A month ago TrekMovie.com reported that CBS issued a licence to a funeral products company to help send Trekkies into the afterlife. Today at the Funeral Directors Expo in Vegas (complete with costumed characters from Star Trek The Experience) Eternal Images revealed these new products. They have an approved prototype of the urn and a sketch of the casket. See below for higher res image.
Star Trek urn (available late 2007)…click to enlarge
Star Trek casket (available in 2008)
[design subject to approval]
More info at Eternal Images Star Trek Page
Scotty, Burn me up!
this is quite elegant for a sci fi themed funeral urn. I wouldn’t mind my ashes being in one. What would I care what others thought?
So what do they do, seal your ashes in the giant ball bearing?
Boldly die a geek
Why does it say Spock on the urn?
Or does it just mean “Your name here”?
eeee, creepy.
I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandad.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers…
That’s pretty cool. Not sure how I feel about my ashes ending up, 3 or 4 generations down the road, in someone’s garage sale, being sold as some old cool piece of art or Star Trek collectable for $20.
Of course, at that point, what do I care?
This is odd.
I’m not sure I get this at all.
With the exception of the Star Wars Gambling Machines & The KISS Caskets, this has to be one of the most shamless pursuits in merch.
Some people just like all levels of their lives to include beloved themes or universes. Guilty myself with the Spider-Man light switch covers.
Leave to Geeks!
It seems Futurama was right.
This is the first step towards STAR TREK : THE RELIGION.
*shakes head*
This is tasteless.
That being said. sadly, they’ll sell a million of ’em.
#10 McTrekkie
Agreed. Tasteless and pointless.
Gee, wouldn’t a phaser set to “disrupt” accomplish things quite nicely?
While the urn is actually pretty cool, the whole idea is a little creepy and in a way makes me a bit sad at what CBS/Paramount won’t try to make some money off Trek (aside from over pricing their dvd sets).
Equally creepy is their website–which features AKC, Precious Moments, and Vatican themed urns and caskets….Just give me a pine box thank you very much….Cheap in death as in life.LOL.
This product obviously lessens the overall commercial appeal for the upcoming movie as well as anything that IS worthwhile. Quite a sad fate for Star Trek. Why is it allowed other then the fact for money? Paramount should step in and end this if they’re able. Oh well!
#15 Robo
It looks like CBS-Paramount granted license for this.
#5 …
“I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandad.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers… ”
LOL … took me a second, but that line’s definitely a keeper.
That Star Trek gets my merchandise dollar after bleeding me dead is one thing.
This proves that even after I’m dead, I’m still not safe from people cashing in on my Star Trek obsession….
Please, God, make them stop………just throw my carcass onto the pyre and shove me out to sea.
I dread to think how much that costs. Just stick me in a cardboard box, slap me on a big bonfire and spend the money on some damn good scotch and an old fashioned wake (aka a honking great big party). My memorial should be the worst hangover ever!
Sad, but you’ve gotta laugh. I can almost hear the bagpipes…
Well, I’m not sure how Trek related that urn is supposed to be… aside from the little delta shield. I think they’re just cashing in on the name. Still, it’s a nice looking urn.
I’m not entirely sure why people consider this to be tasteless, wrong or greedy. People have been making money off of death for years. Just b/c it’s not the traditional casket or urn, why would it be wrong? If Star Trek is such a heavy influence in someone’s life, why can’t their funeral reflect who they were in life?
Is the company that launches people’s ashes into space (including Jimmy Doohan and Gene Roddenberry) evil and greedy b/c they aren’t shelling out traditional caskets or urns?
Now personally, I can’t imagine buying either of these, b/c I plan to be cremated and can’t think of anyone that I would give my ashes to. I can’t really think of anyone that would want my ashes. As it is, when I die someone will get stuck hauling all of my junk out of my home and selling it on ebay.
But hey, to each their own.
Seriously, that is the single dorkiest thing I have ever seen.
I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those.
#9. That gives me inspiration to start a(tax free!) Church of Star Trek.
This just in…….Mugatu is back from his weekend in Vegas and, after auditioning for the part of Kirk in the new movie, has been told he’s made the short list for the role! The producers were overheard mumbling something about being impressed with “how his horniness reminds them of a young Shatner”!
We’ll keep you posted as reports come in………….
WOW! Did I speak too soon. Here it is- http://purgatorio1.com/?cat=28
“WOW! Did I speak too soon. Here it is- http://purgatorio1.com/?cat=28 ”
“…And Scotty beamed them to the Klingon ship, where they would be no tribble at all.”
“All power to the Engines Captain.”
Those guys are going to get all of the original series episodes including that blooper real where the doors to open all the way sent to the forbidden planet of Omega 3.
Seriously though, that’s just creepy.
Get a life! Or, at least be buried like you lived.
“Comic Book Guy” as he sees the nuke coming: “Oh, I’ve wasted my life.”
If these weren’t linked to Star Trek, I think that they might actually be tasteful.
Mugatu’s remains are to be interned in one of these urns.
RIP Mugatu,, Never Forget!!!!!
Lord Garth,
We have to get you back in the booth…. we’ve told you. He’s not dead. He’s staying at the Luxor in Vegas. Howie Mandel and Leno are paying the tab for now. He’s staying under an assumed name. You see… he was witness…to a homocide.. he’s under protection.
Wow this is unusual, I guess there are those who will buy these and those who won`t , its all in a persons taste, I kinda like the look of it, but not sure I`d want my ashes in it, well maybe something as a collectable or conversation piece to have. Whats next from this company I guess we`ll just have to wait and see.
I like it, its funny..and personaly i think funerals should have a bit of hummor to them. Haveing been to more funerals then i care to remeber to i have decided for my own. i want it to be funny or at least as funny as can be so i will purchase eaither the Urn or the Casket.
my parents even think its perfect for me, helps sum me up pretty well. I mean heck i knew this women that put it in her will to have Alice Cooper’s song “I love the dead” bto be played at her funeral…and they did. so yep the world takes all kinds and im the type that need humor in everything in life. so sorry if it offends any one, but i would rather laugh then cry.
I love how the background is a generic grey room/void, yet the reflection in the sphere is clearly an outdoor shot. :)
I guess next they will open a full service Star Trek Funeral Home…complete with a Cadilac hearse converted to look like the Shuttlecraft Galileo and pole bearers dressed in Star Fleet dress uniforms. Only in America!
Mike :o
I can understand why some people find this subject a bit tasteless and nothing but another example of Paramount cashing in on the Trek brand. To many people, I’m sure it seems absolutely ridiculous that anyone would want to be sent to their final resting place in a Trek-themed receptacle of their choice. It is, on the surface, the height of geekiness.
On the other hand…
My aunt died last year after a long bout with cancer. She was a huge fan of Mickey Mouse. Every corner of her home was decorated with some kind of Mickey collectible. She felt a strong connection to Disney’s star rodent; she was born the same day the first short film featuring him was shown in theaters.
Before she died, she asked us to give her a proper send-off, a Mickey Mouse funeral. Instead of the usual formal attire, everyone wore Mickey t-shirts and Mouseketeer ears. She was buried wearing her own mouse ears and her Mickey bedroom slippers. At the funeral home, instead of singing a typical dirge, we all sang the theme to The Mickey Mouse Club.
Some people may find this stupid, perhaps even an affront to the usual decorum surrounding funerals, but it was one of the most beautiful and loving tributes I’ve ever experienced. A person should be laid to rest in a manner befitting the life they lived, so if someone wants to have a Trek-themed funeral, I say more power to them. Why not head into the real Final Frontier at warp speed?
Is it tacky? Maybe, but who cares? If that’s how someone wants to go out, then they should go boldly.
This is sick, sorry! Next they’ll be making Star Wars porducts as well, or maybe Xena and Hercules too!
Is this really happening?
Jeez, they finally come out with funerary products that actually look COOL, and everybody’s having a spaz!
They did excellent work on those!
The casket’s close enough to a photon torpedo to make me happy, and the urn looks even cooler than Worf’s “Champion Standing” bat’leth trophy from “Parallels”!
Sorry, forgot to put that image in my own webspace…
Eh. The way I look at it, why not go out giving people something to talk about? You’re probably gonna pay for a box no matter how you look at it.
The urn reminds me of the receptacles that held Sargon, Thalassa, and Henoch’s essence. I would sumise that one could put their Katra into the urn as well.
Live Long and Prosper.
Actually, I want to be cremated and placed in one of those rubber brains they used in the “Gamesters of Triskelion”. Put me by the door and when someone walks, my pre-recorded voice says “Four hundred quatloos on the newcomer!”
At least it doesn’t say “Photon Torpedo Mark V” on the side of the casket, thus puzzling future archaeologists.
Ok, I actually do want one of these caskets for my funeral! I’m serious. I really do wish it said “Photon Torpedo Mark V” on it though! Many of you are wondering who would buy something like this. Well, your answer to that question is someone like me. :)
Oh, and I have said for years that I want “He’s Dead Jim” on my tombstone.
This is the coolest Star Trek related collectable to come out yet. And the FIRST one that is truly usable Star Trek related article (and last one ever needed).
It is licensed and endorsed by Paramount. Long live Eternal Image.
I think I’d like an urn shaped like an Escape Pod from STAR WARS.
And what #47 said.