The Shuttle Pod Wraps Up 2019 With News and Reviews: Chabon, Tarantino, and ‘Star Trek: Short Treks’

Shuttle Pod 77 – Chabon, Tarantino, and Animated ‘Short Treks’

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The Shuttle Pod crew records one last podcast before the holidays. Jared, Laurie, and Matt catch up on the latest news including Michael Chabon’s changing role for Star Trek: Picard season 2, and the “will he? won’t he?” question of Quentin Tarantino directing his Trek script. They have a quick Orville check-in, and then the trio discusses the two animated Star Trek: Short Treks released this month.

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That was a fun edition of the ShuttlePod.

Thanks for getting this out before the holiday. It was just what I needed to switch to a lower gear for a bit.

Thanks for posting this guys. Only 32 days until Picard!! Happy holidays, have a great Christmas holiday and all the best for 2020, which is going to be a HUGE year for Star Trek!

I wish I had enjoyed the animated Short Treks the way most other people seem to have. I sure didn’t, though. That said, this episode of the podcast kind of made me want to revisit them both with your thoughts fresh in mind. Not sure I’ll actually do it, but who knows?

they’re like 8 minutes each… it’s not like re-watching the directors cut of all 6 hobbit and lord of the rings films

True. But those are eight minutes I could spend doing something I *know* I enjoy.

like spending time commenting on stuff you dont like on the internet? lol

If you want to look at it that way, you’re free to. Not sure why you’d feel the need to worry about it, but sure, why not?

thanks for your approval… we finally agree

What’s gone wrong in your life that you feel the need to try (and fail at, which must feel weird) policing something as unimportant as this? It’s probably not too late to fix it.

While you’re doing that you might, though I know you won’t, also consider working on your capitalization and punctuation.

With the above comment in mind, has anybody here dared see CATS, either before or after the studio released their patch-kit on it? I keep thinking based on departing audience comments the meme that should be associated with this is Rutger Hauer at end of BLADE RUNNER saying, “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.”

to KMART yes i saw cats… stoned… first of all it’s actually not as bad as the world wants to believe… the music is good of course since it’s from a broadway show that ran decades… the performers are fun… the weird thing is it just feels awkward and flat. i have never seen the show but didn’t realize it was a wall to wall music production. there’s maybe 2 minutes of dialogue. and i don’t think there’s a way to actually make this into a live action film without wigging out people. it’s people in cat outfits acting like cats in a mostly dramatic story. on film it feel weird and silly. it most definitely works much better on stage which can get away with things like that. in the end the actors did a great job… though bigger issue is it’s just flat… similar to film adaptations of chorus line and the producers… felt too much like you were watching a production. but even though it wasn’t my type of thing there’s definitely good music here.