
Shuttle Pod 118 – Celebrating The 30th Anniversary Of ‘Deep Space Nine’

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 118 - Celebrating The 30th Anniversary Of 'Deep Space Nine'

Shuttlepodder Jared Whitley invites John Duchak and Laurie Ulster to join him in a celebration of ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ in honor of the show’s 30th anniversary. After a not-so-quick overview of the series as a whole, they each pick three episodes to talk about—not the most venerated ones, necessarily, but ones that stuck out to them as favorites that demonstrated some aspect of what the show does best. NOTE: We’ll be back in a few weeks when we can reconvene with the full complement of the Shuttle Pod crew for a ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 wrap up.

All Access: Terry Matalas Interview On ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 And Beyond

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Terry Matalas Interview On 'Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 And Beyond

[Terry Matalas interview starts at 14:48] Tony and Laurie talk about how the WGA strike could affect Star Trek, especially if it keeps going, and do a quick round-up of new merchandise (including Prodigy toys, Patrick Stewart’s memoir, and Jonathan Frakes’ return to Riker in the Star Trek: Resurgence game). The rest of the podcast is spent with Terry Matalas, showrunner on Star Trek: Picard season 3. With the series now complete, Terry talks to us about roads taken and not taken, scenes he wished he’d been able to include, gratifying moments, backstories, and more.

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 310 “The Last Generation” Review & ‘Section 31’ TV Movie News

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 310 “The Last Generation” Review & 'Section 31' TV Movie News

[Picard episode review starts at 22:03] Tony and Laurie can’t wait to talk about the Star Trek: Picard season finale, but there’s a lot of big news to get to first! They cover the announced return of Michelle Yeah to Star Trek with a Section 31 TV-movie, the Strange New Worlds season 2 teaser trailer, SNW’s upcoming arrival on Pluto TV, and plans from Paramount+ to develop a Galaxy Quest series. They discuss the popularity of Picard, including its arrival on the list of top ten streaming shows as ranked by Nielsen, the Enterprise-D in Times Square, and the details on the rebuild of that famous bridge. Then it’s time to talk about “The Last Generation,” the final episode of Star Trek: Picard. Tony and Laurie talk about those emotional moments and exchanges, the action-packed rescue, surprising guest stars, and the multiple, very satisfying ending scenes, as well as the way the show is set up for a follow-up series even if nothing is in development yet. They podcasters are sad to see the season end, but happy it went out so beautifully.

Shuttle Pod 117 – Remastering Trek & The State Of Physical Media

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 117 – Remastering Trek & The State Of Physical Media

Brian, Kayla, and Matt climb aboard the shuttlepod to talk Ultra HD Blu-ray, 35mm film restoration, and of course the issues around, and possibilities for, remastering the beloved ’90s Trek shows (DS9 and VOY), and more. https://www.dotheysellamurfplushyet.com/

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 309 “Vox” Review & Jonathan Frakes Interview

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 309 “Vox” Review & Jonathan Frakes Interview

[Picard episode review starts at 22:55] Tony and Laurie are joined by Jonathan Frakes for part of the podcast this week! He talks about the PanCAN PurpleStride walk taking place on April 29 and how important it is to keep funding research to fight pancreatic cancer, how he and his TNG co-stars didn’t “dare hope” that they’d get to do what they’ve been doing on Star Trek: Picard, and what it was like filming THAT scene in episode 309. He also raves about the Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover episode he directed and describes a new project he’s hoping will come to fruition with Brent Spiner. News-wise, Laurie and Tony talk about the upcoming IMAX screenings for episodes 9  and 10 of Picard (and the accompanying kerfuffle), and review Picard episode 9, “Võx,” discussing the revelations about Jack, the Frontier Day plans to take over Starfleet, the surprise guest star, the surprise death, and that classic ship. They wrap up with a new Star Trek event from the folks at The 7th Rule and a particularly fun episode of the Trek, Marry, Kill podcast.

Shuttle Pod 116 – Review of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episodes 307 and 308

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 116 - Review of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episodes 307 and 308

Kayla and Matt climb aboard the Shuttle Pod to discuss “Dominion” and “Surrender.” The podcasters worry about a slight mid-season slump, but everything comes out on top by the end of the 8th episode. They praise Vadic’s interesting backstory, Marina Sirits’ and Jonathan Frakes’ chemistry, and Brent Spiner’s ability to seamlessly switch between Data and Lore. The crew discuses how Jack has become the star of these two episodes, and they talk about how they really just want to know what’s on the other side of that red door now.

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 308 “Surrender” Review… with Brent Spiner Interview Clips

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 308 “Surrender” Review... with Brent Spiner Interview Clips

Tony and Laurie talk about new character posters for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and new Trek merch (including the TNG movies on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray), then dig into the latest on Picard, from Terry Matalas’ assurance that Kirk will not be making an appearance on the show (beyond the remains we saw at Daystrom) to his description of the show as a proper send-off for the TNG crew. After playing some of the audio from Tony’s interview with Brent Spiner—who talks about Data’s evolution as well as his feline colleague—it’s time to review the latest Picard episode, “Surrender.” Laurie and Tony enjoyed it thoroughly, especially the way it moved the story forward and gave us great character moments along the way, although they’re both impatiently waiting to learn the full story about Jack. They wrap things up with an April Fools’ Day joke from Prodigy EP Aaron Waltke and fun Voyager guest star trivia.

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 307 “Dominion” Review & ‘Starfleet Academy’ Announcement News

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 307 “Dominion” Review & 'Starfleet Academy' Announcement News

Tony and Laurie have fresh news! There’s been an official series order for the new show Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, plus new seasons of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, and Lower Decks, and even an airdate for season 2 of SNW. They round up the latest comments on possible new projects and spin-offs from Alex Kurtzman as well as the Picard cast, plus point listeners towards an Easter egg round-up and an interview with the Picard composers. The rest of the podcast is dedicated to their review of the newest Picard episode, “Dominion.” They discuss the great, emotional performances from LeVar Burton and Brent Spiner, Beverly and Jean-Luc’s moral compass failure, Vadic’s motives, Jack and Sidney’s budding romance, and more. Then they wrap up the pod with a retro game and a wise tweet from Prodigy EP Aaron Waltke.

Shuttle Pod 115 – Review of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episodes 305 and 306

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 115 – Review of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episodes 305 and 306

Brian and Matt climb aboard the Shuttle Pod to discuss “Imposters” and “The Bounty.” As the final season of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ hits the mid-point, there’s lots to talk about including starship fan service done right, the welcome surprise returns of Ro Laren, Geordi LaForge, and maybe even Data?

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 306 “The Bounty” Review

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 306 “The Bounty” Review

Tony and Laurie talk about an official-but-unofficial update on the status of Strange New Worlds season 3 and speculate about what else Paramount+ may be about to announce. They discuss Seth MacFarlane’s comment about being “cautiously optimistic” for an Orville renewal and have some good news for fans of Eaglemoss Hero Collector ships going back on sale. Pivoting to Picard, they take a look at recent posts and comments from Michelle Forbes and Terry Matalas about bringing Ro Laren back in last week’s show, then dive into their review of episode 6, “The Bounty,” where they relished all the reunions, especially from LeVar Burton and Brent Spiner,  who make their first appearances  of the season, and try to put together where all the story points are headed next. They wrap up with a fun moment courtesy of the German Defense Minister’s TNG ringtone, and Laurie plays us off with a tune from Brent Spiner’s album Ol’ Yellow Eyes is Back featuring backup vocals from his TNG costars.

All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 305 “Imposters” Review

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 305 “Imposters” Review

Tony and Laurie celebrate Michelle Yeoh’s Best Actress win at the Academy Awards and speculate about what this might mean for the future of the Section 31 show. They discuss Chris Pine’s enthusiasm for more Star Trek movies, Tony’s interview with Strange New Worlds‘ Celia Rose Gooding and Melissa Navia, the launch of a new comic series from IDW, and the latest from the Star Trek: Picard production team on villains, sets, and technology (including Odo’s bucket). Then they review “Imposters,” the newest episode of Picard, particularly enjoying Ro Laren’s return to the franchise. They wrap up with a look at a new blog covering legal issues in Star Trek (beginning with the ever-controversial “Tuvix”) and a friendly group of Star Trek fans and professionals on Facebook worth joining.

Shuttle Pod 114 – Review of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episodes 303 and 304

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 114 - Review of 'Star Trek: Picard' Episodes 303 and 304

In this episode of the Shuttle Pod podcast, Brian, Matt, and Kayla sit down to go over the latest two episodes of Star Trek: Picard, representing the end of Act One of the season-long story arc. The crew are enjoying this season, even more than they thought they would, and Kayla has a couple of deep cut clues she may have uncovered in these two episodes. Plus, the crew come up with a very realistic and definitely correct fan theory about the Changelings’ buckets. Perhaps the most fun clue we uncovered is the provenance of the knife used by Vadic to turn her hand into some kind of Changeling communication device. It reminds us of a certain Reman knife, but it turns out that (at least in non-canon works) the knife isn’t Reman at all… it’s Jem’Hadar. Listen in to find out more! Relevant images to go along with this week’s podcast: Picard and Beverly share a moment in sick bay That alien language looks familiar… Come to think of it, so does that knife…

All Access: Gates McFadden Interview And ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 304 “No Win Scenario” Review

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Gates McFadden Interview And ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 304 “No Win Scenario” Review

Laurie and Anthony keep the news brief this week. They cover Jonathan Frakes’ thoughts on Star Trek: Discovery ending after season 5 (as well as his guess about what might or might not come next), the prominence of Strange New Worlds in the latest Paramount + brand campaign plus its recent win at the Canadian Costume Awards, and an exclusive from Terry Matalas about Robert Beltran’s comment that he turned down a role on Picard. Then it’s time for a brand-new interview with Gates McFadden, who called in to talk about the second season of her podcast, InvestiGates: Who Do You Think You Are. (The podcasters manage to squeeze in a few Picard questions, too.) Then they dive into their review of “No Win Scenario” (Laurie’s adding the hyphen in her mind), both loving the episode each finding personal connection to a different storyline. They wrap up with a look at the midcentury design fusion on Strange New Worlds and the brand-new episode of The Pod Directive (the official Star Trek podcast) after a too-long hiatus.

All Access: ‘Picard’ Episode 303 “Seventeen Seconds” Review & ‘Discovery’ Ending/Future Of Star Trek Discussion

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: ‘Picard’ Episode 303 “Seventeen Seconds” Review & 'Discovery' Ending/Future Of Star Trek Discussion

Laurie and Anthony start the podcast with the breaking news that Star Trek: Discovery is ending with season 5 and an overview of what might be next for the Star Trek Universe on TV. They talk about the addition of Star Trek: Voyager to the Pluto line-up, new comments from both Chris Pine and J.J. Abrams about the stalled follow-up to Star Trek Beyond, and the upcoming arrival of Lower Decks season 3 on DVD. They pivot to a round-up of Picard news and interviews from Ed Speleers, Jonathan Frakes, and Michael Dorn, then talk over some of the fan theories about who might be conspiring with Vadic. Then they review Picard 303, “Seventeen Seconds,” which includes some debate about the scene that inspired the episode’s title. They wrap things up with a fun comment from James Worthy and a great resource for finding Star Trek events.

Shuttle Pod #113 – ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Chat On “The Next Generation” & ”Disengage”

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod #113 – ‘Star Trek: Picard' Season 3 Chat On “The Next Generation” & ”Disengage”

Shuttlepodders Kayla and Brian tackle the first two episodes of Star Trek: Picard’s third season, and ask the tough questions, like what is the deal with Jack Crusher? Is Captain Shaw a jerk, or justified in his actions? Is there a mole on the Titan? Why is Raffi always talking to screens? Is showrunner Terry Matalas all that and a bag of chips?

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 302 “Disengage”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 302 “Disengage”

[Picard news (with episode 1 spoilers) starts at  06:46 / Episode 2 review starts at 28:50] Anthony and Laurie kick off the podcast with an update on the timing of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 and the latest award nominations for Strange New Worlds. They discuss some of the new comics coming out, the arrival of season 2 of Gates McFadden’s podcast, and all the latest Picard news, rounding up the latest from The New York Times, Tony’s purple carpet interviews, and social media. After that, they dig in to their review of Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode 2, “Disengage.” They wrap things up with a funny (doctored) Picard trailer and a rousing endorsement of the SyFy Sistas podcast.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 301 “The Next Generation”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Episode 301 “The Next Generation”

Anthony and Laurie start with updates on season premiere scheduling for Discovery and Prodigy, then talk about the upcoming release of Strange New Worlds on 4K Blu-ray, Star Trek’s inclusion in Paramount Plus’ big Super Bowl ad, comments from Matt Shakman on the status of the next Star Trek movie, a new Star Trek: The Motion Picture-themed comic miniseries from IDW, and how to watch the Star Trek shows internationally. They dig into a round-up of all the latest hints, news, and interviews about Star Trek: Picard season 3, then launch into their review of the season premiere, “The Next Generation,” with enthusiasm. The podcast wraps up with info about Trek Against Pancreatic Cancer and Laurie’s upcoming appearance at Virtual Trek Con 4.

All Access – Supplemental: John Billingsley Interview

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access - Supplemental: John Billingsley Interview

Anthony’s busy with the Picard premiere, so in lieu of a regular episode of the podcast, here’s Laurie’s interview with John Billingsley, Enterprise‘s Dr. Phlox. The interview was done to help promote TREKtalks2, a yearly fundraiser for the Hollywood Food Coalition that brings Star Trek celebs from both in front of and behind camera together for a marathon of panels and discussions. In addition to discussing the event, Laurie and John talked extensively about Star Trek: Enterprise, covering the character of Phlox, whether the show was sexist or just sexy (or both), the chance of Phlox appearing on current Star Trek shows, the perils of being on UPN during a tumultuous time in TV, and the season John wasn’t a big fan of, along with the joys of becoming part of the eternal world of Star Trek. Just a heads up: There’s swearing in here, and we have left it as is, neither bleeping nor deleting.

All Access: ‘Star Trek Picard’ Final Trailer Analysis And Season 3 Preview/[SPOILER FREE]First Impressions

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: 'Star Trek Picard' Final Trailer Analysis And Season 3 Preview/[SPOILER FREE]First Impressions

Anthony and Laurie discuss the upcoming rebranding of Paramount+ into Paramount + with Showtime, Jonathan Frakes’ thoughts on the Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover as well as Star Trek’s future onscreen. They look forward to season 2 of Gates McFadden’s podcast, mourn the loss of Annie Wersching, and give an update on the status of the merch left behind by Eaglemoss when it folded. They also give a quick check-in on The Orville. The podcast moves on to the focus of the podcast with a closer look at the final Star Trek: Picard trailer, along with a play-by-play breakdown courtesy of showrunner Terry Matalas. They also catch up on more Picard updates and Tony and Laurie give their spoiler-free first impressions of episode one of season three from their early press screeners. They wrap things up with some Star Trek/Eddie Murphy history and Anthony Rapp’s one-man show in NYC.

Shuttle Pod 112 – ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Final Trailer Reaction

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 112 – ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 3 Final Trailer Reaction

The Shuttle Pod crew gathers to go over the final trailer for ‘Star Trek: Picard’ season three that was released Sunday evening. Brian, Kayla, Jared, and Matt talk about their hopes, questions, and concerns for the upcoming season, which is billed as a “proper send off” for the ‘Next Generation’ crew.

All Access: Star Trek Universe News Roundup

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Star Trek Universe News Roundup

Tony and Laurie are back with the latest on all five current shows—Picard, Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Discovery, and Prodigy—covering production updates, new interviews about upcoming seasons, and insights into episodes that have already aired. They talk about the Ben Sisko autobiography on the way, Paramount Plus’ affirmation that there’s still a Section 31 show in development, Michelle Yeoh’s increasing star power, and the possibilities of Enterprise characters finding their way into the new Trek shows, with some input on the idea from new interviews with Scott Bakula and John Billingsley. Sofia Boutella is talking about her interest in another Star Trek movie, and Nicolas Cage is talking about his interest in Star Trek itself! The podcasters wrap up with a Spock/Geordi team-up for a vaccination campaign and a Patrick Stewart/Jamie Oliver team-up for a tasty meal.

All Access: Preview Of Star Trek In 2023… And Looking Back At 2022

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Preview Of Star Trek In 2023... And Looking Back At 2022

Anthony and Laurie are joined by Subrina Wood from the SyFy Sistas and Matt Wright from the Shuttle Pod to look back at the astonishing year of 2022 in which five different Star Trek shows were on, then look ahead at each show to see what’s coming and how everyone feels about it. The group also speculates on what show might be greenlit next, thoughts on whether or not there’ll be another movie, and the Khan podcast coming from Nicholas Meyer.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season Finale “Supernova, Part 2” & ‘Picard’ S3 Update

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season Finale “Supernova, Part 2” & 'Picard' S3 Update

Anthony and Laurie talk about the music clip from Star Trek: Picard season 3 posted by Terry Matalas, then dig into an actual scene from episode 1 of Jean-Luc getting a signal on his old Enterprise-D combadge that was shown on The Ready Room. They chat briefly about TrekMovie’s “best of 2022” categories and picks, and after a quick look back at part 1, they launch into their review of part of the Star Trek: Prodigy season 1 finale, episode 20: “Supernova, Part 2.” Spoiler alert: They loved it. They wrap up the year with news about the new Nichelle Nichols Foundation and the gift of a Leonard Nimoy-themed fanzine yearbook from 1968. Happy New Year!

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 19 “Supernova, Part 1”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 19 "Supernova, Part 1"

Anthony and Laurie kick off the news with Anson Mount’s comments about Strange New Worlds’ take on Star Trek idealism and the issues raised in the season 1 finale, then recommend a look at the IDW comic miniseries that takes place between seasons 1 and 2 of the show. They mine Terry Matalas’ latest Twitter comments about Picard for hints about season 3, and then they’re ready to talk Prodigy. They enthusiastically review “Supernova, Part 1” and Tony makes his predictions for part 2 (which Laurie shouldn’t have watched already, but did). They wrap up the pod with Christmas and Hanukkah wishes for all, plus a playful interview with Zoe Saldaña and behind-the-scenes tidbits from Voyager guest star Kim Rhodes.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 18 “Mindwalk” & ‘Picard’ News Update

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 18 “Mindwalk” & 'Picard' News Update

Anthony and Laurie start the podcast with a look at a new interview about Star Trek: Picard season 3 with Sir Patrick Stewart, then round up other Picard news about Worf and the casting of the captain of the Titan. They cover the recent launch of Paramount+ in more European countries and the upcoming release of Strange New Worlds on Blu-ray, DVD, and Steelbook. They talk about IDW’s new Deep Space Nine miniseries (featuring dogs!), Star Trek: Prodigy‘s win (and loss) at the Children & Family Emmys and LeVar Burton’s lifetime achievement award at the same event. After that, they dig into their review of Star Trek: Prodigy‘s take on the body swap trope, “Mindwalk,” giving extra kudos to Kate Mulgrew and Brett Gray for their amazing performances. They wrap up with a look at Star Trek fans doing good deeds (and getting covered by the local news) and Mike Okuda connecting the dots from Charlie Brown to Star Trek.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 17 “Ghost In The Machine”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 17 “Ghost In The Machine”

[Review starts at  16:02] Anthony and Laurie talk about the loss of Kirstie Alley and how much her role in The Wrath of Khan meant to her, then segue into Michelle Yeoh’s big year: She’s Time’s Icon of 2022, is on all the best-of lists, and is likely getting nominated for an Oscar this year. They discuss the new photos from Star Trek: Picard season 3 as well as Lower Decks‘ Critics Choice nomination for Best Animated Series, then analyze the latest Admiral Janeway log on Instagram. With that done, they review the newest episode of Star Trek: Prodigy, “Ghost in the Machine.” They wrap up with a look at a great PR stunt from Paramount+ and British Airways, and a handmade, hand-cranked music box that plays the Prodigy theme.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 16 “Preludes”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 16 “Preludes”

[Review starts at 12:46] Anthony and Laurie start with Chris Hemsworth new comments about why he thinks the movie about James Kirk and his dad fizzled, then move into Terry Matalas’ comments about how Picard season 3 is a continuation of both Deep Space Nine and Voyager. They give an update on Discovery season 5, which just wrapped filming, and tease an upcoming giveaway for the release of season 4 on DVD. After that, they dig into Tony’s new interview with Ronny Cox (Jellico on TNG and Prodigy), then review the newest Prodigy episode, “Preludes.” They wrap up with a look at Starfleet’s attitude towards genetic engineering and an episode of the 7th Rule podcast with Ira Steven Behr talking about the Deep Space Nine series finale.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 15 “Masquerade”

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 15 “Masquerade”

Due to the holiday weekend, there’s no news this week. Tony and Laurie review the newest episode of Star Trek: Prodigy, “Masquerade” and wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. We will be back next week with news and a review of the next Prodigy episode.

All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 14 “Crossroads” & Jonathan Frakes Interview Breakdown

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All Access Star Trek - A TrekMovie.com Podcast
All Access: Review Of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Episode 14 “Crossroads” & Jonathan Frakes Interview Breakdown

[Review starts at 18:25] Tony and Laurie are sad to report that Star Trek: Mission Seattle convention, scheduled for May 2023, has been canceled. They chat about that as well as Zachary Quinto’s thoughts on the possibilities of a fourth Star Trek Kelvin movie still happening. Then there is a deep dive into Tony’s new TrekMovie.com interview with the always entertaining Jonathan Frakes where he talks about supporting the PanCAN charity, directing the Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover, season three of Picard, and his hopes to stick with Star Trek behind and in front of the camera in the future. With the news done, they review the latest from Star Trek: Prodigy, “Crossroads,” a fun action-packed episode that brings the crews of the Protostar and Dauntless together (and in conflict) for the first time, along with the introduction of Okuna from TNG and a whole new Murf. They then wrap up with some upcoming events: a webinar with Prodigy composer Nami Melumad and a new live appearance schedule from the indomitable William Shatner.

Shuttle Pod 111 – ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Season 1.5

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Shuttle Pod - The TrekMovie.com Podcast
Shuttle Pod 111 - 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Season 1.5

With the return of the second half of the first season of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’, shuttle pod’ers Kayla and Matt are joined by Laurie from All Access Star Trek to discuss all things ‘Prodigy.’