Star Trek (2009 film)

First Look At Anovos Spock & Uhura Star Trek TOS Uniform Replicas

Today Anovos, makers of high-end costume replicas, have provided TrekMovie with the first looks at the two latest entries in their expanding Star Trek line. Just available for pre-order are an Uhura Red Dress and a Spock Blue Tunic. Get a closer look at both below, along with an overview of other Anovos costume replicas from both the original Star Trek and the 2009 Star Trek movie. 

Review: QMx Star Trek Movie Phaser Replica

Quantum Mechanix has released their new USS Enterprise Metal-Plated Phaser Replica from the 2009 Star Trek movie. QMx has kept the price affordable on this new replica by focusing on recreating the look and feel of the phasers while leaving the lights and sounds for a future (more expensive) offering. The results are pretty impressive. More details in our review below.

First Trailer For Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol – Produced By JJ Abrams & Featuring Simon Pegg

Star Trek director JJ Abrams first feature film was Mission: Impossible: III in 2006. For the sequel Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol (due in December) Abrams is back as a producer and he again brought along Simon Pegg as Benji the IMF tech. And Paramount has just released the first trailer — watch it below.

Watch Epic 2 Hour 40 Minute Interview With Damon Lindelof (Sorry No Star Trek 2012 News)

Want to learn lots about Star Trek producer (& sequel co-writer/producer) Damon Lindelof? Yesterday Damon spent 2 hour & 40 minutes on The Kevin Pollak Chat Show. Amazingly they barely touch on Star Trek, but Lindelof talks about his genesis as a writer, a lot about Lost plus Twitter feuds Cowboys & Aliens, Prometheus, collaborating with JJ Abrams and Ridley Scott, and more.

Exclusive Video Interview: Simon Pegg On A More Serious Scotty, Budgineering, Star Trek Critics & more

Last week at the final stop on his mini book tour for his memoir "Nerd Do Well," Star Trek’s Simon Pegg sat down with to talk about growing up nerd, geeking out on Star Trek, critiques of the film, getting more serious with the role of Scotty in the sequel and more. Watch the video interview below.

Trailer For William Shatner’s “The Captains” + Details On SDCC Panel/Online Q&A w/ Shatner & Avery Brooks

William Shatner recently said that his The Captains documentary is his "final farewell to Star Trek." And today you can finally see a trailer for this documentary which premieres on EPIX in July. EPIX has also revealed details of a SDCC panel and online Q&A with Shatner and a poster. Check it all out below.

Look Inside Cowboys & Aliens With Bob Orci & Alex Kurtzman [UPDATED]

JJ Abrams (with Super 8) isn’t the only Star Trek honcho who has teamed up with Steven Spielberg for sci-fi adventure this summer. Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof are the scribes behind the sci-fi western Cowboys & Aliens, coming at the end of July. Watch a new behind the scenes featurette (including Bob and Alex) below. [UPDATE: New trailer added]

Exclusive Interview: Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman Talk Star Trek Sequel

Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof have been tasked to shape the story and script for the 2012 Star Trek sequel. In a new exclusive interview with the writer/producers talk about the sequel schedule, character development, getting the mix of old and new right, fan patience, and more. Watch the video and read the transcript below.  

JJ Abrams: Star Trek Sequel 6 Months Behind [UPDATED: Would Be Jealous Of Other Director]

It turns out there is a new interview with JJ Abrams on his Super 8 tour where he talks about the Star Trek sequel, planned for June 29, 2012. On the Howard Stern Show on Tuesday Abrams got grilled on being spread thin and Abrams admitted the sequel was behind schedule. Read the full exchange below. [UPDATE: More from Abrams on release date and directing from MTV]

VIDEO & AUDIO: JJ Abrams Interviews With Daily Show, JKL, & NPR

Director JJ Abrams has been doing the rounds of media interviews in the last few days to promote his film Super 8. He hasn’t revealed anything new about the Star Trek sequel, but has talked about his process, how he got to know Spielberg, fan feedback and more. Full video (and audio) interviews from The Daily Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live and Fresh Air below.

William Shatner Arm Wrestles Chris Pine In “Captains” Doc + Shatner Nominated For TCA Award & Guest Starring On Psych

When William Shatner’s The Captains documentary airs next month, fans will get to see Shatner and Chris Pine (aka the two Captains Kirk) arm-wrestle. More on that below, plus news on Shatner being nominated for yet another lifetime achievement award and landing a guest spot on Psych.

Simon Pegg Still Planning On Star Trek Sequel Shooting In Fall

Now that Super 8 is out, Star Trek fans are waiting to hear from director JJ Abrams on plans for the Star Trek sequel, which he promises is his next project. And as far as Simon Pegg is concerned, things are still on for shooting to start in the fall, see him talk Star Trek secrecy below and the "quantum attraction" in the Star Trek movie. Watch videos below.

Star Trek Sequel Writers Give Script Update + Promise No Remake + Talk Vulcan, Arcs, & More

Following Nick Meyer chat at the LA Times Hero Complex Film Fest it was the turn of Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof who talked for forty minutes about their 2009 Star Trek movie, and about the 2012 Star Trek sequel. Highlights, quotes and a video clip (with shoutout) below.

Watch: Simon Pegg & Tom Hanks Do Star Trek Trivia + Hanks Wants Star Trek Sequel Role

Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks joined Star Trek’s Simon Pegg on The Graham Norton Show last night where the pair nerded out on their shared love for Trek. Pegg ‘beamed’ Hanks up, Hanks expressed interest in appearing in the next Star Trek movie and he and Pegg even held a mini Star Trek trivia contest. Watch how it all worked out below.

JJ Abrams Promises Star Trek Sequel News “Soon” + Abrams To Moderate WGA Panel w/ First Lady

JJ Abrams Super 8 hits theaters today, and everyone wants to know what is coming next (and when) from Abrams. In a brief comment at the Super 8 premiere, Abrams talked about the ongoing talks with Paramount about the Star Trek sequel shedule and how there should be news "soon." And in other Abrams news, next week he will be moderating panel with Michelle Obama.    

Review: JJ Abrams Super 8

On Friday June 10th JJ Abrams follows up his 2009 Star Trek movie with Super 8. With the help of producer Steven Spielberg, Abrams has returned to his own childhood for a mysterious monster movie, which turns out to be an effective coming-of-age story. Find out more in the review. [Some Spoilers Ahead]   

JJ Abrams On More Star Trek Sequels + Talks “Overusing” Lens Flares & Super 8

We have already heard this week from JJ Abrams on how he won’t rush the Star Trek sequel to meet it’s June 29, 2012 release date. Now in a new interview, Abrams talks about Star Trek beyond the next Star Trek movie. We also have a few video clips of Abrams talking about possible delay, lens flares and Super 8.