Back in March actor/director Tom Hanks used Twitter to reveal the cast for his new movie Larry Crowne, including Star Trek’s original Sulu, George Takei. The film is now in production and today Hanks again used Twitter to give a first look at Takei in his film.
George "Take 1" Takei as Professor in Hanks’ Comedy
Tom Hanks is currently in production on the comedy Larry Crowne, which he is directing. Hanks plays the title character who is a middle-aged man who goes back to college to try and re-invent himself. And it appears that Takei will be playing one of his professors. Today Hanks sent out the following via Twitter (@tomhanks):
As Prof. Ed Matsutani PhD? George "Take 1" Takei! Larry Crowne is learning lots and lots. Hanx
and link to this Twitpic:
Tom Hanks Tweeted photo of George Takei in "Larry Crown" (click to see full size)
In addition to Takei and Hanks, the cast of Larry Crowne includes Julia Roberts, Bryan Cranston, Pam Grier, Cedric The Entertainer and others (including Hanks’ Bosom Buddies co-star Peter Scolari). You fan find more behind the scenes photos from Larry Crowne at, including the photo where he first revealed his cast.
Tom Hanks "Larry Crown" casting board revealed on Twitter (click to see full size)
All I can say is “Oh My”!
Neat! I think George is catching up with The Shat!
Great for George!
yeha great Mr Takei enjoy you work in the film.
It’s good seeing Kirk and Sulu are still relevant!
Takei rocks! The Shat may get jealous again and start another tiff!
We need to get Mr. Hanks a role somewhere in ST, him being a loyal Trekkie(er) and all…
Boborci! Abrams! Make it so!
@7: Maybe as Captain April?
Peter Scolari had a conflict and dropped out after the shooting schedule changed last I heard.
@8 That would be great. Have Captain April and Admiral Pike show up on the Enterprise sometime in STXII
Thought April out ranked Pike… could be wrong.
Good for George. I’ve always liked his acting and his character. Still love the scene when Slater woke him up. His response was so…captain-like!
No danger of Tom being acted off the screen in this one then.
Tom Hanks would be amazing as a main character in Star Trek 2
Im serious… Tom Hanks could play a great Matt Dekker…
Got to get George in there as well…Sulu’s father…or maybe Admiral Nogura…or something!
What #15 said; watch THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE again and it’s easy to see Hanks in the role of Commodore Decker:
Good for you George!!!!
Captain April is not canon. He’s only in the animated series.
Mr. Hanks should definitely be Commodore Decker.
Another guy Mr. Hanks could be would be Gary Mitchell.
#15 “Got to get George in there as well…Sulu’s father…or maybe Admiral Nogura”
I’ve said that before, too. George as Nogura! And, yes, Hanks in some capacity would be outstanding. He’s been such a Trek geek for such a long time, and now that the movies have gone A-list again, it’s time to get him onboard!
Add my vote for Hanks as Decker. He’s a too old to play Gary Mitchell, Mitchell was supposed to be in Kirk’s, age group.
Or, perhaps even better, Hanks as a new, never seen before character. I think it would be kind of a letdown to go to the trouble of rebooting the franchise only to keep calling back to the original 79 episodes, great as they were. But I do think Hanks could be a huge asset and a good box office draw.
Hanks as Decker would be genius. I always dreamed ST:something something could open with, like, an adaptation of the last 15 minutes of Doomsday Machine kind of like the opening sequence of a Bond movie that’s a self-contained action sequence. And get in Hanks there just for Decker’s final moments.
James Cromwell was absolutely amazing as Cochenre in First Contact, but I imagine in an alternate universe, Hanks took the gig and he was just as amazing as Cromwell.