
VegasCon10: Report & Photos From Boys of Enterprise & Xindi Panels

It is time two wrap up our Star Trek Las Vegas celebrity panel reporting with coverage from the last day with stars from Star Trek: Enterprise. Find out what Connor Trinneer, Dominic  Keating, Anthony Montgomery, John Billingsley, Steven Culp, and Matt Winston had to say in our report (with photos) below, along with a short report from the ‘Xindi panel’ as well.

VegasCon10: Frakes talks ST09 & Nemesis + Stewart talks Roddenberry + Spiner talks future of Data + Dorn talks Worf [PHOTOS]

Over the weekend four of Star Trek The Next Generation’s stars appeared at the Las Vegas Trek con. This included Jonathan Frakes talking frankly about the movies and Enterprise, Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart joking around (with Spiner also weighing in on his Star Trek Future), plus Michael Dorn going in depth into the character of Worf. Check out the full report with quotes and photos below.

VegasTrekCon10: Report & Photos From Star Trek Costume Contest

One of the highlights of big Vegas Star Trek Convention over the weekend is the opportunity to see the great costumes fans have been working on all year. Some of them are humorous, some of them are technically challenging, but all of them are fantastic. This year’s contest, which favors high-skill, home made costumes, once again showcased hundreds of great fan-made costumes. Highlights of the event are below.

VegasTrekCon10: Shatner Talks Star Trek ’09 & Chris Pine in ‘Captains’ Doc + Nimoy: ‘Never Say Never’ for Star Trek Sequel

One of the biggest highlight’s this weekend at the Star Trek Convention was the joint appearance of Star Trek’s original Kirk and Spock: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. The discussions covered the new Star Trek movies, details on Shatner’s The Captains documentary, Star Trek history and more. There was also a surprise appearance by Patrick Stewart. A full report and lots of photos below.

Data’s Painting of Spot Fetches $7000 + more details from Star Trek Auction

Yesterday at the Creation Star Trek con in Vegas, Propworx held a Star Trek prop and costume auction and both big wallet collectors and bargain hunting newbies were able to take home some nice pieces of Star Trek history. There were also some surprises, like Data’s painting of Spot fetching $7000. More details on the event below.

VegasCon Star Trek Products Panel: TNG on Blu-ray ‘Being Discussed’ + New Enterprise Pizza Slicer, Kelvin Salt & Pepper Shaker + more

The CBS Consumer Products presentation at the Star Trek con in Las Vegas mostly covered previously reported stuff, but there were a few new tidbits for Trek merchandise, like the USS Enterprise Pizza slicer. But the most interesting bit of information came from a response to a fan question about TNG on Blu-ray. See below for a breakdown of what is to come from CBS.

VegasTrekCon10 Friday: DS9 Stars Talk Trek Past (and Future) and more [PHOTOS]

Friday’s Star Trek convention in Las Vegas was mostly themed around Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Series regulars Avery Brooks, Nana Visitor, Rene Auberjonois and Armin Shimerman were on hand, along with a number of DS9 recurring guest stars. They talked about their roles on the show and more, including Brooks’ comment on a possible future DS9 or appearance in the Star Trek sequel. Details and photos below.

VegasTrekCon10: deLancie, Takei & Koenig talk ST09 & ST12 + TOS Guest Stars from Trek Con Thursday [PHOTOS]

The Creation Star Trek Con started off on Thursday with TOS stars George Takei and Walter Koenig, both of whom talked about the latest Trek film and more. TNG’s John deLancie talked about the nature of Q, Janeway v Picard, and a possible Q appearance in the Star Trek sequel. There were also appearances by a number of TOS guest stars. We have a full report with details and photos of all the panels below.

VegasCon10: Video Preview Of Sunday’s Star Trek Auction

On Sunday there is going to be a live Star Trek auction at the Star Trek convention (you can also participate online). The original Star Trek memorabilia comes from the collections of a number of Star Trek vets, plus there are a number of pieces from Star Trek: The Experience. PropWorx CEO Alec Peters gave TrekMovie a guided tour of the preview on display in Vegas. Check out the video below.

Epic Star Trek Vegas Con Starts Next Week – TrekMovie Will Be There w/ Coverage, Panel & Meet-up

Next week is the big annual Creation Official Star Trek convention in Las Vegas and it has shaped up to be another epic extended weekend from August 4th-8th at the Las Vegas Hilton. TrekMovie will be there as well, and we will be doing a panel and a meet-up. See below for your primer for Star Trek Con 2010.

Australian Caves To Offer Tours In Klingon

There is more and more evidence that there is some kind of Klingon invasion going on. Recently a Klingon warning was found in Scotland, and last week the Klingons took over a San Diego Trolley station. Now a cave tourist attraction in Australia has come under the thumb of the Empire and will soon be providing self-guided audio tours in Klingon. Find out how Star Trek goes underground below.

VIDEO: George Takei On “Star Trek VI: Captain Sulu To The Rescue” + John Cho, Shatner Feud + more

Last night Star Trek’s original Sulu, George Takei, was the guest for the screening of Star Trek VI at the Royal Theater in West LA. George and I talked a lot about his long lobbying effort to get the Captain’s chair for Star Trek VI and how he wanted to get it back for a Sulu TV series. We also talked about John Cho’s new Sulu, his famous feud with William Shatner and more. See below for highlights from the event plus full video.

Comic Con Videos & Photos: Spiner Staredown + WTF Trek + Trekkie Cosplayers + Headline Fail

Comic Con wrapped up in San Diego today. Although there were no panels on Star Trek, we have been sharing the new Trek merchandise and comments from Trek celebs from the event. To wrap up we have some more Trek celeb and product video of the less than serious kind, plus lots of costumed Trekkies and a total Trekkie headline fail. Check it all out below.

Reminder: See Star Trek VI w/ George Takei Tonight in West LA + Series Continues w/ TNG movies & ST09

Tonight the Summer STAR TREK Simply 70 Spectacular-Spectacular Saturdays wraps up the original series movies with a showing of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 70 MM at the Royal Theater in West L.A. with special guest George Takei. And due to popular demand the series will continue with the TNG films and the 2009 Star Trek movie. See below for the upcoming film schedule.

Star Trek Guide To Comic Con Friday

TrekMovie has the definitive guide to anything Trek-related going on Friday at San Diego Comic Con. Star Trek celebrities will be on a number of panels for other projects. Plus a number of Trek celebs are doing signings. There are also giveaways and some special Trek related events. See below for all the wheres and whens for your guide to Comic Con.

‘Khaaaaan! The Musical’ In Kansas City Next Week + Trek Comedy Shows in NYC & Dallas This Wkd

The Summer of 2010 seems to be a great time for live Star Trek. We now have news of three more live Star Trek comedy shows. Starting next week fans in Kansas City, KS will tremble in fear to "Khaaaan! The Musical". And there are also Star Trek comedy shows happening this week in New York City and Dallas, TX. Get all the details below. 

Night of the Living Trekkies Mashup Novel Out Now + Comic Con Signing & Free Posters

Back in March we first reported that Quirk Books (publishers of mashup fiction like "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies") were working on a Star Trek fandom/horror mashup "Night of the Living Trekkies". That book has just started shipping and Quirk books will be selling signed copies at Comic Con and giving away posters tonight. More details on this fun book below.

Video of the Day: Klingons Take Over San Diego Trolley Station

Is the Klingon invasion real? A few days ago we reported that a sculpture on a mountain bike trail in Scotland warned of the Empire taking over Earth. And yesterday the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System claimed that they have "met the demands" of a Klingon invasion force and replaced all the signage at one of their trolley stations for signs in Klingon. Check out video and photo below.  

VIDEO: Walter Koenig On TOS Movies, Contrasting Nimoy & Shatner, Star Trek 2009, Davey Jones + more

Over the weekend Walter Koenig was the guest for the screening of Star Trek V in 70MM at the Royal Theater in West LA. The actor and I had a fun discussion with many humorous moments, talking about the Star Trek movies, the TV series and more. See below for highlights from the event plus full video.

Review: ‘Star Trek Live’ – The Trek-themed Educational Stage Show

The Star Trek Live educational stage show is running at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Complex until September, but there is also a second, longer version that is touring North America. This week Star Trek Live stopped at the Harper College Performing Arts Center in Illinois and my family and I attended the show. TrekMovie provides this special review of this longer, touring version of Star Trek Live.

Reminder: Midnight Screening Tonight of Star Trek V in 70MM w/ Walter Koenig in West L.A.

There are only two more original crew movies to go in the Summer STAR TREK Simply 70 Spectacular-Spectacular Saturdays at the Royal Theater in West L.A. Tonight continues with a 70 MM showing of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, preceded by a Q&A session with the original Pavel Chekov, Walter Koenig. More details below, plus a fun parody video all about Walter.