Last year toymaker Super7 launched its first wave of figures based on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The second wave has just been released with six more 3.75″ figures filling out the crew and adding some iconic adversaries.
Super 7 TNG Wave 2
Super7’s “ReAction” figures are designed to “celebrate the iconic action figure of our childhood,” evoking the look and feel of classic Kenner and Galoob action figures. And their second ReAction wave of Star Trek: The Next Generation has six new figures: Counselor Troi, Commander Riker, Dr. Crusher, Lt. Commander La Forge, Q, and Armus.
The Super7 3.75″ ReAction figures have 5 points of articulation and “classic action figure style.” Some also include an accessory, like a tricorder with Dr. Crusher or phaser with Riker and Goeordi.
Each Star Trek: TNG ReAction figure is priced at $18. You can order the figures individually or as a set at or at Entertainment Earth.
More TNG from Super7
The first wave of Super 7 TNG figures included Captain Picard, Worf, Data, Wesley Crusher, Guinan, and a Borg drone. And these are still available at and Entertainment Earth. And at Entertainment Earth you can also pre-order some Wave 3 figures coming this fall, which include “Elementary, Dear Data” Data and Geordi, and Victorian Worf and Picard.
Here is a closer look at Wave 1 from Super7…
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Entertainment Earth has Wave 3 up for Preorder. They have four listed so far – Data and Geordie as Sherlock and Watson and Picard and Worf in Victorian attire. I would imagine the two missing figures for the wave will be Moriarty and Polaski.
I want SHIPS! ;) Gave up on figures back in the day after the original playmate line.
gah these are all awesome
Yes indeed!
It’s great to see more TNG merchandise in all its glory! These toys really brings me back! I think I had most of the figures in the early 90s and here they are again. :)
It sure is. I stopped the figures though after the 90’s stuff came out. Just doing ships now. Still very cool to see.
My old Playmates’ version of Troi was MUCH prettier.
I hope I can find these at Target.
Ugh, brings back horrid memories of wasted time on bad TV.
Bring on the TOS figures that can bring back happy memories of wasting time on good TV. lol
Better yet, TWOK figures that for some reason never were available when I was a kid just to confirm that all the kids these days get the cool toys we now all longed for like flying drones.
Does the Armus figure come with a Riker inside it?
Paramount + really needs to license another company. These figures are not up to today’s standards. Also, with the amount of Trek out there they need a company that can produce faster. We don’t need a rehash of merch that’s already been produced.
Yes. I don’t get it.
Reaction figures are intentionally made to duplicate Kenner style figures of the late 70s and 80s. Playmates has the master license for Star Trek product. They will be 5” scale with at least 14 points of articulation. Many of those points of articulation will have dual pivot ball-joint/swivel-joint combos. Playmates has a wave coming out for July and again in October. Most likely they will have new waves for each quarter. Super7 has been known to do 7” scale Ultimates figures for their licenses and could potentially do this for Star Trek. So Star Trek now has Playmobil figures and vehicles, 3 3/4” Reaction figures, 5” scale Playmates figures, 8” Megos, 12” Exo-6 figure, 7” bendable figures from The Noble Collection. This is probably the most Star Trek figure options a fan has ever had in the whole history of the property.
They made a toy figure of Armus? Really? Armus? Reminds me of that prank call joke Lower Decks did with the character. At first I thought it might be a joke by itself, but it looks like they are really making a toy of Armus. I guess everyone was waiting for an opportunity to play with Armus :))
I thought of Lower Decks too.
Weirder is that they have Armus before they made Yar.
Legitimately asking, are these for playing with or are they really meant for collecting?
If they’re meant for playing with, who is the target demographic? People who grew up with these? I don’t think anyone under 30 would remember these on toy shelves.
If they’re for collecting, are they just to showcase or are they meant to accrue value? And if they accrue value, how much are we talking about?
I guess you could ask the same questions about most collecting.
I played with all of the 80s and 90s action figures I had when I was a kid. Same with any comic books I had, they were well worn from reading and were pitched long ago.
I’ve done some coin collecting, but it was strictly due to the enjoyment of the hunt, looking through my spare change every day and putting any coins I was missing in books. A co-worker I had at the time couldn’t understand why I did it the way I did it, he told me I should just buy mint-condition sets if I was collecting them. That was never the point. It was never about mint condition or trying to invest in something worth more than face value.
why does the tar guy that kills tasha get a a figure before tasha? does anyone really want that?
please bring us a Tasha ya figure and trio in blue duty uniform