |
Mission’s |
Spock |
$3.19 |
$3.19 |
$3.19 |
$3.19 |
$3.19 |
Look out soon for our review of the final Star Trek comic for May, "Alien Spotlight: Romulans", which is in comic stores right now.
Cool comics.
I got over Comics at the age of 13, but it looks as if I may have to buy these and check them out.
Cool, I can’t wait for a comic that tells about Spock’s actual past, or should I say Spock Prime’s past.
The page 9 link is messed up. It goes to the trekmovie “page does not exist” page…
Some of these look… fascinating!
Any word on the byline for Spock: Reflections? Is it “story by K/O” again? Will it include the WIRED storyline?
Anyone know if there will be a comic adaptation of ST09?
Anyone think the look on Sulu’s face is a bit, ah…peculiar…on the “Mission’s End” cover?
idw is getting really good at capturing Shatner’s likeness as Kirk. I’ve heard (read) that it is….for some reason one of the hardness likeness to duplicate in art and action figure sculpts. Theyre really are looking pretty good though….at least on the covers.
good job guys.
I think they mean “the one TOS movie that was never adapted.” Insurrection and Nemesis were never adapted either, not that I think anyone’s clamoring for them.
Sulu looks like he likes the Orion a little too much.
#9 – Rock beats scissors….(knife)
Sulu’s face looks like it did when he was trying to get the knife away from Joe Tormolen
The page 9 enlargement link for the Spock comic is broken!
LoL!! Sulu on that last cover makes me laugh histerically!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!
#6: Sulu looks like he was modeled after Takei in the “Naked Time” scene where he’s trying to stop crewman Joe from stabbing himself with a table knife.
The Sulu illustration struck me as pretty accurate as I scrolled past. But Khan looks like a little girl smiling for the camera, not a eugenics-bred former prince and ruler of 1/3 of old Earth, bent on deadly revenge.
Out of all the star trek comics I read from DC IDW by far is the best when it comes to star trek comics. Art is top notch, Kirk and crew look like their TV counterparts. Story arch are well defined and interesting. I truly enjoyed reading “Mirror Images”. I am eagerly waiting for Spock’s reflections.
i HAVE TO SAY, i think the artist picked the wrong moment to screengrab from to draw khan. His expression is like some kind of cheesy grin.
Er, in the first TWoK cover, why does Kirk look like UK Leader of the Opposition David Cameron?
Saurians look wiggy.
Why would anyone want or need a comic that does nothing more than redraw TWOK? This isn’t the pre-video era; you can drop the actual movie into a player anytime you want. I don’t get that at all.
Also, as regards Spock Reflections, I am going to pass. I got “Countdown” for context, and I’m glad I did, even it if is being dismissed by Orci & Co. (and me!) as “non-canon”. But this non-movie tie in does not interest me in the slightest – and I wonder how well it will do in the marketplace.
You guys forgot to mention the just announced Star Trek: Nero mini-series….
Sulu looks like he’s having a bit too much fun on that cover! lol
I love the idea of TWOK addaption but what about Insurrection, Nemisis & the new STAR TREK 11?
Anybody notice the Enterprise on the TWOK cover doesn’t look like the Prime Timeline refit…it looks like its the Parallel Timeline Refit
Both Spock and Sulu’s faces are based on images from the series. I think Spock is from “Operation: Annihilate!” or “Is There In Truth No Beauty,” although it could be “Devil in the Dark.”
There are so many Sulu shots that are now funny in retrospect. Here’s one of a series that has a little fun with that idea. But none are funnier than the joke George makes of himself nowadays.
Wait, that’s not Khan Noonien Singh… that’s… Joe Biden!! I’d recognize the fake hair and toothy whitecapped grin anywhere!
And don’t forget STAR TREK: NERO coming this August!
“…… 21. Randy H. – May 27, 2009
… Also, as regards Spock Reflections, I am going to pass. I got “Countdown” for context, and I’m glad I did, even it if is being dismissed by Orci & Co. (and me!) as “non-canon”. But this non-movie tie in does not interest me in the slightest – and I wonder how well it will do in the marketplace…
Wait a second, I thought those guys said that comic series WAS canon!? I am confused now.
I would love to see COUNTDOWN done as a cartoon. If those two feel it is not cannon, erhaps they could polish it up to make it so.
Make it so! Ha! Just caught myself on that one :)
Correction… I thought they said that COUNTDOWN was canon.
They did say it was canon earlier, now they are backtracking. I wonder why? And I agree about it being made as a direct-to-DVD animated movie, released when the movie is.
#31 Actually, they hoped that it would be considered as canon… but Orci’s been clear that he’s willing to accept the old canard that if it’s filmed and aired or on the screen, those are the only things that are canon.
He’s often said here that he leaves it up to “us” to decide…. Of course, there are some minor discrepancies as have been pointed out… but that’s standard fare for Star Trek.
Of course, if they didn’t want it to count, then why did they fix the forty/twenty years on Romulus between the single issue and the compilation? That’s what I’d love to ask him! Where’s Señor Orci when we need him? :)
I’m guessing then that they want to time the ST09 release with the DVD/Blu-Ray/iTunes, or do it one year on…
The likeness of Khan on the second cover is modeled on the expression on Ricardo Montalban’s face at about the moment before he says “So much the better”, as they spot the Enterprise heading for the Mutara Nebula, though it does look like they added some extra shading. In the movie it comes off as a look of preadatory anticipation.
As to “Countdown” being canon: Orci is right that if it isn’t on screen it ain’t canon. The only exception may be names of characters that appear in scripts but not in dialogue. That is the approach Memory Alpha takes, and it seems the best “bright line” for me as well. (Heaven forbid that comics become canon; there are simply too many horrible ones.)
That doesn’t mean that some of what is in “Countdown” is *wrong* in the Trek universe, or that the explanations aren’t in some cases reasonable and logical, just that it is not established as canon in any of the Trek universes.
Oh, and Sulu’s expression IS based on “Naked Time”, but I think Spock’s expression is actually the more hilarious of the two. It’s obviously based on a scene from “Is There In Truth No Beauty”, on the bridge after he’s seen Kollos and gone insane. It happens while Kirk is trying to assure him that everything’s alright, Spock gasps and whips his head back with just that expression on his face. A strange choice for a fight scene on a comic book.
I’m still waiting for a comic adaptation of the new film. Does anyone Know if one is in the works?
I have thoroughly enjoyed each of the IDW comics that I have read, especially the Alien Spotlight series, some of which don’t involve the Star Trek cast directly and are stories that flesh out the universe. For me personally, they are canon.
I also enjoy the novels alot and feel that there are some very compelling stories there often just as good if not better than some of the filmed material.
I am reading “Burning Dreams” right now, the story of Chris Pike and find it truly exceptional – there is no reason I can think of not to accept it as canon as it is mostly outside of, and adds background to stories told on visual media.
The last Klingons spotlight features Kang through the years and is an interesting character study.
Looking forward to all that come next . . .
Reflections sounds fun.
Khan art looks all wrong. When there’s already a live action feature to watch, why use a naturalistic/3d shaded artist? This is the occasion to use stylization and add some point of view.
#29—“Wait a second, I thought those guys said that comic series WAS canon!? I am confused now.”
They said from the beginning that comic books have never been canon, and they didn’t feel it was their place to break with the “onscreen” rule. And in the “Q & A” session last week, they officially confirmed that it isn’t.
It was fun, but it was still just a comic book—-no more canon than a fictional tech manual or novel. If it isn’t onscreen, it’s “fanon”.
#26 Sulu is from “The Naked Time” with Joe and Riley replaced by Spock and the Green Goblin. The knife still remains, although it’s a little sharper than the butter knife poor old Joe ended his life with.
In the bottom frame of:
…why is Darth Spock talking to that Mon Calamari?