Shuttle Pod At The Disco Goes Mad For Mudd in ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Episode 7
It’s a podcast episode you’ll want to listen to again. And again. And again.
It’s a podcast episode you’ll want to listen to again. And again. And again.
In an exclusive interview, Ted Sullivan breaks down the episode Lethe which he co-wrote with Star Trek vet Joe Menosky
With the return of Harry Mudd, the seventh episode evokes Original Series episodes featuring the rogue captain.
The Discovery actor has sparked headlines around the world with his personal story.
There’s fun and funky stuff afoot on tonight’s Muddtacular episode. Plus check out new clip of Mudd’s madness.
Sonequa Martin-Green talks a bit of Star Trek at Walker Stalker, and TrekMovie was there.
The EP ‘Into the Unknown’ began with work created for ‘Discovery.’ Listen to samples of the four tracks inside the article.
There aint no party like a Disco ship party.
Rainn Wilson returns as Harry Mudd as the crew of the USS Discovery get caught in a time loop.
James Frain also talks possibility of Amanda Returning to ‘Discovery’
Our thoughts on the latest installment, which is full of character development, growth, and additions (and tweaks) to Star Trek canon.
The latest episode of the ‘Discovery’ after show dives into Sarek’s tough choice and reveals more behind the scenes details from “Lethe.”
Co-writers Ted Sullivan and Joe Menosky bring us the most Star Trek episode of Discovery yet.
The new streaming series has delivered record signups for CBS All Access.
Take a trip down the river of forgetfulness with the Discovery crew tonight
There may also be another clue to this ‘Discovery’ puzzle — and it comes from a dog.
Your guide to modern products that will make you feel like you’re living aboard a 23rd century Starfleet vessel.
The USS Discovery crew gets suited up for a daring mission in “Lethe’
Isaacs also explains why Lorca doesn’t get his eyes fixed.
The “Star Trek: Discovery” actress hinted at new and different Klingon scenes coming up this season.
A mystery may have been resolved, if this theory is to be believed. We take a closer look.
Plus Rapp shows his Trek cred, Netflix gains subscribers and Mary Chieffo talks L’Rell
A trio of the shuttle pod crew (Kayla, Brian, and Matt) beamed in to discuss Ripper’s fate, Lorca’s past, Mudd’s younger self, and Stamets’ creepy mirror gaze in the newest episode of Discovery, “Choose Your Pain.”
The fourth episode of the Discovery after show also included a discussion on Mudd’s origins, more on that Mempa map and a clip from next week’s episode.
He also talked to us about how past Trek doctors like McCoy and Crusher informed his performance in ‘Discovery’
The fifth episode of ‘Discovery’ also delivered a handful of easter eggs for the fans.
Spin up the spore drive for the fifth episode of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’
Lt. Stamets may not be so gruff as the season goes on, but don’t ask him to fix the engines.
We analyze the evidence for one of the most popular fan theories about ‘Star Trek: Discovery’
Get to know more about Lt. Tyler before he is introduced tomorrow night on ‘Discovery.’