Watch: Patrick Stewart Scalping Olympic Tickets With Simon Pegg In Funnny or Die Video

The only Star Trek TV captain not appearing at this week’s Star Trek con in Las Vegas is Patrick Stewart. And now we know why. It appears that Mr. Stewart is too busy in London making big money as an Olympics tickets scalper (or touter as they say across the pond). Watch the new Funny or Die video with Sir Patrick below, which also feature’s Star Trek’s Simon Pegg.

Michael Dorn Looking To Fans To Fund Romantic Comedy With Star Trek Actors

In May TrekMovie broke the news that Michael Dorn, Star Trek’s Worf, was planning to launch a production company and Kickstarter campaign to help fund a romantic comedy starring other Trek actors including his TNG co-star Marina Sirtis. Now Dorn has launched the campaign and announced his cast. You can watch his intro video and get more details blow.        

Watch: Wil Wheaton & William Shatner’s Dueling Narrations For NASA’s New Mars Rover

Once again NASA looks to Star Trek to help tell their story. Today the space agency released two versions of a video about the Curiosity Rover (aka Mars Science Laboratory) which is scheduled to touch down on the surface of Mars next week. And to satisfy fans of different generations one version of the video is narrated by original Star Trek star William Shatner and the other has Next Generation’s Wil Wheaton. Watch both below.        

CBS Offering Free Replacement Blu-ray Discs To Fix Star Trek: TNG Surround Sound Problem

Since the release of the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation on Blu-ray last week there have been a number of fan complaints about audio issues related to the surround sound track on some of the episodes. Today CBS has officially acknowledged the issue and offered to provide replace discs free of charge. More info in the official statement from CBS below.

Watch: LeVar Burton’s Star Trek TNG Event Q&A + Responds To ‘Jheri Curl Geordi’ Viral Image

Earlier this week in our review of the Star Trek: The Next Generation theater events we also reported that TNG actor LeVar Burton surprised fans at the Times Square theater screening in New York. Video of Burton’s Q&A with the fans. Burton also tried to clarify that an image from the set that has gone viral is not him.

Bakula & Sirits Joke About Getting Into Next Star Trek Movie

Also showing up at the Saturn Awards was Star Trek alums Scott Bakula from Enterprise and Marina Sirtis from Next Generation. Both were asked about the new JJ Abrams Star Trek films and (of course) both said they would love to be part of the new feature films. Sirits also took issue with one element of the 2009 movie. Excerpts below.       

Review: Star Trek: The Next Generation Theater Event + LeVar Burton Defends Wil Wheaton At NYC Event

Last night CBS and Fathom Entertainment held special one night only theater screenings of two episodes from the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. This celebration of the 25th anniversary of the show was also a way to promote today’s release of the first season of the show on Blu-ray. TrekMovie’s John Tenuto share’s his thoughts on the event with a recap and review, including some tidbits shown that aren’t on the S1 release. Also find out what LeVar Burton had to say about Wesley when he attended the NYC screening.

Watch: SDCC Star Trek: TNG S1 Blu-ray trailer + Best Buy & Amazon Pre-order Drops To $60

The first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation hits stores on Blu-ray next week. A new trailer for the set was shown at San Diego Comic Con and it is now available online. You can watch that below plus see an extended trailer for the theater screenings on Monday. CBS has also launched a new Facebook app which lets you put yourself into various Star Trek scenes. Finally the pre-order price has dropped to $59.99

Preview Of Star Trek Comics For October – Including New Newspaper Strips Collection + 3 More titles

IDW has released previews for their Star Trek comics coming in October and it is going to be a busy month with four different books (not including variant covers). Included is the first collection of the Star Trek newspaper comic strips. Check out details and covers for all the Star Trek comics below.

Interview: Mike & Denise Okuda On Star Trek: TNG Blu-ray Season 1 + New Images

The first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation will be released on Blu-ray in just a couple of weeks. Mike and Denise Okuda are working on the project of bringing TNG into the HD world and they took some time out to talk exclusively to TrekMovie about the project. The interview is below, along with some new images released today for Comic Con.

Writer: Star Trek TNG S2 Blu-ray To Include Extended “Measure of a Man”

In one month the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation will arrive on Blu-ray. Season 2 is due in the Holiday season. And it appears that one of the cool bonuses for set being considered is an extended version of the courtroom drama episode "Measure of a Man." This news was revealed by the original writer of the episode, Melinda Snodgrass. Details below.

New Trailer + Promo Images For Star Trek: TNG Theater Screenings In July

On July 23rd, just one day before the release of the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation on Blu-ray, theaters across the USA will be showing special screenings of two HD episodes of TNG along with bonus materials from the new set. There is a new trailer promoting the event, so check that out below plus some promo images and details on how to get tickets.

LeVar Burton Re-Launches Reading Rainbow As iPad App + Flashback To RR Visit To Star Trek: TNG Set

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s LeVar Burton is also famous for his 21 seasons as the host of the kids show Reading Rainbow. After PBS stopped airing reruns of the series in 2009, Burton was determined to bring it back. Today Reading Rainbow was re-launched as an iPad app. More details and LeVar’s video intro below. Plus we flash back to 1988 with a video from when LeVar and Reading Rainbow went behind the scenes on Star Trek: TNG.

Watch: Entire 5 Star Trek TV Captains Panel From Philadelphia Comic Con

A couple of weekends ago, all five Star Trek TV captains appeared together at a convention, at Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con. For the first time ever, William Shatner, Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula were on the same stage together. Watch the full thing (almost one hour) below.

Video of the Day: Last 10 Seconds of Every Star Trek: TNG S1 Episode + Reminder: TNG Screenings Tix Available Now

Our video of the day is another popular viral from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and just in time for the release of season one on Blu-ray. An intrepid fan has compiled the last 10 seconds of all of the S1 episodes into a single compilation. See all the feel-good TNG fun below. Also a reminder that Star Trek TNG S1 is available for pre-order and tickets are available now for the July 23rd screenings of TNG in HD at local theaters in the USA.

Want Digital Version Of Star Trek: The Next Generation Pinball Machine? – Help The Kickstarter Campaign

Another way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation could be headed to your PC, console or mobile device, but this one needs your help. Game developer Farsight Studios is an expert in digitizing classic pinball machines and they want to bring the Star Trek: TNG table to your, but need to get financing to cover the licensing. So they have gone to Kickstarter. If you give them a hand with $10 or more, you can be the first with a copy of the game.