Today TrekMovie extends our love beyond the world of Trek to that other sci-fi ‘Star’, Star Wars. May 4th is celebrated by many Star Wars fans as ‘Star Wars Day’. The Star Trek and Star Wars franchises are often compared and often intertwined. So today we share a video of one of those connections to celebrate…May the Fourth Be With You.
Bill can do Star Wars, so can we
Who better than The Shat himself to help us Trekkies celebrate Star Wars Day. Here is William Shatner saluting George Lucas at his AFI tribute in 2005. May the Fourth be with you from TrekMovie.
For more on how the worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars interconnect visit:
The Star Wars entry at Memory Alpha (the Star Trek Wiki)
The Star Trek entry at Wookipedia (the Star Wars Wiki)
R2D2 in 2009 Star Trek – just the latest connection
POLL: Are you a Star Wars fan too?
Do you go both ways?
I’ve seen that video before, good stuff. I love it when Shatner tells ‘George’ he can call him ‘Mr. Shatner.’ The picture of Leia and Kirk is pretty ineffable, too.
Nice video. I can’t wait for Harrison Ford to dance and sing with Klingons on Sept. 8…
To all Star Wars (and Star Trek) fans: Live Long And May The Force Prosper And Be With You.
When is it going to be “Leia’s Metal Bikini Day”?
Can’t wait to see Bill perform at that one!
i bet JJ and boborci and the team are celebrating Star Wars day flamboyantly.
It’s also Maynard Ferguson’s birthday. He would have been 82 today.
May the fourth be with you and Happy Birthday Maynard.
I love the “oh god, what’s going on?” looks on all their faces when Shatner is introduced.
One of my favorite mashups…
Maynard’s dead? I… I didn’t know.
Two great franchises! I salute you both.
(though it has always been and always will be Trek for me ;-)
Never liked Star wars but happy star wars day to those that do. Thats the spirit of Star Trek.
I gotta admit, that Shatner bit at the AFI tribute…..nicely done!
and he’s 74 at that time!
I’m a Trekkie and I have been fighting with the Star Wars kids since High School about which is better. I am not about to wish Star Wars a happy birthday. Sorry.
I love Shatner’s opening video. Love it. I hope that slight hidden Star Wars slam was intentional. I’d like to think it is, but its probably just Shatner being Shatner.
I also love the wtf look on everyone’s faces when Mr. Staner comes in and says Star Trek changed everything.
Fan of both Trek and Wars..
And that video was awesome, really.
14, apparently, some things never change: in my college English class the other day, we were putting on presentations arguing for a position and one guy’s topic was ”Why Star Wars is Better than Star Trek’.’ Seriously, I was trying so hard to bite my tongue and still only barely made it through without turning the class into a full-blown debate. (Partially because his arguments made me want to scream… we really needed to have had a debate set up! Trek deserved a turn to make its case, too.)
LOL, so it was kind of hilarious. But even if my alliance has changed over the years, I’ve been a Star Wars fan for my entire life and would like to wish all SW fans a happy 4th. :)
May you live long & prosper with the force
Happy SW day! I have never seen the movies because when i was younger I thought Star Wars was lame, yet I thought Star Trek was the best thing since Cheerios.
But now that I am older and can enjoy the Trek better, I think I can also enjoy Star Wars better too. Which is why tonight I’m going to find the movie somewhere online and watch it.
So here’s to Star Wars! May the Force be with you all and live long and prosper!
Oh…and Mr. Shatner. He make me die of laughs every day.
Seems like we should have made april 5th star trek day.
I’m surprised Star Wars movies aren’t on cable all day today. Was hoping to catch one. Today should be a holiday. At SKULLebrities it is. Our Vader SKULLebrities T-Shirt is 25% OFF. Today Only! Just enter Promo Code MAYthe4thBwithU at checkout. May the 4th Be With You!
When do we get Battlestar Galactica day?
I’m both star wars and star trek but I grew up with trek and star wars but star trek got me interest but for star wars
DARTH VADER and the falcon
live long and may the force be with you and prosper
Live Long and Prosper and May the Force Be With You
Don’t forget the Millennium Falcon made her appearance on Star Trek: First Contact during the Borg Battle. Thanks!
Happy “Star Wars” day!
There definitely needs to be a “Star Trek” day. There is enough room in the universe for both to co-exist, you know!
Love that Shatner performance. And love how much Harrison Ford is loving it too.
To #18 – Areli – Make sure you watch the original trilogy first so you can see how Star Wars should be. Then watch the prequels so you can see how Lucas dropped the ball. I’m actually excited for you because the original trilogy is truly amazing and I can still remember the first time I saw them when I was a kid in the 80’s. At least you wont have the agonizing wait that we had for the prequels, only to be let down in the end. At least the prequels get progressively better but never truly become great. The Empire Strikes Back is one of the best movies ever made, I put up there with TWOK. I wish I could see them again for the first time :) Have fun!
To #25 – Don’t forget to go to 47:39 (I think) in Star Trek ’09 and you will see R2D2 flying across the view screen. I can almost hear his trademark scream that he gives whenever he gets launched somewhere :) I suppose it might be the same model that ILM used for the prequels, considering they did the effects. I wonder if the First Contact Millennium Falcon is the model used in the Special Editions?
@18: Oooh, a new initiate! :D Have fun!
@28: I don’t know, I have a soft spot in my heart for Episode III, mostly thanks to my favourite eeeeevil overlord Ian McDiarmid chewing the scenery like nobody’s business!
This is not Star Wars day. May 25th is Star Wars day.
@31: Nope, it’s May the 4th. Incredibly lame puns always prevail.
@31: Huh. I thought that the 25th was Towel Day… ?
Amazing to think that 33 years ago, I bought a ticket to a movie to which I assumed was going to be a sort of “planet of the apes movie”. I had seen the trailer and all i could remember was Chewbacca.
The movie turned my life completely upside down, I went on to see the film 30 times, (more than any movie i had seen or have seen since)
Even though I was 14 years old, When watching the movie, It appeared that the entire film was actually shot in space and on other real planets. Not once did I get the feeling that the movie was shot in a studio or on location in africa.
This is the mythos that has baffled george lucas all these years, He claims that he has no idea what made his film so popular.
I went on to buy comic books, T-Shirts, The soundtrack album, The storybook album, Bubblegum cards, posters, I couldnt get enough, Finally when I couldnt take it anymore and brought a cassette recorder to the movie and recorded the sound. I then memorized the film. as well as making drawings and sketches of the spaceships and Darth Vader.
I have to admit that Star Trek:The motion picture wasn’t anywhere close to that star wars magic. But I am ultimately comparing apples to oranges,
Happy 33rd birthday Star Wars! May the force be with us all!!
We will unite Star Wars with Star Trek!
I’m a fan of both franchises and I wish to say may both of them live long and prosper and be the one with the force.
Sorry, but Lucas himself confirmed that SW is _not_ sci-fi. It is fantasy like LOTR or Harry Potter.
I love that Video of Shatner singing.
The original Star Wars films are among the greatest ever made. On the other hand the prequels are among the worst major films ever created.
It’s a cliche, but what was Lucas thinking with those prequels?
@31–I certainly prefer May 25 since that was the day I saw the original SW at the tender age of 17 about to graduate from high school. Like others, I went on to see the film over 40 times (in 3 different states and several different cities!) and more than 50 times since its home video releases.
I was part of a Star Trek fan club in Indiana and we often went as a group to see SW since there were no new Treks taking place at the time. We even attended one of the Trek cons in NYC and went down to a local theater dressed in various ST and SW costumes. Good times indeed and there was peace in the galaxy! I remember seeing at the con many SW items and even a holographic demonstration directly related to the “Help me, Obi-Wan” recording and the holographic “chess” game.
As a TOS fan first SW will always have second place in my list of what I would rather watch list but I also appreciate the fact that if SW had not been the success it became we might not have gotten ST:TMP and subsequent films and tv series or had Paramount decided to revive Trek later as part of the “nostalgia” films we might have ended up with one of those irreverent flops Hollywood calls “re-imaging” (and only BSG seems to have successfully done this with Trek09 closely behind).
So, thanks Mr. Lucas for helping preserve ST and allowing us to enjoy almost 45 years of the best franchise!
Star Wars is great childrens fairy tale, Star Trek is great young adult science fiction, both are terrific tales of adventure.
I’m more Trek than Wars, but I love them both dearly.
@33 EVERYDAY is towel day. Forget this at your peril.
That video was awsome!!! Only the shat could be so awkward and get away with it!!
#30 – Ian McDiarmid is definitely one of the highlights of the prequels. He was good even if the movies were not.
I love the original 3 Star Wars movies. The “prequels” did absolutely nothing for me.
How can anybody forget these videos?
Never understood why some people behave like loving one franchise necessitates hating the other. Isn’t there room to love BOTH? They shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. :)
I love ’em both… however I’ll always be a Trekkie first. :D (Even though I own a full suit of Stormtrooper armor…LOL)
I’m still surprised that you made it out of Vulcan alive! :-)
But if you end up going to a “Star Wars” convention or parade as a Star Trek character, don’t count on cheating fate a second(third? fourth?) time! LOL!