REVIEW – Star Trek: The Animated Series on Blu-ray

Holodecks, Klingon cloaking devices, de-aged crew members, old crew members restored by the transporter, a Native American officer — all things from Star Trek of the 80’s forward right? Nope. All of these things and more (50ft. Spock!) can be found in Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) which arrives in a stand-alone Blu-ray set this week in North America.

STAR TREK 50th Anniversary TV and Movie Collection available September

Own all original series crew adventures in a giant Blu-ray set! CBS and Paramount have teamed up to combine every TOS cast movie along with the three seasons of The Original Series, and as a special treat, this box set is the debut of The Animated Series on Blu-ray, plus exclusive swag all in one 30-disc collector’s set.

TrekInk: Review of Ultimate Star Trek Doctor Crossover ‘Flesh and Stone’ + Preview

When attendees of a Starfleet medical conference are infected by a terrifying contagion, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir and Katherine Pulaski, ably assisted by the Doctor, race against time to find a cure, discovering answers in the memory and experience of Leonard McCoy and Phlox. Prepare for spoilers in our review of the new “Star Trek: Flesh and Stone” comic, STAT.

Ortiz TOS episode art prints colleced into a limited edition book and new TAS posters

Pop artist Juan Ortiz who has been creating retro movie-style posters for all Original Series episodes recently completed all TOS episodes. Titan Books is now releasing the entire TOS collection in a limited edition coffee table book in the US and UK. It’s a great deal for those who want all of the episode posters in one collection. Ortiz has now moved on to The Animated Series, and is on a fourth wave of posters for those episodes.

Book Review: Star Trek Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History

Lucsly and Dulmur are running out of time in the fast-paced new novel from Christopher L. Bennett. Once again the Department of Temporal Investigation is on the case in the new Star Trek novel, “Forgotten History,” and for this outing they are dealing with the guy who has the biggest time travel rap sheet, James T. Kirk. The TrekMovie review follows.

Star Trek Las Vegas Con Preview (including TrekMovie Panels) + Watch Panels Streaming Live

This Thursday the annual big Star Trek convention kicks off at a new location with an impressive line-up of celebrities, events and more, including a number or TrekMovie.com fan panels. See below for a convention preview, plus details on how you can watch many of the big panels panels live over the web.

Netflix Update: All Star Trek TV Series To Begin Streaming In July

In February we reported that CBS and Netflix had cut a deal to begin streaming a number of CBS series, including all of the Star Trek TV shows. Some CBS shows have begun to appear on streaming, so TrekMovie checked with Netflix get an update on the Star Trek roll-out, see below for exclusive details.  

New Best Of TOS & TNG DVD Sets Announced + More TOS S2 Blu-ray Details + Paramount Joins RedBox

This Fall continues to shape up to be huge with regards to Star Trek on home video with a ton of releases already announced and Paramount and CBS just added two new ‘Best of’ DVDs (TOS & TNG). We also have revised art for the Season 2 TOS Blu-ray and some clarifying details on the HD DS9 and TAS episodes in that release. Finally we have a guide to all the upcoming Trek home video releases.