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Sci-Fi Movies Saturday: The Hobbit, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, The Hunger Games, Terminator 5, Tron 3, Super 8 + more

In this week’s Sci-Fi Movies column, we have box office news for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 [Updated], official title and release date announcements for The Hobbit movies, a first look at Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, more sequel news (Tron, Terminator, Pirates), plus more news including for Hunger Games, Avengers and Oz: The Great and Powerful. Plus the latest casting bites, images and videos.

Bob Orci: Shatner Scene Not Included In Star Trek 2009 Because Of “Fan Pandering” + Poll: Was it?

In late 2009 TrekMovie exclusively revealed a scene written for William Shatner for JJ Abrams Star Trek movie. In a recent roundtable interview, co-writer Roberto Orci discussed this scene and why JJ Abrams never approved it for the final script. Details below, plus a repost of the scene. We also have a poll asking if you agree that the scene was “fan pandering.”

Yoostar Adds More Star Trek Scenes + YouTube Connectivity

Last month we reported the release of Yoostar 2, the movie karaoke game that includes a couple of Star Trek scenes you can insert yourself into. Yoostar has released more Star Trek scenes you can add, including a Star Trek pack. They have also announced connectivity to share videos on YouTube. Details below, plus links to some fun versions of famous Star Trek scenes.

Sci-Fi Movies Tuesday: Man of Steel, Dark Knight Rises, Planet of the Apes, Iron Man 3, The Hobbit, X-Men: First Class, Green Lantern, Tron 3 + more

In this week’s Sci-Fi Movies column Superman gets his Zod, Batman keeps his secrets,  the Justice League begins to form, Planet of the Apes gets a new title, The Hobbit increases its shutter speed, X-Men reveals an opening, Tron goes old school, Green Lantern shows off footage and much more including the latest casting bites, images and videos.

Simon Pegg Sugests Nick Frost As New Harry Mudd In Star Trek Sequel [UPDATED]

We already know that even though he has predictions for the Star Trek sequel, Simon Pegg has no spoilers. But that hasn’t stopped him from making a suggestion – specifically proposing his Paul co-star Nick Frost as a possible new Harry Mudd (not that he knows if Mudd is even in the movie). Pegg also talks what he expects for crew interactions in the sequel. More details below. [UPDATE: Nick Frost responds to TrekMovie Harry Mudd poll]

Report: Paramount Ready To Get Star Trek Sequel Going + Flashback: JJ Abrams Star Trek First Officially Announced 4 Years Ago Today

As we have been reporting here at, developing the script for the 2012 Star Trek sequel is now in the final stretch. Now a new report states that Paramount is ready to get things started. This all falls on the four-year anniversary of Paramount officially announcing JJ Abrams’ first Star Trek film. More details below.

VIDEO: Herman Zimmerman Talks Difficulties w/ Nemesis Director Baird, ST09’s Big Nacelles & More

Last week at the showing of Star Trek: Nemesis at the Star Trek Summer Screening series at the Royal Theater in West LA, veteran production designer Herman Zimmerman spoke frankly about his career in Trek, issues with Nemesis director Stuart Baird, and gave his thoughts on the look of the new Star Trek. Watch vidoe of that below.  

Review: Star Trek 365 Photo Book

Abrams Books (no relation to Star Trek’s JJ Abrams) has released a great new Star Trek coffee table book, "Star Trek: The Original Series 365". The book features 365 photo spreads, including many rare or never-seen-before images, along with text by Paula M. Block with Terry J. Erdmann.  TrekMovie provides this review of the photos, text, and design of this latest in Trek’s long history of coffee table tomes.

Sci-Fi TV Tuesday: V, Chuck, Fringe, LOST, BSG, SGU + more

In Sci-Fi TV this week, we have news on original V actress Jane Badler joining ABC’s new V, a delay for Steven Spielberg’s prehistoric time-travel series Terra Nova and a sneak peek at the LOST‘s “The New Man in Charge”. There are also fresh updates on the new seasons of Chuck, Fringe, Torchwood and SGU plus a new BSG (online) spinoff. All that and more including the latest television ratings, casting bites and new images and video previews.

VegasTrekCon10: Shatner Talks Star Trek ’09 & Chris Pine in ‘Captains’ Doc + Nimoy: ‘Never Say Never’ for Star Trek Sequel

One of the biggest highlight’s this weekend at the Star Trek Convention was the joint appearance of Star Trek’s original Kirk and Spock: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. The discussions covered the new Star Trek movies, details on Shatner’s The Captains documentary, Star Trek history and more. There was also a surprise appearance by Patrick Stewart. A full report and lots of photos below.

Data’s Painting of Spot Fetches $7000 + more details from Star Trek Auction

Yesterday at the Creation Star Trek con in Vegas, Propworx held a Star Trek prop and costume auction and both big wallet collectors and bargain hunting newbies were able to take home some nice pieces of Star Trek history. There were also some surprises, like Data’s painting of Spot fetching $7000. More details on the event below.

EXCLUSIVE Interview: Star Trek Online Exec. Producer Daniel Stahl on Season 2 & The Future of STO

Star Trek Online is getting it biggest update since launch tomorrow with "Season 2: Ancient Enemies". TrekMovie spoke to new executive producer Daniel Stahl about what is new in S2 and how the game is adding more episodes, exploration and diplomacy. We also talked about the future of STO, including the C-Store, the possible move to a ‘freemium’ model, facing competition from Star Wars, and more. Check it out with exclusive new Season 2 screenshots below.

Bruce Greenwood ‘Hustling’ For Star Trek Sequel + Starts Production Rumor (Sequel Still Starting Spring/Summer 2011)

Bruce Greenwood won high praise for his portrayal of Capt. Christopher Pike in the 2009 Star Trek movie. As he is not part of the main crew of the Enterprise, it isn’t certain that he will be back. But in a couple of new interviews the actor said he doing what he can to return to the final frontier. He also started another production start rumor.

Sci-Fi Movies Friday: Thor, Green Lantern, Paul, Superman, The Hobbit, The Avengers

In this week’s Sci-Fi Movies column we start with first looks from the upcoming Thor and Green Lantern movies. We also have first looks at Simon Pegg’s Paul. Plus Peter Jackson starts casting for The Hobbit, there is casting news for the new Hulk and casting rumors for the next Superman. We also have a breakdown of the movies coming to Comic Con. All that and the latest casting bites, images and videos.

Sci-Fi Movies Friday: Spider-Man 3D, The Hobbit, Harry Potter 7, Rise of the Apes, Mad Max, Inception + more

In this week’s Sci-Fi Movies column we have big news starting off with the new Spider-man. We also have updates on if Peter Jackson is really directing the Hobbit, Superman, Batman & Inception updates from Christopher Nolan, the new Caesar for the next Apes movie, and much more, including including the latest box office numbers, casting bites, previews and images (including the new comic-book Wonder Woman).

Collectors Pick Up Good Deals At Julien’s Star Trek Auction

The second of this summer’s three big Star Trek auctions happened Sunday. The Julien’s auction was different in that it had fewer actual props and costumes and was mostly the Gene and Majel Roddenberry estate sale, along with a number of items from William Shatner. Overall, the auctions was a success for collectors because of reasonable prices, including the few 2009 Star Trek movie items.