On this episode of the Shuttle Pod, Brian and Matt are joined by TrekMovie founder Anthony Pascale for a look at San Diego Comic-Con 2018. Anthony was one of the “boots on the ground” in San Diego, and has gone to Comic-Con many times in years past, so we get his thoughts on what Comic-Con of today looks like compared to previous years.
Of course we discuss the big Star Trek: Discovery news from the panel and press conference, as well as our impressions of the First Look trailer CBS released during the con. We also touch on the announcement of Short Treks, the four mini-episodes that will be released in the fall to help tide us over until Season 2 starts in the new year. Lastly, we talk about our adopted show, The Orville, which also had a panel, press conference, and trailer released at Comic-Con for their second season.
Shuttle Pod 55: Comic-Con 2018 Debrief
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Listened this morning. Really nice to finally hear Anthony Pascale on the podcast! Bring him back!!!
I’m sure we’ll have Tony back on in the future :-)
Thanks for the podcast. One suggestion: it’s hard to follow sometimes because everyone keeps interrupting each other simply to say “right” or “yeah” or to reiterate what the speaker is saying. Overall, really enjoy it though.
Point taken, in prior podcasts we’ve done better (and sometimes worse) about that, we’ll try to do better. We keep things conversational, so that’s pretty much how we’d be in if we were actually all sitting in the same room talking. But I freely admit I can be one of the worst offenders.
Good listen as always, and it was good to finally hear “The Founder’s” voice (Weyoun would be honored 🙃).
Enjoyed the Keeping Up with the Cardassians joke, Matt. 🙂
Thank you, glad someone liked my cheesy joke :D