
Library Computer: Review Shatner Autobiography “Up Till Now”

Shatnerology 121: Introduction to Shatner Each year at the college I teach as a Sociologist, I suggest a class called "Introduction to William Shatner" and I am not joking when I say it would be a dynamic class looking at issues of from aging to Marxist theory. No, really. After reading William Shatner’s autobiography "Up Till Now," I am convinced that his life is symbolic of the United States experience. Ironic for a guy from Canada.

Trek Ink: Review “Assignment: Earth” #1

A new IDW comic series begins and this is one we have really been waiting for. Revisiting the Original Series, and showing the first five episodes from the lost spinoff, “Assignment Earth”. John Byrne brings us his vision of where the show could’ve gone, and we’ve got the first issue this week. In addition to that, we’ve got cover previews for the next few issues and for John Byrne’s upcoming Romulan series.

Shatner on Stern: Talks Trek Fueds, Abrams Trek, Berman Trek, and more

Wednesday morning William Shatner was the guest on the Howard Stern Show promoting “Up Till Now“. The interview went on for almost and hour and ranged on a number of topics from the book, to problems with the Trek cast, to the Abrams movie, to the death of Kirk and much more. Excerpts and AUDIO below.

Shatner Talks Takei Feud On Conan [UPDATED: Shat Talks Pine + Vids from View and GMA]

On Monday William Shatner showed up on NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’Brien to promote his new autobiography “Up Till Now“. Shat did a skit early on, then came on as the 2nd guest and talked about his ‘gripping’ experience meeting Koko the gorilla, and how his Trek co-stars hate him, specifically George Takei. See VIDEO below.

TrekInk: Revisiting the ‘First Mission’

This month, TrekInk revisits an old Star Trek comic book from the DC Comics days: the 1985 DC Annual fittingly titled "All Those Years Ago". The transfer of the Enterprise from Pike to Kirk, Number One’s career ending injury, and McCoy’s return to space. All this and more delivered to you by the capable hands of Mike W. Barr.

The Collective: Racing Promotion – Indy Goes Indy, Is Trek Next?

A year before Paramount brings Star Trek back to the mainstream in a big way, they are working on another big franchise comeback, Indiana Jones. The Collective is keeping a close eye on how Paramount market this year’s big Indy movie to gain insights into what we may be expecting for next year. We will have a full report in June, but today offer an example of just one bit of the Indy media blitz…racing promotion.

TrekInk: Review ST:NF#2 + News On Comics DVD

This week we have a review of the second New Frontier comic from Peter David, where he continues the story of the stolen prototype timeship. Plus, we have news on a new DVD, coming out later this year, that will have digitized versions of every Trek comic from 1967-2002. And IDW are branching out from Trek into Trek parody with their new Galaxy Quest comics!

Paramount Announces First Blu-ray Titles – No Trek (Yet)

Over two months after being the last studio to announce support for Blu-ray, Paramount has finally announced titles, but so far no Trek. The initial five Blu-ray releases (coming out between May 20th and June 3rd) are catching up on previous films released on DVD like There Will Be Blood, and Cloverfield. Then, starting on June 24th Paramount will issue its first Blu-ray title on the same day as the DVD, “The Spiderwick Chronicles” with ‘more to follow.’

TrekInk: Review – DC Fontana’s “ST: Year 4: Enterprise Experiment” #1

Following closely on the heels of the classic Original Series episode "The Enterprise Incident" comes "Star Trek: The Enterprise Experiment," a comic book sequel by the same writer, D.C. Fontana. This week we review the first of the five issue mini-series telling the story of the experiment with the Romulan cloaking device stolen "The Enterprise Incident." Plus we have news and previews on upcoming comics

Library Computer: Retro Review “Enterprise First Adventure” + Pocket’s 2009 Book Plans

We are a year away from seeing JJ Abrams Star Trek origin story, and so this week the Library Computer journeys back to 1986 to look at how the books tackled this moment in (non canon) Trek history with "Enterprise: The First Adventure," by Vonda McIntyre. Also this week we look forward with news on 2009 Trek books coming out of New York Comic Con.

The Collective: NY Comic Con – Tricorders, Gorns, and Sulus, Oh My!

At the New York Comic Con this weekend, Diamond Select Toys has revealed their (previously announced) Original Series era Tricorder toy, the final piece of DST’s TOS ‘landing party’ set. They also announced their seventh retro action figures set to be of Sulu and the Gorn, both of which are new designs (but in the MEGO style). Images, details and pre-order info below.

The Collective: First Look At Big Kirk

Captain James T. Kirk is bigger than life and now, his action figure is too. Diamond Select Toys today provided the first image of their new Ultimate Quarter Scale line Kirk action figure, first reported by from Toy Fair in February. See below for details and full size image

Library Computer: “Making of Yesterday’s Enterprise” Review + Interview

This week Library Computer takes a look at a number of ‘making of’ books for specific Star Trek episodes, including a review of the latest one about making the classic TNG episode "Yesterday’s Enterprise." We also have an interview with the author Eric Stillwell (who co-wrote the story for the episode) where he discusses both the episode and his time working on the TNG staff.

Shatner Hopes Abrams’ Trek Movie Will Save His Trek Novels

AOL Movies has a new interview with William Shatner covering the new Boston Legal episodes (where he reveals Denny Crane will be running for president) his upcoming autobiography (which he says will have you “laughing out loud”) and of course Trek. Shat talks about how he feels about not being in the new JJ Abrams Star Trek film, but how he hopes the movie will give new life to his Trek novels.

Library Computer: The Enterprise Relaunch + Exclusive Preview Of “Kobayashi Maru”

Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the NX-01 may have cut their TV adventures short, but they continue in print. This week’s Library Computer takes a look at the Star Trek Enterprise releaunch including an exclusive sneak peek at the next fall’s "Kobayashi Maru," written by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin, as well as a tease on next year’s Romulan War books.

The Collective: New Master Replica Pre-Orders

The latest museum quality prop replicas from Master Replicas (which were announced at last month’s ToyFair) are now available for pre-order. This year MR are offering the Starfleet Assault Phaser (from Star Trek V and Star Trek VI) and the Mark IX Science Tricorder (from DS9, VOY and TNG feature films). Both ship in October, but often MR products sell out with pre-orders. More info below.

Library Computer: “Terok Nor – Day of the Vipers” Review + Author Interview

Strip-mining a planet to the bone has to begin somewhere. This week the Library Computer reviews "Day of the Vipers", the opening salvo of the Deep Space Nine prequel "Terok Nor" trilogy, from which any would-be planetary overlord might learn a thing or two. We also have a mini-interview with the book’s author and some thoughts on the works of Arthur C. Clarke.

The Collective: First Look at 2009 Calendars

Is it 2009 yet? While the next feature film is 408 days away, Trek fans can get ready to start checking off those days with the new 2009 Star Trek Wall Calendars which are now available for pre-order. Just like 2008, there will be a Kirk era calendar and another in the popular CGI art "Ships of the Line" series. has got some details and sneak peeks of the two new calenders.

TrekInk: Review “New Frontier” #1

TrekInk this week breaks into a "New Frontier" with the first issue of Peter David’s "Turnaround" mini-series (due out this week).  This story introduces an action-packed tale of Edward Jellico, Mackenzie Calhoun, and a stolen ship with a fancy new propulsion system. A must-have for fans of the New Frontier novels, but what about those new to the storyline?