‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Is Front And Center For CBS At Licensing Expo

This week the annual Licensing Expo is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada, where licensees and licensors come together to make some deals for potential branded products and services. And for the second year running CBS Consumer Products has put Star Trek: Discovery center stage for their booth.

CBS booth at Licensing Expo 2018 (Photo: Lew Halboth)

In addition to the Star Trek banners and posters dominating the booth, there were also genuine Star Trek: Discovery costumes on display, along with a number of cases showing off props and Discovery merchandise.

Genuine Discovery props (Photo: Lew Halboth)

Anovos USS Discovery model (Photo: Lew Halboth)

Selection of Discovery licensed merchandise (Photo: Lew Halboth)

Selection of Discovery licensed merchandise (Photo: Lew Halboth)

CBS is making it clear they are ready to cut deals for Star Trek and especially their new show Star Trek: Discovery. It could be that new deals are being worked out, such as last year when the McFarlane Toys licensing deal was announced at the of the show. John Van Citters from CBS Consumer Products has been showing he is ready to talk Trek, by showing off his tie selection for the first two days of the show.

Hopefully John and CBS cut some deals for some new cool Star Trek stuff.

CBS Consumer Products executive John Van Citters (Left side of desk) at Licensing Expo 2018 (Photo: Lew Halboth)

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Thanks to Lew Halboth of Fansets for his assistance with this article.

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I’m surprised to see Chris Pine’s Kirk in the montage of Captains (and Burnham). Does CBS own the right to license Kelvin characters?

Yes. CBS holds the rights to all Trek merchandise. Anything Paramount might want to sell goes through CBS approval. It’s messy, the politics (and money) are part of the reason why there wasn’t much merchandise surrounding Into Darkness or Beyond.

Sounds like a nightmare!

The phaser looks great! When do we get the communicator and the tricorder & scanner?!

The 3D printing prop community is ready to assist with the Comm and Tricorder

Russell Meyers,

I’m genuinely confused. Is that a job application for hire, or an offer to finance the licensing of those two items?

Take away those Eaglemoss ships, and there’s hardly any merch for Discovery, a show that premiered in September 2017. Demand’s a helluva thing. (cue someone to rejoinder with talk of “logistical delays”)

You often have imgainary arguments with yourself in public?

Are you freakin kidding me? Licensed fortune cookies? LOL

@Marja —

Surak say “Live long and propser”.

Apparently, Confucius was a lost Vulcan?

I really wish some toy company would make an awesome MK IX or MK X Tricorder collectible toy prop thing. Really sad that Diamond Select keeps saying no to that when asked about it (and that the Cobra Phaser still isn’t out).

That photo with Sarek’s ship, is that an Eaglemoss model?