Interview: James Hiroyuki Liao Says Getting The Call For ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Was Literally A Dream Come True
The actor, who played San, spoke to us at the red carpet premiere in NYC.
The actor, who played San, spoke to us at the red carpet premiere in NYC.
We caught up with the ‘Strange New Worlds’ actress on the ‘Section 31’ red carpet.
The actress took the responsibility of being Deltan seriously.
Rapp and Cruz spoke to us at the ‘Section 31’ premiere in NYC.
The executive producer talked about how it’s “important is to try new things.”
The actor talks about becoming part of Trek history.
The actor calls Zeph the “happiest-go-luckiest head smasher you’ll ever meet.”
“At the beginning of the film, she’s a company man,” Rohl says of Lt. Garrett.
The actor says he’s a “baby Trekkie” and goes into Star Trek with “deep respect.”
We spoke to Michelle Yeoh on the red carpet at the ‘Section 31’ NYC premiere.
O’Connell really relished the “Upper Decks” episode of the show.
We wrap up our chat with the DS9 actress about her book ‘Open A Channel – A Woman’s Trek.’
The DS9 star talks about Michelle Hurd, Marina Sirtis, Linda Park, Jolene Blalock and others who didn’t make it into ‘A Woman’s Trek.’
Read part 2 of our interview with Nana about her book ‘Star Trek – Open A Channel – A Woman’s Trek.’
The Pike and Spock actors spoke on a panel at the ST-NJ convention.
Once she started watching them all, she became a fan.
She says she’s been telling Mike McMahan that Captain Freeman really needs a gummy.
Frakes and Newsome spoke about the new show at the ST-NJ convention.
TrekMovie spoke to Kacey Rohl, Omari Hardwick, and Robert Kazinsky at New York Comic Con.
“Our movie is fun and full of life, and it’s also inspiration.”
More regional Star Trek cons are coming in 2025.
“I know this is gonna sound ridiculous, but the finale WILL make a lot of people tear up,” says the show’s creator.
If you’re not sure how to volunteer, Trek the Vote for Fair Elections can help you out.
Missed the live “Trek The Vote” show last week? It’s not too late to watch.
This is a must-add to your nonfiction Star Trek book collection—and you’ll want to read it more than once.
Del Arco also talks about filming with Whoopi Goldberg for TNG’s “I, Borg.”
“Trek the Vote” guests include Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Jeri Ryan, Rosalind Chao, Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero, Noël Wells, and Mike McMahan.
Geeks & Nerds for Harris and Women of Star Trek for Kamala are both planning star-studded virtual events.
Ahead of the Blu-ray/DVD release, Cruz talks about speaking Spanish onscreen for the first time and how Culber is “no pushover.”
“Much like early Saru, Doug Jones comes in the room without much confidence,” admits the actor.