The Shuttle Pod Crew Discusses The Audience Demographics Of Star Trek

Shuttle Pod 79 – Marketing And The Demographics Of Star Trek Fans

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Based on a question from a listener (and Shuttle Pod patron), Brian, Matt, and returning guest Anthony discuss the business of making Star Trek — appealing to advertisers and the consumer public from TOS to the new CBS era. They discuss why Hollywood is interested in the younger market demographic (people in their 20s), and ponder if there’s room for more niche Trek shows that aren’t trying to chase both new and existing fans all at once.

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Ironically it is a Pike series that could benefit the most from today’s demographics. Eye catching visuals, action, adventure, frontier and they know has something to do with that Kirk movie they watched.
In the young demographic (those born after 2010) I bet there are more TOS fans than TNG fans now thanks to the action/adventure and the Kelvin movies combined with the rewatchability of the original series, the cartoon series and original movies (I know I watched Wrath of Kahn and they actually stopped to watch, I’d change the channel if a TNG movie came on which thankfully doesn’t happen.).
I see the TOS Enterprise surprising a lot these days, even in a Twizzlers commercial (I kid you not!!!) way more than Ent-D and E now if only because it’s golden triangle ratios get it plugged into images to draw your attention.
I think DS9 has great re-watchability but hard for kids to stop and watch. TOS had that magic where for kids it’s bad Doomsday Machine vs. good guys even when it has a complex message concerning weapons of mass destruction.
Alternatively I could see a future for Trek but 20 years from now when the young TOS fans (who kind of watched and wanted more but didn’t invest in the canon) want to see more and you can reboot and go back to relatable crews.
Or I hear that Marvel is looking at doing a SWORD series which would be Avengers meets Enterprise…. and they are free of canon and already have some pretty strange aliens…. (aren’t the Kree like the TOS/FASA Klingons with hybrids?).

I don’t know too many ppl in their 20s currently watching Star Trek; I would say it’s hardly in the cultural consciousness at all. I think we look to TNG as our parents’ Trek, and TOS as our grandparents’. There was renewed excitement a decade ago, prompting some people to actually consider looking into old Trek, but by and large I think ST09 was a flash in the pan of Trek interest among my generation, which quickly moved on to other things. There was little substance in the JJ films to really attach people to them, and there are plenty of other big, flashy action films in the market with compelling stories we’d rather watch. So CBS certainly has their work cut out for them if they’re gonna attract a younger demographic to Star Trek.

I’m in my 20s.

Well I think Into Darkness self destructed the franchise but hopefully the seed was planted before they crashed that bird into San Francisco (a total loss). I think a real Marvel style reboot would do the trick say 5-10 years from now if you double down on the action/adventure/frontier (especially if SpaceX is flying its Starship class rockets).
Rockets are back in and the space transport system (shuttle) has finally been recognized for being an epic failure wasting countless capital and resources. Space exploration is back on in a way it hasn’t been since the 70s and that should bode well for rough space-is-hard-yet-we-go-anyway space exploration shows.
It is my hope that you still hear people in their 20s going “KAAAAAHHHHHNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!” that when they are in their 40s the door is open for a total reboot.

I have a nephew who watched all the Kelvin movies and generally liked them but unfortunately that didn’t translate to all the other shows. He literally laughs at TOS because it comes off very cheap and outdated to him and don’t like the acting and hate the music. He’s never tried the movies though yet. The other shows like TNG and DS9 he just think they are too slow and boring (but he likes Sisko a lot). He has no interest in watching Discovery and Picard. The ONLY show he seems to somewhat like is Enterprise out of all of them because it felt a bit more grounded and relatable. He’s watched a few with me and liked everything we watched but I don’t think beyond that. But that’s the only show that at least interested him. But he is only 16 years old.

So yeah sadly watching the films don’t automatically get people to watch other things. MAYBE if he was a little older it would be different.

And while he seen the Kelvin movies, he’s not a ‘fan’ in the sense he’s waiting for another to come out. He was only 12 years old when Beyond came out and at that age it was a lifetime ago lol. So I agree, I think for a lot of younger people who started with the Kelvin films, most have probably moved on at this point if they never got into the other shows or movies.

I too have it where was at first hard to get kids to watch TOS because it looked cheap. For a while it was just TWOK, movies and some TAS. /
But if you are watching TOS I find it draws in the really young because of all the different colors on the bridge. I don’t know why but that TOS set with the red, yellow, green blinking lights (I think because they had color TV now and damn it they were going to show it off) really catches the eye.
Also for my daughter it was Saavik which to me was a surprise since she was only in two movies. They should definitely bring that character in if they do anymore Kelvin reboots.
I wish they gave Uhura more to do in TWOK, I love her voice on the comms “Enterprise to Reliant, surrender and prepare to be boarded”. You watch TWOK once and her voice is etched into your brain (maybe because she is always trying to hail Regula One over and over and over again?).
My guess is that when you are 40 you might have only seen TWOK but you’ll still have Uhura over the comm ingrained into your brain like “KAAAHHHHNNN!!!” that they are groomed for I don’t know, a Pike series? A reboot (of ENT or TOS)?
Also, don’t tell anyone this, but whenever I hear Amazing Grace at a funeral I think Star Trek II: TWOK that your kind of feel something is missing, first with no bagpipes and then ultimately when they don’t bring in the full instrumental at the end (with an exterior shot of them firing off a photon tube into the sunset). LOL

WAit a sec, who doesn’t like TOS music??
I was born 81 and loved Trek by six in part because of that music.
I do see a downside, you end up mentally humming the music for every situation.
“But we need those resources.. today or we are all screwed!” DDAAAA… DA DUM DuM DUM DA DA!!
“Ack COVID-19!!” dum dum…. dum dum… DUM DUM DA DUM DADA DUM DUM!!”
“We all live another day, see you guys!” Dee da dum, dum dum de de da!!!

Well he wasn’t born in ’81…his mother was. ;)

To him it just comes off really cheesy.

No downside to playing the full score of THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE in your head to mark events of the day, I do it a whole lot (more often lately, since I’m not doing much driving and so don’t have the CD going.) Shoot, I used to have the part of GENESIS COUNTDOWN from TWOK playing in my head on the job as I had to clean off the plastic dividers that were supposed to keep the meat and ice cream somewhat cold in the Bill’s Drugs food section in Fall 82.

I guess it was the first drugstore — albeit a SAFEWAY-sized one — in the country that had frozen food and meat, and therefore became the first drugstore to cease operations because of the electrical cooling costs. But man, they had a brand of Banana Fudge ice cream I’ve never found again and it was indescribably tasty. Also kind of put me off Unions, because while the Union got everybody else there a job at a sister store when it closed, they went on the basis of seniority and at 9 months on I was considered too junior, so even though I kept paying dues for another year, they never even found me an interview to go on. Now that I think about it, I am freshly PO’d … that job paid amazingly well, double minimum wage.

Plus I used to get hundreds of castoffs (stands for holding battery cases, discarded displays for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and old Hallmark card racks, all of which made for great spaceship sets when properly painted and threaded with twinkle lights) for my super-8 movie projects. I had more production value tucked away in storage than some TV series, by the early 90s I could have covered a decent hunk of the DS9 promenade with my hallmark rack collection (and it actually looks like they used something very much like them in the crew quarters corridors.)

Isn’t the Amok Time music still played in some movies and comedy shows (Family guy) during fight sequences etc? What I don’t get is why it would seen as iconic in the 90s say 40 years from now but wouldn’t be seen as iconic in the 2020s or even 2100s? I mean 30 years is a long time already.
It was cheesy in the 90s but it was still known. Better to be cheesy and relevant than forgotten no?

When I hear Amazing Grace I think the 1978 BODY SNATCHERS remake, which also had it with the bagpipes. In fact, that is what I thought of when first seeing TWOK (it always got laughs in the theater in 1982, every time I saw it. The sound of Spock’s hand touching the glass in the scene before got small laughs too.)

If you see composer Horner’s comments about GRACE back in STARLOG, he didn’t like being stuck with the bagpipes at all, and I don’t think he even wanted to carry the tune ‘outside’ as the torp was fired; I think he said he wanted something more etherial, like the ‘spock’ cue he uses in Spock’s quarters and during his death.

I always find it funny that color was such a big draw for TREK, because I first saw and fell in love with it in syndication, I was watching it in black and white, on what must have been a 9″ portable. I don’t think I was genuinely impressed with the color on TOS till the laserdisc era, or maybe only a little before that when 35mm prints started circulating in syndication (was that mid to late 80s?)

I’ve talked fairly often about our kid’s trajectory as Trek fans.

They’re now heading out of middle-grade into teens. I’m quite fascinated that their viewership has followed a similar progression to others in their teens and twenties who didn’t have Trek parents (and grandparents) as fans. Our family case study seems fairly representative.

Both started with the TAS DVD set that we bought up for them in primary grades. After that, I tried out a carefully chosen selection of TOS and TNG episodes from the remastered DVDs available from our public library.

Live-action TOS was didn’t catch their interest at that age as much as TAS. (And I noted that the bright remastered TOS colours looked nothing like they did on a high end mid sixties television that I originally viewed them on.)

TNG though was a hit. Very soon we were letting them watch TNG on their own on BellMedia’s premium cable and let the parental controls filter out the odd episode that rates 14+ here.

Once they had access to Space (now Sci-fi channel) and it’s 25 hours a week of all 5 live-action series, they very quickly found Voyager on cable and one mainly showed over to Voyager until they’d viewed it all. The other worked through both TNG and Voyager in tandem. (When a parent was available to watch with them we unlocked the 14+ episodes like Contagion.)

Rewatching Voyager with them, I really gave me a greater appreciation for the series. It stands up very well on its own, and is a lot more than ‘TNG light’ as Frakes and others have labeled it. Our kids really found the science and technology compelling, and one found Janeway a real hero and role model. I’m fascinated to hear how well it’s doing on streaming services compared to the other series. If I were doing the strategic planning for the franchise, I’d do a deeper dive to find out just what makes Voyager so successful with today’s audiences.

I note that our kids had access to TOS, DS9 and Enterprise, but would only occasionally try the odd episode. It’s only in the last 6 months that they’ve really looked at either TOS or Enterprise systematically. DS9 still seems not to grab them.

They’ve had access to all the TOS and TNG movies on DVD and seen them at least once (although Nemesis was left out of the collection until recently). We don’t get requests to replay them, which I didn’t expect.

The Kelvin movies are not appealing to them at all. They each watched ST 2009 with me last year and completely refuse to look at more. The opening scene with the birth of Kirk while his father gave his life completely put them off. (They aren’t big on the classic Disney killing of parents trope either.)

In terms of Discovery and Picard, as parents we were fairly careful about which episodes we let them see. One has watched with a fair amount of enthusiasm, the other has bailed on both series midseason. (I haven’t been able to get them past Project Daedulus or Star City Rag.)

”I’d do a deeper dive to find out just what makes Voyager so successful with today’s audiences.”
Yes! Shuttlepod crew you’ve found your next topic of discussion. Make it so.

I’m surprised someone re-watches Voyager. I mean no one I know, kids, adults,even knows who Captain Janeway let alone Tuvok is anymore nor have I even seen the ship in like at least a decade (more?). I’m kind of glad, I mean, I don’t like Voyager but I’d hate for it to be totally forgotten by everyone.

Voyager is reportedly the most streamed Trek series on Netflix globally.

I hadn’t expected that either, and I wouldn’t have rewatched it other than to join in with our kids viewing. But it stands up better when it’s viewed apart from the rest of 90s Trek.

So, there’s something there that makes it a good entry point to the franchise.

Yes, but i am sure those are people who saw Voyager just re-watching it again and again as opposed to “Hey, I want to watch some TV”.
And quite frankly Netflix Lost in Space (the new one) pretty much does TOS for kids, has kids it and way better SFX. I was in shock when post episode 3 you realized it was less cheesy than any Trek outside the movies.

“Yes, but i am sure those are people who saw Voyager just re-watching it again and again as opposed to “Hey, I want to watch some TV”.”

Actually quite a bit of people on Reddit who is new to Star Trek watch Voyager for the first time like they do TNG and the others. That’s why places like Reddit is a better place for new fans. Here it’s basically people 40 and over whose been watching it for decades and seem to think everyone should think like them. ;)

Maybe because Netflix or Amazon pushes it so hard. It seems to come up as something the streamer (never can keep them straight) suggests no matter what I choose to watch, and it has been that way for the last couple of years.

(Though it’s funny, I actually watched VOYAGER for the first time since giving up on it back in the 90s a couple weeks ago, EQUINOX, and since then, it hasn’t been popping up as a preferred choice on their part.)

A promotional push might get someone to try Voyager kmart, but a large number of people trying one episode and then bailing won’t generate those kinds of numbers. It’s hard to explain it as a statistical artifact alone.

Even if people are rewatching multiple times, one has to ask “Why do they rewatch Voyager more than other live-action Trek series?” And if Voyager was a successful entry point, but other series have more enduring appeal, “Why don’t they move on to those instead of rewatching Voyager?”

It’s a thing. TOS, TNG and DS9 fans can doubt, but it doesn’t make it less a fact. I think we just need to respect it.

Erin MacDonald, the physicist who is the new Trek science consultant, says unabashedly that Voyager’s science pulled her in. Our kids say Voyager has the best technology absolutely. It definitely speaks real STEM through all the technobabble. It may be that what others deride is what makes Voyager work for others.

Yeah, unfortunately TG47, I’m not trying to be mean here as I like and respect a lot of these people, but it sort of proves just how stuck in their ways old fans can get. Voyager is watched by old and new fans alike. I know it’s shocking for some people here to understand that, but you have to get beyond one site with a dozen regulars on it whose been watching it since the 60s, 70s or 80s. .

Yeah, its flawed, so are all the shows to a degree. Some are just less flawed than others. ;)

I watch Voyager just as much as I do TNG and DS9 these days and crazy I’m enjoying it more than I have in a long time. I’m glad your kids love it. It’s nice to see the next generation of fans raised right. ;D

Appreciate the point Tiger2.

On Voyager, I’d argue that it’s not just old fans, but the talent involved in the other Berman era shows who are stuck in a negative view. The fact that Frakes feels free to say he has always viewed Voyager as TNG-light really says something.

It appears that the diagnostique of the downward audience trends of 90s Trek has taken a life of its own and gets in the way of appreciating that each series may have strength in its own niche – Voyager, with its 25th anniversary this year, deserves much more respectful consideration – if only because it is successfully standing the test of time, much like TOS did.

We regulars really do need to work harder to welcome new, younger viewers on this board who can challenge our views.

I’m glad Faze Ninja is energetically joining in.

Unfortunately, it seemed on the other hand that, during the recent first run of Picard S1,a whole new group of gatekeeping people (or new aliases) jumped on this and other boards at the same time to spew unfiltered negativity on the new shows. (You could tell it was the same person in some cases because the same post was cut and pasted across multiple boards.). What a way to turn off new fans and new viewers coming to independent boards to discuss a new show!

I think the Pike show would be more successful if it had self-contained episodes that still contributed to the overall story of the season, like DS9 used to do or the Mandolorian. The Picard show kind of did that, sort of.

As they said in the podcast, shows like Voyager are more rewatchable because a person can pull single episodes to enjoy. I really hope the Pike show does that.

I think the best is the hybrid. You have episode stories, you have arc stories and then you have the grand arc. Only don’t be like X-Files and have it where your grand arc which everyone thought was some big lead up (black oil, bee virus release, kid, etc) was just throwing darts at a wall and going with whatever stuck.

Yeah, that was just a lack of any planning on Chris Carter’s part.

But I totally agree that a mixed approach is best. Have standalone stories for each individual episode, but that also tie into the overall arc (either through B stories or the background for the episodes, etc.).

I really enjoyed ST:Picard’s approach of introducing a major character in each episode and giving them a story focus that tied into the overall plot. I also felt Discovery’s best episodes were more singular with ties into the rest of the story: “Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad”, “New Eden”, and “An Obal for Charon”.

You got a lot of good points there. A Like show should have more standalone stories. Similar to The Mandalorian from Star Wars. Star Trek could fill out every niche in a articulate manner.

I’m 18 and I watch Star Trek. I saw TNG and Voyager when I was 16. Star Trek has diverse demographics for sure. The new shows are not for everyone but that could change.

It ranges from young people to people in their 50s. Looking forward to Lower Decks as a TNG fan. I watched TOS when I was 17. Star Trek is still pretty new to me.

Star Trek fan for life.

So pleased to hear this Faze Ninja! This warm an old Trekkie’s heart! :)

Tiger2 I appreciate your generosity. You are the kindest person on this website.

Your presence warms my heart as a fellow young Star Trek fan. ^_^

I’ll second that.

Tiger2 is optimistic about Trek, but doesn’t stan. It’s very appreciated.

We often but don’t always agree, and I can’t say how often I get reading a thread thinking “someone really needs to balance this” and then see Tiger2 weighing in to calm things down.

Really glad you’ve joined us too Faze Ninja!

Appreciate that man! I just love Star Trek to death…even when I don’t sound like I do. ;D

And double that, glad to see Faze Ninja has joined the ranks! Especially someone who enjoys and appreciates it all like so many of us do.

Dear Shuttle Pod Crew

I’ve been enjoying your podcasts for the last few years and in particular have found them to be a wonderful companion piece to each “Star Trek: Discovery” episode. I also greatly enjoy your retrospectives on the movie series and wondered if you would consider doing a podcast on “Star Trek: The Animated Series”?

I’ve just discovered this series on Netflix having not watched since I was a boy when it first aired in the early 1970’s. It’s great to hear the voices of the original cast again and I note that some the episodes were written but writers from the original live action series. Overall, I’ve found it to be an interesting and entertaining watch and I’d love to hear what all of you think of it.

If I have a gripe, the music composed for the series is not to my taste and in my opinion, doesn’t come close to the classic scores written for the original series by Alexander Courage, Fred Steiner, Sol Kaplan and Gerald Fried et al, by that is of course a personal opinion.

I’d be up for a retrospective on TAS.

To be honest, I think Star Trek works the best for people when they are a little older and can understand the philosophies and messages of the show better. This is why when compared with Star Wars it doesn’t have that good vs evil, black and white clash that makes it easier for younger people to relate to it. To put it in food terms, Star Wars is like the fast food, while Star Trek is that main course that is prepared much more carefully and makes us full much easier. Saying this, I don’t think Star Trek should stop trying to catch that younger age demographic but while doing this mustn’t necessarily talk down to them as well. Don’t turn it into Star Wars to get these demographic, continue doing what it was and people (even younger ones) would appreciate it more, because if you try to turn it into something like Star Wars or any other generic science fiction show, the younger ones will dismiss it off hand as another generic sci-fi or Star Wars clone. So try to appeal to the youngsters, but with what made Star Trek unique in the first place.

I’ll just say that Star Trek captured me from an early age. Why? My dad worked on the space program and was also way too serious about religion. So… I started going shopping.

You never know where your relief comes from.

Of course, this is quite possible, but I was actually kind of talking about my own experience, as I was a Star Wars kid first (in fact Empire Strikes Back remastered was the first time I ever went to a cinema I believe) and then became a late comer to Trek. I was already at university when I got really into Trek and being a little more mature I think kind of helped me to get into it because I could understand the science and the philosophies much better.

Star Wars for me was a lot longer than Star Trek. I’ve only known Star Trek since my early teen years. Let’s talk about science fiction as a whole, not just Star Wars and Star Trek.

Both influenced me from a early age.

My very first experience with Star Trek: TOS was in 1983 at the age of 6. Loved it upon first site. Once the movies started popping up, I dragged my dad to the theater. Trek has always spoken to a wide audience. Discovery is very focused on a young generation. Picard, despite its issues, has the potential to grab a wider audience.

Star Trek “doesn’t have that good vs evil, black and white clash” — someone tell Alex Kurtzman, cuz literally every Trek production in the past 10 years has had that evil villain at the center of the conflict. Nero = dressed in black. “Khan” = black. Lorca = black in mirror universe. Commodore Oh = decked out in black villain suit in Picard finale. Like it was comically over the top, her costume. There is NO subtlety from this new Trek.

Deep Space 9’s Gul Dukat.

I think it varies from person to person. My brother and I were 10 and 5 respectively when we discovered Star Trek shortly after coming to America in 1970. We didn’t even speak English at the time but the visuals of the show really resonated with us, so much so I remember that first episode to this day.

I also think that for fans your first Trek is sort of like your first girlfriend, in that you probably have fond memories about it that maybe trump any rational arguments about the actual quality of the show. TOS is obviously visually dated compared to later shows, but for me it is still the most entertaining Star Trek to this day.

Yes, please do the podcast about the streaming-wars, corporation-combining, inside-baseball stuff. That’s what makes the Shuttle Pod different from the million other Trek podcasts out there. Everyone does retro-reviews. Barely anyone talks about the behind the scenes industry mechanics. This is right in line with the Trek Movie website and what makes you stand apart.

There should be a podcast about the streaming wars. HBO Max is coming out next month in May. Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, Apple, CBS… Streaming is taking over.

The corporate combining is another topic entirely. CBS and Viacom, Disney Fox merger are one example of that.

The media landscape is rapidly changing and these companies need to adapt or go out of business.

Star Trek’s overall demographic ranges from 16 to 65 years of age. CBS All Access’s Trek is attempting to focus on the 21 to 35 demographic. Once you add in the swearing, incest, and sex, the demographic skews towards adolescence and young adults. Trek has always explored sexuality and gender through moderation.

Swearing was used as comedy relief in The Voyage Home. During the movie Voyage Home, Kirk explains that swearing is a primitive and outdated form of communication. Swearing was used to express impeding doom in Generations. Again, swearing and sexuality were approached in moderation, so the brand was able to maintain a sense of class, sophistication, and innocence. Larger demographic.

As competition started to arrive, Trek’s form of storytelling had changed. Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis took Rodenberry’s formula and created a conundrum. Stargate modernized The Next Generation and DS9 formula; thus, they won over Trek’s remaining demographics. People stopped watching Trek in favor of Stargate.

Stargate: Universe and Star Trek: Picard/Discovery are built upon the Galatica formula. Dark dystopian themes that focus moreso on drama rather than science. So, hammering down the new demographic is complicated. Teen and young adult storytelling told in a dystopia world? Hunger Games demographic? I liked the Hunger Games. I would not be surprised if the new demographic is similar to the Hunger Games.

I disagree with you slightly. Swearing always existed in Star Trek In TOS: Dr. McCoy said “damn” all the time. Kirk used “hell.” They would have used the f-word if they could, I believe.

Tam’Onari, while it’s true that some of the Trek audience may have been engaged by Stargate (or Farscape, Firefly or new BSG) it’s too much to claim that it took the audience demographic or that Picard/Discovery are built on the formula.

Paramount pushed both Voyager and Enterprise to carry a strategically flawed cable network. I really wish fans seeking to explain the declining audiences of 90s Trek would keep in mind that the later series weren’t syndicated the way TNG and DS9 (and Stargate) were. You can’t make an assessment without considering the platform.

Frankly, I see elements of all of these later series, and even moments of Lost, being experimented with in both Discovery and Picard. The trippiest moments often have echos of Farscape (a Hopepunk series to the end).

A number of writers have asked why series can’t get back to the happy medium of long arcs, stand-alone episodes and occasional 2 or 3 parters that we saw in the early 00s.

I’m wondering if it may have something to do with writers rooms not wanting to have to accept spec scripts. If a show is totally serialized, then the WGA doesn’t require the showrunner to accept spec scripts, but as soon as there are any stand-alone episodes, they have to accept a minimum number of spec scripts per year.

I’ve never heard of WGA rules about accepting spec scripts for different kinds of shows. Definitely interesting. Do you have a link to a page that explains it a little more?

It’s reportedly covered in the WGA Guide to Writing for Episodic TV.

Once a series has a certain number of stand alone episodes, it comes under the episodic TV criteria in the contract and a certain minimum number of scripts have to be accepted from freelancers.

Can you guys please do a podcast about the streaming wars? That was one of the most interesting parts of your discussion.

There are many topics I hope this podcast can dive into. Here’s a couple I thought about:

–The Science of Star Trek. From Roddenberry’s reach in the beginning to the Rand Corporation and NASA to get the science right, technobabble (it seems that TOS used more correct wording of values such as scientific notation than current Trek), and Trek’s biggest science faux pas (my vote goes to “supernova threatening entire galaxy”). And also how Trek inspired many people to enter a career in science, myself included.
–More “inside baseball” in to the business of Star Trek.
–Merchandise. The show “The Toys that Made Us” on Netflix had a great episode about Star Trek. I’d like a deeper podcast about the merch.
–Favorites among the podcasters. They could go into favorite Trek show, movie, characters, Starfleet uniforms, starships, aliens, episodes, and more.

thanks guys!

Thank you all for the feedback – you’ve given us some great ideas!