
TrekInk: Check Out 4 Covers For Star Trek/Planet of the Apes Crossover + More December IDW Comics

December brings three brand new Star Trek comics including the first issue of the Planet of the Apes crossover (with four of the six covers) and the final issue of the Q Gambit storyline from the ongoing Star Trek comics. There is also a new collection of ongoing Star Trek comics and more. We have the full breakdown from today’s IDW solicitation release below.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever #3 + Preview

Barely a week into their time journey, Spock is traumatized, Kirk is spellbound, their relationship is strained, and Beckwith is nowhere in sight. The third issue of Harlan Ellison’s The City of the Edge of Forever makes its way to your local comic shop this week. Read TrekMovie’s review (with spoilers) and a preview after the break.

TrekInk Exclusive: ‘New Life and New Civilizations – Exploring Star Trek Comics’ Preview + Author Interview

Nearly 47 years have passed since the first Star Trek comic was published in 1967. Hundreds of comics creators have kept Trekkies entertained with four-color tales published in more than one thousand Star Trek comics. What is it about these comics that keeps us engaged? This August, Sequart Organization will try to answer that question with the release of a collection of essays edited by Joseph F. Berenato that explore Star Trek comics. TrekMovie interviews Joe to learn what motivated him to take on this project and we’ll give you a heads up about what you’ll find in the book.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Joe Gatt Talks Star Trek 2016 & Science Officer 0718’s ‘Full Frontal’ In Comics

At San Diego Comic-Con TrekMovie had a chance to sit down with Joseph Gatt, who played Science Officer 0718 in Star Trek Into Darkness. We talked about his hopes for the next movie, his Trek GE commercial, what he thought about his new comics back story…including his ‘full frontal’ image, and more.

TrekInk: Review of Ultimate Star Trek Doctor Crossover ‘Flesh and Stone’ + Preview

When attendees of a Starfleet medical conference are infected by a terrifying contagion, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir and Katherine Pulaski, ably assisted by the Doctor, race against time to find a cure, discovering answers in the memory and experience of Leonard McCoy and Phlox. Prepare for spoilers in our review of the new “Star Trek: Flesh and Stone” comic, STAT.

TrekInk: Star Trek Comics Summer 2014 Preview – NewTrek Meets Q & More

Summer 2014 is shaping up to be a fine time for Star Trek comics from IDW Publishing and elsewhere. In addition to Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever five-part adaptation, the monthly Star Trek series will begin a six-issue story arc featuring Q, the new crew, time travel, and some niners. We’ll also see another John Byrne photocomic and a one-shot special issue featuring the doctors. No, not the Doctors, the other ones, the Starfleet doctors. But what about the Doctor?

IDW to publish new ongoing TOS title from John Byrne

This spring, IDW Publishing will launch a new, bi-monthly TOS comic, and TrekMovie has the details. Last December, IDW released Star Trek Annual 2013, a “photonovel”-style story from legendary comic book writer/artist John Byrne, set during The Original Series and a sequel to “Where No Man Has Gone Before”.   Taking stills from the series, Byrne utilized digital technology to place the characters in a brand new story: What John does on these photonovel stories is nothing short of amazing,” said Chris Ryall, IDW’s Chief Creative Office/Editor-in-Chief. “He’s moved far beyond photo-manipulation and montage to constructing his own set pieces, uniforms, and characters. Much more than just comic stories, these tales are the closest thing to Original Series-era ‘lost episodes’ that the world will ever see.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek: The Newspaper Comics Vol. 1 and a request from Library of American Comics

Captain’s Log: Stardate 7493.5 – On a survey mission through an uncharted sector of the galaxy, we have picked a radio transmission from an unexplored sun system. This is how the newspaper adventures of the Enterprise began, back in December 1979. Most Trekkies aren’t familiar with these comics, but that’s ok, because IDW’s Library of American Comics can help. More after the break.