
Review: ‘Shatner’s World’ On Broadway + Opening Night Pix

Last night Star Trek’s original Kirk William Shatner opened his new Broadway show "Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It" (which will be going on the road for a US tour next month). This new one-man show is an evolution from his 2011 tours in Australia and Canada. TrekMovie was in New York to see if it was Shat-tastic. Read the review below, accompanied by photos from opening night. 

New Commercial & Details For Shatner’s One Man Broadway Show [UPDATE: US Tour Dates Announced]

Yesterday, we learned that William Shatner’s Negotiator character is being retired. But that doesn’t mean the Shat will ever retire! A new commercial for the “William Shatner’s World: We Just Live in It” Broadway one man show is now available. Watch it below, along with more info on the show. 

Video and Pix Of Paramount Rose Parade Float With USS Enterprise

As reported earlier, Paramount Pictures had their first float today as part of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. Celebrating their centennial, the studio’s float featured some icons from Paramount films, including the USS Enterprise soaring over the Paramount mountain and gate. See video and images of the float below.

William Shatner’s ‘The Captains’ Showing At Canadian Theatres Thursday + Canada TV Next Week

If you are a Canadian and feel left out of all the fun with William Shatner’s new Star Trek documentary The Captains, now you are in luck. The Captains will be showing on movie theaters across Canada tomorrow (Thursday) and will also be showing on Canadian TV next week. See below for details.

Star Trek Burlesque Shows In NYC (Friday), Milwaukee (Saturday), Toronto (Sunday), & Chicago (September)

If you are an adult and like to mix risqué performances with your nerd passions, then there is some good news for residents of NYC, Chicago, Milwaukee and Toronto.  Summer is coming to an end and apparently that means it is the season for Star Trek Burlesque. There are four burlesque companies putting on Trek-themed shows: New York (tonight), Toronto (tomorrow), and Chicago (starting in September). See below for details [ADULT CONTENT WARNING].

Leonard Nimoy’s Emotional Star Trek Vegas Con Farewell + Spiner Reveals Simpsons Role + More From Saturday

Last weekend’s Star Trek convention in Las Vegas included a very emotional moment from the normally serene Leonard Nimoy as hid bid farewell to the Vegas con for the last time. The day also featured a number of other Trek luminaries including Kate Mulgrew, Brent Spiner, Terry Farrell and more. See below for details and pictures from last Saturday.

Koenig: Straczynski Negotiating To Bring Back Babylon 5 + Walter Compares Bester To Chekov [UPDATED]

Appearing at the Las Vegas Star Trek convention over the weekend, Star Trek’s Walter Koenig broke some news for another franchise: Babylon 5. Koenig says that B5 creator J. Michael Straczynski is currently in negotiations to develop more Babylon 5. Walter also compared working on B5 to Star Trek, details below. [UPDATE: Straczynski denial]

Star Trek Las Vegas Con Preview (including TrekMovie Panels) + Watch Panels Streaming Live

This Thursday the annual big Star Trek convention kicks off at a new location with an impressive line-up of celebrities, events and more, including a number or fan panels. See below for a convention preview, plus details on how you can watch many of the big panels panels live over the web.

Exclusive Video: William Shatner On His (Unseen) ‘Star Trek’ Scene & Appearing In Sequel

Last week at the Epix outdoor screening of The Captains in Los Angeles I had a chance to talk briefly to William Shatner about that Star Trek 2009 scene written for (but never shown to) him. Bill wondered why they never showed him the scene and said that he would consider returning to the role of Kirk, even for a short scene as a recording. Watch the video interview below.

Video of the Day: The Federation Will Not Be Televised

The Star Trek viral video of the day comes from the San Francisco theater group The Dark Room who have re-imagined a classic Gil Scott-Heron song into the video "The Federation Will Not Be Televised" all to promote their upcoming live Star Trek performances of "The Way To Eden." Check it out below   

Jim Beam Me Up! Jim Beam Sends One Lucky Trekkie to Star Trek Las Vegas

Jim Beam has answered the prayers of one enterprising Trekkie who had launched a Twitter campaign to convince them to send him to the big Star Trek convention in Las Vegas. David Taylor, aka @SciFi_core is the first unofficial official Trekkie sponsored by Jim Beam to attend a con, and he’ll be in Vegas this August asking people how bold choices in their life have landed them where they are today — a Trekkie twist on Beam’s current ad campaign.

SDCC Crowd Sings Happy Birthday To Sir Patrick + Orci Reveals Alien Truth + Quinto & Lindelof’s Fringe Audition

TrekMovie has put together some fun Star Trek celeb stuff from Saturday at San Diego Comic Con including photos of Patrick Stewart and video of the crowd singing him happy birthday. Plus Bob Orci reveals the truth about a government conspiracy, and finally video of Zachary Quinto and Damon Lindelof "audition" for Fringe. 

Leonard Nimoy Makes It Official: Retiring After Just 3 More Conventions [UPDATED]

Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy has been talking about (and dipping in and out) of retirement for the last couple of years, but today he made it official that he will retire from convention appearances after two more official Star Trek cons (Las Vegas in August and Chicago in October). More details below. [UPDATE: Nimoy also slated for Dragon*Con]

Comic Con Guide To Star Trek Merchandise Exclusives & First Looks

The big San Diego Comic Con kicks off this week. In addition to the  Star Trek celebrities appearing on various panels (see previous article), Comic Con will also feature a number of Star Trek licensees offering sneak peaks at upcoming Star Trek products and exclusive Comic Con Star Trek items. Some will even be offering signings with Star Trek celebs including William Shatner and Roberto Orci. See below for the full breakdown.

Photos & Video Of Trek In The Park “Mirror, Mirror” + Portland Mayor Declares July Star Trek Month

Over the weekend Portland’s Atomic Arts Theater Group held their third annual "Trek in the Park" event with free performances of the classic Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror." At the event Portland’s Mayor declared July as "Star Trek Month." See below for a photo slideshow of the event plus video.

No Paramount Star Trek Comic Con Panel But Shatner Brings The Captains + Full Trek Guide To SDCC 2011

The official schedule for San Diego Comic Con was revealed this weekend and (no surprise) Paramount has not scheduled a panel for the Star Trek sequel. However, William Shatner and Avery Brooks will be at SDCC for The Captains, plus there are a number of Trek celebs there for other projects. See below for a full breakdown of events plus list of Star Trek licensee booths. [UPDATE: Added events for John Cho & Zachary Quinto] [UPDATE 2: Added Bakula, Patrick Stewart, Bob Picardo]

Con Report & Photos: Star Trek New Jersey 2011 – Dorn, Nichols, Visitor, Auberjonois, Trinneer, Keating + Shatner & more

Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek convention in Parsippany, NJ was already set to be a fun con, but then William Shatner showed up with a camera crew and made it even better. See below for’s full report on the con with details and pictures of celebrity guests Michael Dorn, Nichelle Nichols, Nana Visitor, Rene Auberjonois, Connor Trinneer, Dominic Keating and more.

Creation Developing New Fan Reality Show With William Shatner – Pilot Shooting At New Jersey Con

It looks like The Captains may not be William Shatners "final farewell" to Star Trek. Friday at Creation’s official Star Trek convention in New Jersey, Shatner began shooting the pilot for a proposed new reality show called "Fan Addicts," which will be centered around fans attending Creation shows. More exclusive details and photos below.