The massive multiplayer online game Star Trek: online is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with the announcement of their fourth major expansion. Launching on the PC in June, the “Victory is Life” expansion will add the Jem’Hadar as a playbable faction and include six new episodes featuring Deep Space Nine crew members voiced by ten of the original actors, including Quark (Armin Shimerman), Odo (René Auberjonois), Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor), Martok (J.G. Hertzler) and several other familiar faces.
“We couldn’t think of a better way of celebrating Deep Space Nine, than resurrecting the characters so many fans adored and reuniting this special cast in Star Trek Online,” said Stephen Ricossa, executive producer for Star Trek Online. “Our new expansion pays tribute to the television series that boldly explored important social issues and left a lasting impact on an entire generation of Star Trek fans.”
Teaser trailer
The story of ‘Victory is Life’
Victory is Life takes Star Trek Online captains on a journey to the Gamma Quadrant, where they will discover what is left of Deep Space Nine. The legendary space station was severely damaged by the Hur’q, a new enemy who recently made their presence known to the Alliance in the game’s last featured episode, “Scylla and Charibdis.” Players must now team up with Deep Space Nine’s devoted crew members to find a way to protect the galaxy from another devastating attack.
10 DS9 voice actors
With the release of Star Trek Online’s new PC expansion, players will discover six new episodes, starring characters voiced by ten of the original Star Trek: Deep Space Nine actors who brought the roles to life. This includes fan favorites such as Ferengi Entrepreneur Quark (Armin Shimerman), Changeling Chief of Security Odo (René Auberjonois), Commanding Starfleet Officer Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor), Klingon General Martok (J.G. Hertzler), as well as six other actors that will be revealed soon on Star Trek Online’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
Play as Jem’Hadar
For the first time ever, players will be able to experience Star Trek Online through the eyes of the Jem’Hadar, genetically engineered soldiers of the Dominion. This brand-new playable faction will start at level 60 with a variety of completed Reputations, Specialization Trees, Duty Officer tracks, and R&D progress. Victory is Life also introduces an increased level cap of 65, a new queue, added progression system and all-new Sector Battlezone, a new gameplay feature that takes players into a war between the stars to save the Gamma Quadrant. Additional features included with Victory is Life will be revealed at launch.
The “Victory is Life” expansion will launch in June on PC and be added for console players at a later date. To download and play Star Trek Online today for free, visit
I can’t get enough of DS9. My absolute favourite of all the Star Trek incarnations and a crying shame I can’t own a bluray boxset. DS9 in my opinion is tragically looked over, and did everything Discovery is trying to do, 25 years ago. It took itself very seriously, thought-provoking and present uncomfortable questions – yet could still be incredibly goofy and playful when you last expected it. It honoured everything that came before in Trek and didn’t try and reinvent the wheel. I don’t play Star Trek Online… have always wanted to… this expansion pack has genuinely convinced me to play. If Star Trek movies and Star Trek’s latest series don’t allow me to enjoy the universe I miss so much… perhaps this computer game will.
Well said Martin
I think you’ll enjoy Star Trek Online, Martin. I just started playing last month, and I’ve been having a blast wheeling around as a (nominally ;) ) Federation-aligned Romulan.
I do wish they’d make the Cardassians a playable race.
Download it and play. You will love it. Great story. Great fun. I’ve been playing for years and just when it might feel like you’ve played it out they come out with up dates and expansions. Play for free online. Pay if you want but there really is no need.
STO is a great game. If you’re a Trek fan you’re sure to enjoy it. There is so much to do, but the the best part of it, imho, is the Foundry, where players can build their own missions. The User Generated Content has some of the best storytelling in the game. I’m also very excited that my favorite Trek, DS9 is finally going to be included in such a meaningful way. Can’t wait til June.
While it is good that the game continues on strong legs (along with WoW & DDO), I’m still not warm to the idea of my $$$ (directly or indirectly) going to China aka Perfect World…
~Pensive’s Wetness
Anything (mostly) coming from China is mass produced tackyness….
Star Trek Online would be good if the game actually would be user friendly and easily downloadable. The graphics aren’t great either; equivalent to a basic PS2 Game from the early 2000’s. It’s a free game so obviously it isn’t aiming for quality but rather numbers and bottom line I surpose?
Try learning the minimum about the game before running your mouth morons.
Thanks! Just what i always wanted: commentary from a [CENSORED]. For the record, I did play it, from the very start up until the ownership changed hands to Perfect World. But thanks for being ‘Nice’ at least?
Been playing for 7 years. The comments about China and Perfect World are ignorant and I feel no need to be nice to a bigot.
Seeing a post that adds nothing to the conversation except name-calling & labeling, once, might be casually disregarded as a symptom of that author experiencing a “bad case of gas”. Seeing something similar within the very same thread should be a clear indication of that author BEING a “bad case of gas” [i.e., Troll]. For the record, I share the opinion of author ‘ThePW’ in their original post. Playing several other games in the Perfect World collection, they seem to follow a similar pattern, one designed to maximize profit (& if that’s their singular goal, who can blame them?) but let all be clear on Perfect World’s motive; it’s not for the sake of love for any particular genre, nor of the fans. What Perfect World needs, for the sake of the respective fans, is some competition. Since CBS maintains control of the Star Trek franchise, & Perfect World is a licensee, until another Star Trek online MMO game is licensed, the Star Trek fans are stuck with Star Trek Online, with all of its many flaws. Unless & until PWE sees some competition, there will be little to no incentive for them to tend to all of their many flaws, lots of them ongoing with no interest or intention to ever be resolved (for example, see my post below). Further gaseous anomalies will be ignored. That is all.
I had to stop playing STO when I couldn’t skip the Kobali mission :(
How does that equate to “had to quit”? I’ve been playing since the f2p launch and haven’t had the slightest urge to stop.
Great news! Really looking forward to this expansion, hopefully the console release won’t lag behind the PC release by too much. I played years ago on the PC and have been playing on the PS4 since last September.
A cautionary note on making purchases in the Star Trek Online Game: Depending, of course, on how much it matters to you to have a record when any of your purchases are “Lost” in the Game, I strongly advise & highly recommend your taking a screenshot of the item(s) as you purchase them as an independent purchase confirmation; far too often, items either fail to arrive or are “Lost” as some point later – as in, disappear suddenly from your inventory, especially after an update & even more so after an ‘Expansion’ & if STO is unable to confirm your purchase, you’ll have lost both the item(s) & whatever you spent to acquire them. Filing a support ticket will most likely yield a request for further details; specifically, including a complete description of the item(s), the character, date, time, etc. While no guarantee that your loss will be admitted & confirmed (which has happened, despite a screenshot), & even if so, that it’ll be replaced, it’ll increase the chances that your ticket will result in a positive resolution. Trust me, I know from experience! ->Caveat Emptor!<-