
July Star Trek Comics To Feature TOS/TNG/Who Crossover + New Tribble Story For Ongoing Movie Series

IDW has announced solicitations for all of their July comics and the two Trek comics are pretty exciting. First up the second issue of the Doctor Who/TNG crossover hints at a TOS/Classic Doctor flashback. And the ongoing Star Trek movie universe comics will feature another brand new story featuring tribbles. Details below, plus covers.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek Ongoing Comic #7

Vengeance! Emotion! Pain! Suffering! A Vulcan craves not these things… Or do they? Why would Vulcans, an emotionless race, seek vengeance on those that destroyed their home world? It must be logical… right? These are the questions being addressed in Star Trek #7, the latest issue of the ongoing comic series set in the new movie universe – which is due in comic book stores today. The “Vulcan’s Vengance” storyline is the first original story for the series, find out how it works out in the TrekMovie review.

Comic Preview: First New Story In Star Trek Movie Universe + Star Trek/Legion of Super-heroes #6

On Wednesday IDW releases the 7th issue of the new Star Trek comic series set in the new movie universe, and the first issue to tell an entirely original story (instead of a spin on a classic episode). Also being released is the 6th (and final) issue of the Star Trek/Legion of Super-heroes crossover series. And today we have seven page previews of both. Check them out below. [UPDATE: Star Trek Ongoing #7 has been delayed until next Wednesday]

7-Page Preview Of Star Trek Ongoing #6 + In May Series To Take On ‘Return of the Archons’

Tomorrow the sixth issue of the ongoing Star Trek comic books set in the new movie hits your local shop. This issue finishes up the new spin on the original episode "Operation: Annihilate!" See below to check out a 7-page preview. Plus we have details on what episode the series will be taking on in May (including a look at the the cover).

First Video From Star Trek Sequel Set – Possibly Shows Different Scotty Uniform Clue [UPDATED]

Star Trek’s Simon Pegg is a big fan of comics publisher 2000 AD and so yesterday he decided to send them a special birthday greeting. He did this in the form of a video he shot with the help of Star Trek’s Karl Urban, and it gives us our first (spoiler-free) glimpse from the sequel set. Check it out below.

Details and Cover From Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who ‘Assimilation2‘ Crossover Comic

Today the BBC, CBS and IDW (enough acronyms?) made official what was leaked last week…the Star Trek and Doctor Who franchises are headed for a mashup collision in a new comic book. We now have new details (and the first cover) from the the "Assimiliation2" comics which will tell the tale of how the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Doctor will face off against the Borg and the Cybermen.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek Ongoing Comic #5

Kirk seeks his long lost brother, stranded on a planet full of insane people… hrm… that was the original. Now there’s just insane people. Right? Lots of crazies with sticks, a meat helmet, and two redshirts! How will they survive? The original Star Trek episode "Operation – Annihilate!" is the latest story revisited by the new Star Trek ongoing comics from IDW. Read the TrekMovie review to see how it plays out…

Comics Review: Star Trek Ongoing #4

Apes! Damned dirty apes! Oh wait, wrong franchise! Stranded crewmembers, an uppity commissioner, and no Statue of Liberty. Seems like a Star Trek story to me! But apes? Just how do they play into it? Find out below in the TrekMovie review of the ongoing Star Trek comics issue #4 where the new movie crew finish up their take on "The Galileo Seven".

New Vulcan Story Coming To Star Trek Comics In March

So far IDW’s new ongoing “Star Trek” comic series set in the new movie universe have been doing new spins on stories based on original Star Trek series episodes. However, for issue #7 (coming March 2012) IDW will begin a brand new two-issue story dealing with the Vulcans and the aftermath of their planet’s destruction. See below for more details on that and other Star Trek titles coming from IDW in March.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek Ongoing #3 Comic

Medical supplies en route to a planet in need, a quasar-like formation, and the Federation High Commissioner. How can things go wrong? Well, the shuttle Galileo will prove us all wrong. As usual. It wouldn’t be Star Trek otherwise, now would it? Read on to find out what happens in this month’s issue of IDW’s ongoing series set in the new Star Trek movie universe.

TrekInk: February Star Trek Comics Preview + news roundup

The folks at IDW Publishing have been busy. First up we have previews of the comics coming next February. Plus IDW is running a cover contest, reprinting Star Trek comics in print and digital formats, and jumping onto new personal entertainment devices. A roundup of all the Star Trek comics news that’s fit to post and more, after the break.

Star Trek Ongoing #1: 7-page preview

Star Trek Ongoing #1 goes on sale this week from IDW Publishing. As previously detailed, Star Trek Ongoing is a new comic book series based on J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek. IDW describes it as a set of "re-imaginings"of the classic adventures of the 1960s Star Trek TV series. Ahead of tomorrow’s release (Wednesday, September 21) of issue #1, IDW has released a 7-page preview.