Fan production Star Trek Continues has revealed that actor John de Lancie is in their next episode, and also announced release dates for their remaining three shows.
de Lancie will be appearing in the next installment, “What Ships Are For”, along with actress Anne Lockhart, who is best known to genre fans for playing “Sheba” in the original Battlestar Galactica. The episode, the plot of which is being kept under wraps, is co-written by Kipleigh Brown, who plays Lieutenant Barbara Smith in the series. We recently spoke to Brown about working on the show and her experience writing the episode, which you can check out here.
Landing a fan favorite like de Lancie is a huge coup, and the actor was intrigued when series creator/star Vic Mignogna pitched him the story:
It’s definitely classic STAR TREK, because it’s a secular moral story and one that I think is particularly poignant in our current times. I believe the material is the most important thing, and this is really good material.
It appears de Lancie will not be reprising his role as Q, but he won’t say much about the character he’s playing, only that his nature will be revealed as the story transpires:
He is a character not unlike many of us. He has recognizable human traits and deep-seated prejudices.

Poster for the upcoming episode of Star Trek Continues featuring John de Lancie and Anne Lockhart
The episode will have its world premiere at the end of July at the Florida Supercon in Fort Lauderdale, with de Lancie, Lockhart, and Mignogna in attendance. Point your mouse here to find out more.
The five-year mission comes to an end this fall
Star Trek Continues will have a chance to do something The Original Series never had an opportunity to do – show the conclusion of the Enterprise’s historic five-year mission.
The series, which began in 2013, will conclude with a two-part finale that will premiere in the fall. Part one will bow at the Salt Lake Comic Con the weekend of September 21st, with part two to follow on October 6th at the New York Comic Con.
Interviews with de Lancie and Lockhart, as well as more information about the upcoming shows, can be found on STC’s web site.
He won’t need as much makeup.×25/allgoodthings0901.jpg
I don’t regularly watch this, but I’m very glad they get a chance to go out gracefully with the new fan film guidelines in place. It would have sucked to just stop the show cold.
I have really enjoyed these. Its bittersweet that it is coming to an end, because i have been looking forward to when the new ones get released, but i love that it will be concluding the 5-year mission story that never got it’s ending.
Though it was inevitable, seeing the last of the past 2 decades worth of Fan Films set in the ST IP is rather a cause of sorrow for me. I will admit, I didn’t know what to think of STC (after having loyally followed STNV/Phase II and Hidden Frontiers before that) when it first came to light. It did the job it was supposed to do. You can’t fault that…
~Pensive’s Wetness
Nice! Never seen this show but will definitely watch the one Lancie is in. I love that guy and really miss Q although I know he won’t be playing him.
Isn’t this against the rules?
Remember, my son: There are no rules… only “guidelines”.
Hate to see it end. It was fun to be able to watch new Star Trek episodes. It was as close to real Star Trek as we will probably get for a long time, or maybe ever again. It was not perfect, but some of it was very good. Favorite episodes so far: Pilgrim of Eternity, Lolani, Come Not Between The Dragons, and Embracing The Winds. Each had some good commentary, on politics and relationships, and the casting was great. I will miss it.
It seems so appropriate that such a good misbegotten star like John de Lancie should end his career with a good role in a Star Trek Fan Film . And the same could be said of the outstanding actress Anne lockhart too . I’ve always admired them both . But I sincerely hope that Star Trek Continues does not stick to those vile official guidelines , because it would be a sad waste of time and story . And then the Franchise can say out loud ‘Crick Crock Crack , Our Evil Hat Trick Has Won Again’!
“end his career” ??? – Hardly. John is a well respected actor who continues to act in movies, television, theater and more.
I heard him say just recently he was retiring ?
I like Anne Lockhart, but ‘outstanding’ is overselling her just a wee bit. She was easy on the eyes and didn’t embarrass herself on stage, but she was never in danger of winning an Emmy or an Oscar.
Well I was a big fan of her mother , and grandparents , going way back , and eventually became aware of her too . I enjoyed her acting !
From the look of the poster, I’m guessing that John is playing Flint from “Requiem for Methuselah”.
If they do Flint again, they should try to get James Daly’s son, Tim Daly.
Yes, I’ve always said ENTERPRISE should have done a “Requiem for Methuseleh” prequel ep and cast Tim Daly as Flint. A missed opportunity!
I agree, from the look of the poster.
They have done a tremendous job. I have no doubt these last 3 episodes will be no exception.
A relation of Trelane perhaps?
Kind of sad to be reading that STC will be coming to an end. I was a fun little show that got to tell some pretty good stories and the people who made it clearly cared for the material. Between the Paramount “guidelines” and Discovery’s imminent arrival I think these fan productions will be largely bumped out of the way. Too bad as they did fill a niche.
STC is very nostalgic , something the Franchise seems unwilling to give the fans !
Can’t wait. But I have too.
Looks to from the poster that he’s playing the character of Flint from “Requiem for Methuselah.”
ST:C official page on Facebook says he’s playing an entirely new character.
I am at a loss as to when this series Star Trek Continues began and on what channel? I am an avid Star Trek fan and love John DeLancie as “Q”, He was wickedly funny at times. I watch the listings for shows I want to see and do not recall seeing this advertised. I am a disabled 74 year old woman and still watch BBCA who shows, Star Trek TNG, and Voyager 4 days of the week. They were showing rhe original with Kirk and crew but stopped. Will someone out there answer my question about this Star Trek Continues please?
Hi Eva –
Star Trek Continues is a web-only series. You can watch the episodes by following this link:
Brian Drew and Linda Thompson – Thank you both very much for directing me to the website. I just bookmarked it so tomorrow I can watch all eight episodes in a row. You have made a disabled senior very, very happy.
You can watch the episodes for free at or on YouTube.
Thank god he won’t be playing Q. I know it’s just my opinion, but he’s the absolute worst character ever created in Trek. I don’t know what Roddenberry was thinking. de Lancie, on the other hand, is a joy to watch … I just wish it weren’t as that character. That said, since Q did exist, and de Lancie is willing to be in a fan production, it’s almost too bad they didn’t write a story with him as Q taunting Kirk to explore what that interaction would have been like. Of course that would create some canon continuity problems, but then this isnt really canon.
Cool news. I just wish this show featured better acting. I’ve found it hard to watch at times because the bad acting keeps knocking me out of it–which is unfortunate, as the production value is amazing.
Really? The acting is much, much, much better than a lot of other fan films I have seen.
Indeed. Far better than New Voyages had been- or any other fan film, for that matter.
That’s an odd analysis, considering the fact that almost the entire main cast are experienced professional actors in film/TV or theater. Though I do agree that occasionally a minor guest character will play like a non-actor.
Looking at the outfit John de Lancie is wearing I have a feeling Mr. Flint is going to be making a guest appearance.
According to the ST:C Facebook page, he is playing a brand new character.
Hey, is not this a violation of the fan production guidelines?
One can’t really “violate” guidelines. That’s kind of like saying you “violated” a coloring book by drawing outside the picture.
To the best of my knowledge CBS was okay with anything that was already in production (as these episodes were). I believe the current guidelines are why there will not be any future episodes.
I hope they end it with the Enterprise returning to Earth, Kirk being promoted and the crew disembarking. I’d like to see that part of history. Maybe Kirk is seen reviewing the schematics for the refit design as we saw it in the motion picture.
The final scene of the final episode will be the Enterprise entering the space dock seen in TMP.
Good to see that fan films, like this one, can end on a good note.
I’m hoping at the end of the five-year mission that it will end right into the beginnings of TMP.