Trek on TV

TrekInk: Review – Byrne’s Assignment Earth #5 & Hollow Crown #1

Nixon… er… Nixons, Gary Seven, the Praetor, Koloth, cloaks, and Roberta Lincoln… what’s the common thread? John Byrne brings us the final issue of "Assignment: Earth" and the first issue of his new Romulans series, "The Hollow Crown." Will Gary and Roberta save the day? How is the crown hollow? Will John Byrne entertain and amuse us yet again?

Shatner: Nobody Offered Me A Role

Recently JJ Abrams kicked off a lot of buzz when he revealed that there was a scene in the new Star Trek movie written for Shatner, but said it didn’t meet with Shatner’s ‘no cameo’ requirements. Today William Shatner launched his new ‘Shatner Project’ video blog and one of the first videos is a direct reply to the latest from Star Trek’s director.

Review – Star Trek Alternate Realities Collective DVD Set

The latest of the themed ‘Collective’ DVD sets coming from CBS Paramount arrives in stores today (Tuesday September 16th) and is focused on ‘Alternate Realties,’ and is chock full with 20 episodes spanning all five series along with some new special features, all for a street price of less than 30 bucks. See below for our review.

Shatner Launching New VLog + Appearing On SNL Tonight?

In 2007 William Shatner launched ShatnerVision at, a vlog (or video log) where he would regularly update fans with what is going on and also give a glimpse into the life that is Shatner, at least until April of this year when ShatnerVision stopped broadcasting. But the wait is over and Shatner is back with a new web vlog called ‘The Shatner Project’ that will launch at YouTube early next week.

It was 42 years ago today…

On September 8th, 1966, the world was transported for the first time to the 23rd century and the final frontier. On TV screens across America, "The Man Trap" introduced Star Trek and ushered in a franchise that endures to this day. Some fans recall the day, but for many more, they were too young or not even yet born to experience that moment in TV history.

SciFi ENT & TNG Marathons + Nemesis AMC Premiere [UPDATE: Trek Trivia Quiz w/ Prize]

This week there are some happenings for Star Trek on TV. Firstly the last Trek film, Nemesis, has its network TV premiere on the AMC Network, with more showings later in the week. Plus the Sci-Fi Channel has two Trek marathons lined up for Labor Day weekend. There are also some changes ahead in the fall schedule for Trek on cable.

TrekInk: Review Assignment: Earth #4 + Previews of Upcoming Trek Comics

This week in the Ink we review the latest ‘Assignment Earth’ adventure. We finally meet Gary Seven’s bosses as he saves the world from imminent destruction… again. As usual, Isis and Roberta Lincoln contribute their help, and things are set to the right… Or are they? Plus there are some new preview images of upcoming comics to take a look at.

Shatner’s Raw Nerve To Premiere in December + Exclusive First Look

About a month ago we reported that A&E Networks had picked up William Shatner’s new talk show Raw Nerve and it would premiere August 19th (today) on the Bio Channel. Fans have been asking about the show and so TrekMovie checked in with A&E. Don’t worry the show is still coming, but will now be in December. We have an exclusive first image and more details below.