
Exclusive: Preview of ‘Star Trek: The Art of The Film’ [UPDATED]

Next week, timed for the same day as Star Trek on home video, is the release of  "Star Trek: The Art of the Film", a coffee table book full of photos and sketches from the artists who worked on the new Star Trek movie. Today TrekMovie has an exclusive peek at a couple pages from the "Aliens" chapter, check it out below. [UPDATED: Links to more preview images]

Book Excerpt: Star Trek Vanguard: Precipice

Arriving in November is the next Star Trek novel from Pocket Books, "Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice", which is the second Vanguard book for 2009. Written by David Mack, "Precipice" has the Starbase 47 team involved in intrigue and espionage with the Klingons in a race for mysterious ancient alien technology. To get you started, you can read chapter one, below.

Library Computer: Review of Star Trek Enterprise: The Romulan War: Beneath The Raptor’s Wing

Next week Simon & Schuster releases its big trade paperback "Star Trek Enterprise: The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor’s Wing." This book should be of interest to both fans of Enterprise, as well as those who want to learn more about a conflict we first heard about during The Original Series. Today we have an an early review which is extensive, befitting this extra-long trade paperback.  

Exclusive: Interview with Star Trek Production Designer Scott Chambliss

Scott Chambliss had worked with JJ Abrams for years, including on Alias and Mission: Impossible: III, but redesigning the Star Trek universe was probably his most ambitious undertaking. In an exclusive interview with TrekMovie, the production designer talks about the challenges of taking on Trek, fan feedback, and also what we can look forward to in the upcoming Art of Star Trek book.

Simon & Schuster Lays Off Star Trek Book Editor – Promises No Change In Schedule

A round of layoffs this week at Simon and Schuster resulted in the departure of Star Trek books editor Margaret Clark. The move was a part of a workforce reduction by the publisher, driven by lagging profits in the publishing industry. Even though this is the second layoff of a Star Trek editor in the last year, Simon & Schuster says they are committed to Star Trek going forward. More details below, plus a preview of Spring 2010 Trek books.

Review: Nicholas Meyer’s ‘The View From the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood’

27 years ago Nick Meyer’s Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, set the standard for Star Trek movies that is still the pinnacle today. That began a decade long relationship for Meyer with the franchise, which he writes about in his new memoir "The View From the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood." See below for our review

Library Computer: TrekMovie Guide To The Deep Space Nine ‘Relaunch’

In the past eight years Pocket Books has been taking Star Trek novels to a new level by embarking on an ‘eighth season’ of Deep Space Nine in book form. With two new DS9 ‘relaunch’ novels fast approaching it may seem intimidating to jump in, so the Library Computer brings you an updated guide to the series and how you can get caught up on all the previous action.

EXCLUSIVE: Pocket Books Announces 2010 Star Trek Books – Includes 4 ‘JJ-verse’ Novels

Last week we previewed covers and details for Pocket Books Star Trek novels for the rest of 2009. Today we can announce the schedule for Star Trek books for 2010, which includes more Original Series era books, a big TNG-era 24th century mini-series and four books set in the universe of JJ Abrams new Star Trek movie. 

Exclusive Preview Of Fall 2009 Star Trek Novels

This Fall Pocket Books has Star Trek novels spanning all the eras of Trek future history, from the 22nd century Romulan War, to the 23rd century Mirror Universe up through to the latest for the USS Voyager and USS Titan in the 24th century. Today TrekMovie has an exclusive first look at the covers and jacket copy for the Star Trek books coming out September – December 2009.

The Collective: Review Of “Star Trek” Novel Adaptation Signed Collector’s Edition Box Set

The adaptation to 2009’s Star Trek film by Alan Dean Foster has had seven printings so far and made its way to the New York Times Best seller list. It is appropriate then that his book is getting some royal treatment by Premiere Collectibles. TrekMovie has all the details in our review of their special edition boxed signed hardcover book.

Exclusive Excerpt From Upcoming Nicholas Meyer Star Trek Memoir

A generation ago a young upstart director had the temerity to shake things up in the Trek franchise, and result was the classic Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, beginning a decade long relationship for Nicholas Meyer. This summer Meyer will recount his years with Trek in a new memoir, and TrekMovie has an exclusive excerpt, along with more Meyer summer 2009 news.

Star Trek Timelines – An Official Graphic

The new Star Trek movie is not easy to classify. The film is not a traditional prequel like Star Wars Episode III, nor is it a traditional ‘canon reboot’ like Batman Begins. Some have wondered how the new film fits in with the Trek universe, and what affect it has on the extended universe. A new page and graphic on the Star Trek Online MMORPG official site gives a pretty good explanation. [movie spoilers obviously]

Book Excerpt: Star Trek TNG: Losing The Peace

Later in June Pocket Books will be releasing "Losing the Peace" a new Next Generation novel by William Leisner, and the first TNG book since the "Destiny" Series. Picard and the crew of the Enterprise E have to deal with how their mission has changed in the post-"Destiny" Federation. Pocket has put up the the entire first chapter online, read it below.

CONTEST: Win Star Trek Movie Audiobook Signed By Zachary Quinto

If you want to relive the Star Trek movie again and also get some more insights into the characters and events of the film, you can ‘listen’ to the movie via the audio book of the Alan Dean Foster adaptation. Today we have a clip from the audio book to sample it, and we are also giving away free copies, including one signed by the narrator, Zachary Quinto.

Library Computer: “Star Trek Mere Anarchy” Review + “Haynes Enterprise Manual” Announced

This week the Library Computer is catching up with a review of the paperback reprint of “Mere Anarchy”, a six part mini-series originally produced in eBook format to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Star Trek. This week we also have news of the original book set in the new Star Trek continuity – and it’s sure to be a surprise!