
First Look at Teaser Trailer For Cowboys & Aliens – Written By Orci, Kurtzman & Lindelof

Before Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof started working on the script for the Star Trek sequel, the movie that was taking up much of their time for the last year is the sci-fi western Cowboys & Aliens. A teaser trailer along with a number of images were released today. To find out what they have been up to, check it all out below.

Sci-Fi Movies Friday: The Dark Knight Rises, Spider-Man, TRON: Legacy, Green Lantern, The Hobbit, Superman, Captain America + more

In this week’s Sci-Fi Movies column we learn (and see) more about Tron: Legacy, glimpse the first footage from Green Lantern, uncover casting and character details from the next Spider-man, Superman, Batman and Hobbit movies, and get an Indy 5 update from the man himself. All that plus more, including the latest casting bites, images and videos.

Watch: Damon Lindelof Lists Favorite Movies + Advice For Hollywood Hopefuls

A new video featuring Damon Lindelof gives an insight into the mind behind Lost, Star Trek and the next Alien movie. Lindelof has made a video talking about his six favorite films, explaining why each one of them are important to him personally and as a storyteller. Plus in another video, Lindelof offers his advice on how to make it in show business. Check them out below

Chris Pine Wants More Humor In Star Trek Sequel + Talks ‘Pine Nuts’ Fans & more

Believe it or not, there is even more video of Chris Pine out promoting Unstoppable and talking about Star Trek. The new Captain Kirk says that he has faith in the Abrams team but hopes there will be more humor in the sequel. He also gives an update on his upcoming projects, talks about his "Pine Nuts" fans and more.