
Book Review: Star Trek: That Which Divides

The Library Computer is back with a brand new review of the latest Star Trek novel. This month provides us with a classic Trek adventure in Dayton Ward’s “That Which Divides," which revisits a classic episode (and mysterious race) while throwing in some Romulans and a few TAS character cameos. Find out how it all works out in the TrekMovie review.

Book Review: Star Trek Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions

Building on his previous Mirror Universe novel "The Sorrows of Empire", as well as the three MU anthologies ("Glass Empires", "Obsidian Alliances", and "Shards and Shadows" ), David Mack brings an entertaining and captivating story to life for fans of Star Trek’s darker side. Find out how it turns out the TrekMovie review of "Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions".

eBook Review: Star Trek: The Typhon Pact: The Struggle Within + Catchup Reviews & News On Typhon’s Future

The Star Trek: The Typhon Pact cross-24th century series saga continues with the release of Christopher L. Bennett’s e-book novella “The Struggle Within.” TrekMovie reviews that below, plus we take the opportunity to catch up with mini-reviews of the four previously released Typhon Pact novels from late 2010/early 2011. There is also news on the next entries in the series coming in 2012.

Watch: William Shatner Talks ‘Beam Me Up’, Dilithium, Economy, Celebrity & More On NYC Media Tour

Star Trek’s original Captain Kirk has been in New York City for the last couple of days promoting his new book and CD. Bill spoke about "Beam Me Up" with GMA, the economy and Gold with the Wall Street Journal webcast, the Takei feud with Nightline, dilithium with Fox, and he even hangs with the ladies of The View. Watch the videos below.

Book Review: Star Trek: A Choice of Catastrophes

The evaluation of an abandoned planet by fourteen Enterprise crew members on two shuttlecraft; and the diversion of the mighty starship on – in essence – a milk run to supply a space station with medical supplies sounds innocuous enough, but Michael Schuster and Steve Mollmann present anything but in their new Star Trek novel, “A Choice of Catastrophes”. The TrekMovie review below.

Book Review: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country left a lot of open-ended questions. While there have been a few visits back to that "Lost Era" over the years, none have addressed the medium-term repercussions of the Khitomer Accords and the devastation wrought by the Praxis detonation. That all changes James Sawllow’s brand new novel "Star Trek: Cast No Shadow." The TrekMovie review is below.

Book Review: Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified + Vanguard Series To End In 2012

It’s time to return to the Taurus Reach with the collection “Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified.” Contributors Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore, Marco Palmieri, and David Mack bring readers four novellas, spread across the Vanguard saga’s timeline, which promise to open up some new perspectives on the crew and the circumstances that are associated with the life of Starbase 47. The TrekMovie novel review below plus news on the end of the Vanguard saga.

Book Review: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Indistinguishable From Magic

TrekMovie continues catching up on recently released Star Trek novels to help with your summer reading list. Today we take a look at "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Indistinguishable from Magic," a new standalone novel from David A. McIntee which reunites engineers LaForge and Scott and brings back some of the concepts (and cast) of the former Starfleet Corps of Engineers eBook series.

UPDATED: Simon Pegg Wins Comedy Movie Award + Wants “Green Woman” In Star Trek Sequel

UPDATED: Star Trek’s new Scotty Simon Pegg won the Best Comedy Movie Award tonight at the UK’s National Movie Awards. At the show Pegg offered a suggestion for what he would like Scotty to get up to in the Star Trek sequel. In other Pegg news, Simon’s memoir “Nerd Do Well” is now available for pre-order in the US and he is coming to the states next month for a mini-book signing tour. Details below.

FedCon Day 3: Costumed Trekkies Record Broken + David Mack & Nicole de Boer Panels

It’s day three of FedConXX here in Düsseldorf, Germany, but the con is just as crazy as ever. In addition to setting the new world record for most costumed Trekkies in one place at one time, there were two Star Trek panels today: David Mack, author of Star Trek novels and screenplays for DS9 plus Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax, DS9). Read on for highlights.

Rick Berman Writing Star Trek Memoir + Talks Roddenberry, DS9, VOY & ENT

Former Star Trek overlord Rick Berman has revealed that he at work on a previously promised memoir of his two decades with the Star Trek franchise. In a new interview, the ex-producer also talks about taking over producing Star Trek: The Next Generation from Gene Roddenberry, as well as creating Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise.

Library Computer: Review of Haynes Star Trek USS Enterprise Owners Manual

In this installment, the Library Computer investigates the latest edition to the Star Trek technical guide family, the illustrated Haynes "U.S.S. Enterprise Owners’ Workshop Manual". By the time you study this book, you’ll not only know the difference between a phase inducer and a plasma phase regulator, but you’ll know how to perform preventative and emergency maintenance on both… right?

Watch Funny Video Trailer For Night of the Living Trekkies + Video Preview Of Star Trek 365

The publishers of two new Star Trek related books have released video promos worth checking out. We have a funny "book trailer" for the zombie/Trek mashup "Night of the Living Trekkies". Plus there is a new video preview/promo for the photo book "Star Trek The Original Series: 365". Check them both out below.

Review: Star Trek 365 Photo Book

Abrams Books (no relation to Star Trek’s JJ Abrams) has released a great new Star Trek coffee table book, "Star Trek: The Original Series 365". The book features 365 photo spreads, including many rare or never-seen-before images, along with text by Paula M. Block with Terry J. Erdmann.  TrekMovie provides this review of the photos, text, and design of this latest in Trek’s long history of coffee table tomes.