Podcast: All Access Goes To The ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 5 Junket And Breaks Down That ‘Variety’ Article

All Access Star Trek podcast episode 178 - TrekMovie - Discovery S5 junket and Variety article

Anthony and Laurie have a lot of news to go through from the recent Star Trek cover story in Variety! They give updates on the Section 31 streaming movie, Starfleet Academy, and the Star Trek movies that are still moving forward (or in development), as well as the latest on season 3 of Strange New Worlds. They discuss the release of Prodigy season 2 on French TV, then turn their attention to Star Trek: Discovery, which premieres in less than a week. They play clips from their recent junket interviews with showrunners Michelle Paradise and Alex Kurtzman and actors Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, David Ajala, Mary Wiseman, Wilson Cruz, and Blu del Barrio and talk about what to expect in season 5.

They wrap up with an interview with Rosalind Chao about 3 Body Problem and one of Laurie’s birthday presents: an Enterprise-D Bluetooth speaker.


‘Star Trek: Section 31’ First Look Revealed With ‘Academy’ Details, Plus Glimmer Of ‘Legacy’ Hope

‘Star Trek 4’ Gets Another Writer, But “Franchise Origin Story” Movie Could Arrive First

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3 Gets New Science Lab… And 2025 Release

‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Creators Say “Miscommunication” Led To Unexpected Early Release Of Season 2 In France

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Showrunner Drops Hints For Each Season 5 Episode

Interview: ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Showrunners On Season 5 Themes And The ‘Indiana Jones’ Style Adventure


Anthony: Rosalind Chao Is Ready to Fight About 3 Body Problem [Vanity Fair]

Laurie: Enterprise-D Bluetooth speaker

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Thanks so much for the podcast and building the excitement for Discovery Season 5. I can’t wait to watch the new season, but it’s bittersweet as it’s my favorite Trek. I’m not ready for the game to end.
I also appreciate the new commenting approach, as the comments on any Discovery article become a circle jerk of the same clowns posting the same comments over and over.
I’ve been a Trek fan since the 1970s, so it’s interesting to see how even Trek fans in the same general age group have different favorite shows. I’m looking forward to Academy as I love the Disco era and characters. I’m also a teacher who has students who are Trek fans, so I love a show I can discuss with them.
From an earlier article, I would love to see SNW do a muppet episode. I love their willingness to try different things. The Muppet Show and various movies were always great, so that would be a great crossover.

Really hope you enjoy it!

As a die hard trek fan in my early 20s I appreciate the conversation about the academy show. I was definitely hoping it would be in the 24th or 25th century but excited about the potential to bring more people in my generation to the franchise

I listen faithfully to the podcast and always enjoy the conversation very much. So, Tony and Laurie, thanks for continuing to provide this service, including the very many topics discussed this week. However, I especially want to thank you for your closing remarks about the knee-jerk negativity that has dominated the discussion boards when it comes not only to Discovery but frequently to all of so-called NuTrek. Of course, people have a right to their opinions, but it is hardly enjoyable to read a continuous braying stream of often ad hominem criticisms. I hear that polarization constantly on the news. I don’t need to read it on a site dedicated to Trek which posits such themes as IDIC. That is why I haven’t posted in over a year if anyone cares. So, thanks Trek Movie for recognizing and trying to address this toxicity.

Hi Elrond so great to see you here! ;)

I haven’t listened to the podcast fully yet but I did listen to the last few minutes based on your comments and I don’t really disagree with it either.

Yes Discovery has become a very polarized show to say the least and there are a lot of people who just likes to dump on it. And obviously it’s understandable how much it can affect the people who do generally love it.

There can definitely be a better balance discussing it for sure. I have made it very clear my dislike for the show and have no problem saying so. But I’m not here to rain on people’s parade either. And of course I always say what I like about the show and I am truly hoping to love next season. But I was hoping to love every season lol. And I think season 4 just really put me off on the show personally I’m a way I kinda given up on it.

But I also felt that way about season 2 of Picard (which is my worst season of the entire franchise now) but fell in love with season 3. So I’m personally hoping season 5 has a similar affect. Or at the very least just enjoy it more overall.

But yes they are not wrong, people are generally negative on the show here for sure. And I have definitely contributed to that. Very guilty lol. But same time no I don’t come here or anywhere just to put the show down. To this day I still want to love it but yeah I’m very jaded over it. But that’s simply because I don’t think it’s a very good show.End of the day that’s my problem with it but I don’t hate it either.

But as you pointed out no it’s not just Discovery either obviously. There has been a lot of scorn against NuTrek in general, literally since 2009. And what I point out time again and again and again is this is NOT some new phenomenon on these boards, not even close. There has been way more negativity and bitterness about these new offerings for over a decade now and especially once STID came out. Nothing gets erased here. There are literally thousands of posts of harsh criticism, infighting, and overall nastiness that permeated these boards for years way before Discovery was even an idea.

I try very hard to bring perspective to this stuff. No they are not wrong people are generally negative here over Discovery but this has been an issue since literally 2009. It’s not some new concept it’s only heightened more because we are currently discussing it but it’s been on these boards forever now and it went unchecked all this time.

But again I get it obviously, it’s not fun to be excited about something just to see it dumped on everywhere and yes Discovery IS dumped on pretty much everywhere which Laura said. It’s not just this tiny board of 30 people lol.

And frankly that’s a much bigger symptom of what social media has done and the general negative discourse you find everywhere these days but that’s a bigger discussion.

But I truly hope you stick around. I always loved hearing your views. And I will certainly try and clamp down on my own heated rhetoric if I’m not enjoying this season as much. I will ALWAYS be honest but not mean spirited either. And of course will point out all the positives which I have always done.

But yes it would be nice if there was more of a balance and people who love the show feel welcomed, that I fully agree with.

I don’t think any of us has any issues with people who want to discuss the show in an honest and critical way! It’s just the people who show up in the comments of every Discovery story to poop all over the show’s very existence. If they hate the show and don’t watch it, there is no reason for them to comment.

Ok that’s different from what I was thinking. I thought you guys were saying it’s just too many people saying mean things about the show.

This I get obviously although I don’t know how often that happens here these days. But yeah that’ happens tons in other places for sure.

There is enough Trek to go around now. They are all different in their own ways. I guess some get passionate defending their own likes and dislikes. On another note, Laurie is it too early to start asking the powers that be if there is anything planned for the 60th Anniversary. I haven’t seen anyone ask yet. Hopefully this isn’t a repeat of the 50th Anniversary debacle. For example, with all the shows and maybe movies why wouldn’t they take advantage of having TOS stars still available??

Thanks, Tiger, for the welcoming words, and thanks, Laurie, for your reasonable comment.

Tiger, I really appreciate your overarching remark about the nature of social media. Its anonymity removes social inhibitions and so promotes aggressive rhetoric. Today this polarizing tendency is exacerbated when craven political leaders corrode the very fabric of social discourse.

Most Trek fans say they love Gene R’s vision of what humanity could become. So, it’s discouraging to me that the medium’s tendency to bring out the worst in people seems unimpeded on the very sites who partially exist to celebrate that vision (not just this one!).

I’m not saying there should be no criticism of Trek episodes or shows. I posted once that Picard s2 was a convoluted mess. I thought there were too many teary interludes on Disco but also that Disco s1 tried to depict Klingons as truly alien and not as domesticated as perhaps they had become. So I also liked s4’s effort to encounter totally alien non-humanoid beings.

The point is that it seems to me there is often too much “group think” on display (“the fans think …”) that expresses itself in absolute terms—exactly the opposite of IDIC. I am NOT referring to you, Tiger, just to an off-putting tone that frequently prevails. And I could wish that there might be some sensitivity for the feelings of actors and creatives who might read truly nasty ad hominems online. Maybe having lived with Trek all my life I’ve become too naive to hope for more from its fans.

C’est la vie! Enough whining! I’m looking forward to this coming Thursday as the Disco story continues the Trek legacy.

Elrond, I have noticed your departure and I am sad it happened but I understand. If it’s not fun it’s not worth staying for!

Thanks to Laurie and Anthony for addressing this issue! Despite not being the biggest fan of Discovery even I find the threads can be a bit negative. Although I don’t think it’s solely your responsibility. The commentators, including myself, need to make sure that what we write doesn’t cross the line. I feel a great first step in fixing the situation would be keeping criticism of Star Trek professional and not personal. No comments on weight, hair, voices, sexuality or body types. Just keep it to storylines. Even then we should try to be accepting that while it may not be our creative vision, it doesn’t mean it isn’t someone else’s.

We should also try to make the time to reread our comments before posting and ask ourselves….is this a productive comment or just some more hate speech? Sometimes it’s good to even reread a comment a few times before posting. Might help give some more perspective!

Obviously I hear you. Yes there is certainly an underbelly of nastiness that can pervade the fandom when they deeply don’t like something. But again this is not a new thing obviously. Rick Berman used to be called everything under the sun when people weren’t happy with the shows and some of the movies and that’s now over 20 years ago.

But yes it does feel more pervasive today because as said social media exists now and has really divided opinions in a very extreme and toxic way. I mean when the former President of the United States literally goes after people online and call them names, it only motivates people anonymously behind a keyboard to be as insipid as they can when it comes to TV shows and movies.

Yeah the toxicity level can be truly high at times but I actually think this site is on the tamer side these days. I been reading this board since 2008 and yeah I guess I’m desensitized to things at this point.

And you’re certainly right about how creators gets lambasted online but yeah that comes with the job. And again Bob Orci was a regular on these boards for years and the guy got ragged on here constantly, especially after STID.

People were calling the guy names as he would try to defend his movies, which I thought was very disrespectful. Yes nothing wrong to be critical but people were being mean because they could. And I wasn’t really around here that much but I don’t remember a single moderator telling others to cut it out, show some class to the guy and this went on for years.

So ten years later am I surprised how some people go overboard with all these other shows and Discovery in particular, not in the least.

But to try and keep it positive if Discovery is considered good this season most of that will go away like it did with Picard after season 3. There were plenty of people critical or didn’t like it but it wasn’t so widespread anymore either since most really liked it.

Hopefully this season will just win over more years and minds.

I totally agree that nastiness towards other people online is becoming so widespread we are all becoming desensitized to it! It’s like we are starting to lose our ability to understand those that are different to us. We just tend to hate and that’s it. That’s why I think it’s important to at least say to the fans…..make sure you watch an episode before commenting. Which I think most of us do! Unfortunately I do think there are some who don’t. Criticism is warranted but so is keeping it polite.

For what’s it worth I do remember Bob Orci commenting on here and he wasn’t treated very well! He was definitely in the crosshairs of the fandom for a while. That’s why I think it’s more important to emphasize personal responsibility! How this website moderates comments will inevitably fluctuate depending on what’s going on in someone’s life that day. But if WE can keep it respectable then maybe the community can keep being open minded enough to have diverse ideas being posted.

Just remember, it’s one thing to watch a show and want to discuss why it didn’t work with other people who watched it. It’s a completely different thing to have stopped watching a show because you don’t like it and then repeatedly visit posts about it to tell everybody who comes by how much you hate it and play the hits of what’s wrong with it for the umpteenth time. It’s perfectly fine to dislike a show, but this need to tell everybody who DOES like it how much you hate it at every available opportunity is ridiculous.

Yeah, it often feels like people just reflexively vomit out the same comments over and over again under every article. It’s a small community here. I’m sure everybody kind of knows by now how the regulars feel.

I speak French, but I’ll wait for the original on Netflix.

Mark Altman mentioned on the Treksperts podcast months ago that the “origin” movie script is set in the First Contact era.

Yes, I remember that. I’d support an origin movie if they used the Jendresen script. It was inspired from the Illiad and the Odyssey. It would have possibly been a trilogy. It sounds cool and different, but I know they’re not going in that direction.

Wow…. interesting.

So, Mad Max with a happy ending, basically…..

That sounds like a cool approach. I would be very interested in that.

I started watching TNG when I was 12 years old. Does that make TNG a young adult show? I still think you can bring in new viewers if you make a great series for everyone.

Yes, agreed. I started watching TOS when I was about 7 years old, 1973 or 74, and fell in love with it, learned life lessons from it. It was just what you said, a great series for everyone. A ‘YA’ label wasn’t necessary. But that was then and this is now…😊

Wil Wheaton was 15 when TNG first aired. Several other cast members were in their early to mid 30’s, and it could be argued they were playing younger characters. YA didn’t exist as a label then, but it’s arguable they wanted a cast that could reach a younger audience.

Yes, young people watch Succession, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Law & Order, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead. They want compelling characters and great stories. Why do they think making a CW style YA Star Trek show will bring in new viewers, especially when young people don’t even know Star Trek or P+ exist? You know whose going to watch it? People who grew up on Star Trek back in the 20th century.